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Our Dog Is A Cat

Guest cwholsin

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Guest Stripeyfan

Honestly, 3.5 months is not long enough for a grey to open up to you. When we got Kelly, he was very quiet and reserved and we were told it would take a minimum of 6 months for him to come out of his shell. 1 year later, after a prolonged bout of illness which made him get really withdrawn, it has just started to happen, but he is still what I'd call fairly independent. He gets excited for his walks and food, is incredibly loving and has play sessions daily but also spends a lot of time on his bed, asleep - quite often in another room. He doesn't get on the furniture and won't come upstairs so usually we have to go to him for cuddles rather than the other way around.



However, when he does go crackers he really goes for it and it's so funny and worth the wait! (See siggy pic below for an example!) So stick with it, you'll discover Hermes's inner goofball in time!smile.gif

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Make sure you're not projecting your emotions onto him. When he's standing in the hall looking around, he may just be thinking about what he wants to do - Hmmmm. Should I lay on *that* bed or go get a drink of water? By calling him to you, you help him decide. But I doubt he's really sad or indecisive at that point. Mine will often stand around, and if I leave them alone, they will go do what they want - lay on the bed, or get a drink, or step on somebody else's head, or some bug me for pets. As much as we anthropomorphize greyhounds on GT, they really don't feel emotions like sadness - they deal in the here and now, and sometimes the near future or the near past.





Let me tell you that Bernie does this a lot! (And we've had him exactly 2 months and one day thus far - he came home on October 2nd.)


He will stand in one room and stare at different things - or he'll stand somewhere else while I'm trying to tell him that it's dinner time and he has a whole bowl full of food!


I guess that, because I was told by so many people that the full personality of a new Greyhound emerges in nearly a year, I'm not really concerned about his odd behaviors within his first two months. I don't see the post right now - but I think you mentioned that someone told you to expect to see his personality within a few weeks? Possibly because you went into his adoption with that in mind, you are more impatient B)


But, keep in mind that Greyhounds are a more 'mopey' breed of dog. They don't always keep their heads up, and they can have sad expressions on their faces.


...Recently, Bernie has been interested in us rubbing his snout. We figured this out one day as he was laying down, but more recently, when he's walked up to us, we've been rubbing it then. He stands there, still, and lets us rub it. I think a lay person may say, "What's wrong with that dog?" because he's not wagging his tail, getting excited, etc. But, even with a typical sad look on his face - when I see his tail curled, and with the fact that he stands still to let me rub his nose, I realize that he is happy :)


Hermes and Bernie are still both adjusting, and I think we are adjusting to them! :colgate

Lauren the Human, along with Justin the Human, Kay the Cat and Bernie the Greyhound! (Registered Barney Koppe, 10/30/2006)


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Sometimes my pups will stand near the door like that immediately after a walk if they realize they still have unfinished business and need to go back out to relieve themselves.


My first boy was extremely reserved and independent (not the least bit shy). He was very confident. He seemed to like the man of the house okay (and other men), but not me (or any other women). This was because he was used to having male handlers. It took him 4-5 months to even pick up a toy. He did so only after we brought in a second hound that he watched play with toys (a young, playful foster). Our boy is extremely intelligent, and watched us, but he was not trusting enough of humans to allow me to teach him much obedience, at first. It probably took about 6+ months of me slowly working to gain his trust before I even attempted to teach sit, etc. (He was already trained to heel perfectly on leash.) Early on, I didn't get too close to him unless he was standing up, and never bent over him. Greyhounds are not used to being bothered (hugged/kissed) while resting in their crates in racing kennels. They have no idea what people are going to do to them when they are approached in a home. (I let sleeping dogs lie.) Long story short, I saw amazing, positive changes with him every few months within the first 2-3 years. He started trusting me more at his own pace. He learned how to let go and play with toys, play with our other hounds, do zoomies, pounce up and down with his front paws to demand dinner (his idea!). I nearly fainted when he planted his first tiny kiss on my face, which probably took over a year... I melted! Now, he's is a total love! He completely loves me, trusts me, he physically hugs his neck around my neck to show affection, and chatters his teeth in happiness. He continues to give us kisses but he doesn't overdo them....they still have very special meaning. He still loves his daddy too, but he has become a total momma's boy! :) He is even more special to me because of his history.:inlove


It sounds like your boy is doing great to have already been able to grasp so many commands and tricks this soon. He may just need more time to adjust to being an only dog for the first time in his life, and living in a home and family. Greys are so intelligent, super sensitive, they do feel emotions, and even confident hounds can take a while to adjust. He'd probably enjoy seeing other Greyhounds for walks or playdates, if that's an option.

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Guest cyndiandsaoirse

We have had our Saoirse for 9 1/2 years, and she is quite similar to Hermes. Here are some things we went through, and might be helpful to you:

1) Saoirse definitely decides how she wants to interact- still at the age of 12. Some days she wants to be doggie, some days not.

2) my husband took a long time to get over the "she's not a dog" thing. One thing that helped them bond was nighttime belly rubs. He sits in the floor and she comes and flops down next to him and raises her back leg. He will sit with her for as long as she wants. She is not a snuggler, but this is her way of showing affection and getting it.

3) my dad sits out in the backyard when we visit them. She loves my dad- she has always had a thing for older men. They sit in the sun and enjoy each other's company.

4) Dremel time is another time for closeness- Saoirse loves having her nails done, and she also gets lots of rubs at the same time.


Glad to hear you recognizing that while greyhounds do seem to make adjustments during their first year with their family, they all have their own individual personalities, and that's what makes them so unique and wonderful.


Stop worrying about him and enjoy every new day. The bonus of a laid-back dog is those times when they surprise you by being silly and affectionate. ;)

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Guest weycoolgrey

Sounds like a typical greyhound to me too :) We have a six year old (who we adopted when he was 2) who sounds similar to Hermes - is kind of a loner when he wants to be, yet has bursts of playfulness. Then we have a 3 year old (who we adopted when she was 10 weeks old) who still bounces off the walls, thinks she is a lap dog and tries to sleep on my head every night. Two very different hounds, but they are who they are :lol

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An after thought as far as pleasing goes; I thought it was I who was adopted by them to do all the pleasing. Hummmm, something is sure sounds fishy to me.:colgate



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Guest momofevie

You've already received wonderful feedback and suggestions from the others, so I'll just suggest maybe trying a greyhound-only obedience class and/or taking part in greyhound volunteer activities or events.


My Evie is very much like Hermes, which is ideal for me, but the obedience classes did wonders to strengthen our bond. And while Evie will always be my independent, only child, I can see that she really does enjoy our outings with other greys, which makes my heart happy.


As the others have said, it's still very early. Give yourself and Hermes time to naturally develop into who you're meant to be as a family. Good luck!

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He seems exactly like Phoenix. Phoenix isn't shy, he's just a bit reserved and very cat like. He's not a snuggler, He's very laid back; so much so that after I first adopted him, I used to wake him up every once in a while to make sure he was still alive. HONEST!~ He only shows real enthusiasm with a few people, and it took well over a year for him to take treats from my hand. Having said that, 3.5 months is nothing! Hermes will change; Phene is still changing and I adopted him 8 years ago! Relax and be patient :).

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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Guest lasharp1209

Like someone else said... they are such sensitive dogs they DO pick up on emotions so easily. So if this is something that is stressing or worrying you at all, he may be picking up on that and it may make him even more uneasy. Relax!! Let time do its thing... and enjoy learning about him as he learns about you. Blade never was a "reserved" hound, but his personality has certainly changed this year, and will probably continue to change the more we continue to get to know each other.


A lure pole is a GREAT game/toy for greyhounds - it is Blade's favorite toy and makes him SO very happy!


Have you considered fostering? I know you said you are not in the position to get a second dog, but could you foster? Hermes might really enjoy being around another greyhound even if for a short time.


Good luck!

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Guest TBSFlame

I have to ask...


How long have you had him???


Just three and a half months. He's a young'n at the age of 3. I understand that greyhounds are lazy, calm and quiet dogs (and I really love that about sighthounds), just wondering if anyone else has experience with a dog that's not quite shy but not really outgoing either--just waffles back and forth. I'm happy to let him be what he wants to be, if he never gets very playful then I'll just make sure the next dog we get loves to play with me instead! If he was a totally shy dog, I guess I'd know that he'd eventually come out of it but the waffling back and forth between being fine and happy and being insecure and stressed (our friend pointed out that he was 'grimacing' and the tightness in his expression eased when we tried a little training) that confuses me. He'll have days where he really feels like he's a part of the family, and the next day he'll be reserved all day long and ignore us. I know dogs have 'off' days so I don't worry too much about it. I know he'll keep changing--I guess I'm just wondering about other people who have seen/had dogs who go back and forth. More of a 'I feel sad that he's still not quite feeling like he fits'


He's going to stay with us, regardless, I guess I just wanted to hear about how other dogs have changed and their personalities come out and relax and start to get snarky and silly. I've seen little bits of that from him, but they're few and far between. I've considered that maybe I'm spending TOO much time with him and he needs space to come and seek us out when he's feeling stressed--or to try the training trick that erased the stress on his face the other night.


Flame was here 5 years before i ever saw him try to play. He looks very strange when he tries to play now. lol. He can get worried if things are not just so. Beecher was known as the a lazy dog and would rather stay home and rest upside down. He was very loving but liked his life simple. Tessie was here 3 years before I ever heard her bark. I never did see Tessie play with a stuffie b/c if I caught her she would stop. She was a secret player. Tessie spent most of her time on the spare bed and often if I went in and lay down with her she would get up and leave. lol. A couple of times a day she would show up and nose me for some loving on her terms and when I fulfilled her needs she would go back to the bed. I now have several greyhounds who love to cuddle and play. They are always in for a game of stuffie keep away or stuffie toss. Memmie is always touching me. She follows me everywhere and will stand and bark at me if I am not doing what she wants me to do (like sit down so she can put her head in my lap). lol. She has done that since the beginning. Jeremy is a happy barky boy who loves to play and cuddle. Riley is still very much a puppy and loves to play. Those three play together a lot and it can get crazy but it never last long. 1 min. of play = a 3 hour nap. lol. All three want my lap to nap in. When they start to play Flame heads for the back room. Star lays right in the middle of the room and dares anyone to step on her. If you like the greyhound breed there are more active cuddlebugs out there. I think your hound sounds normal to me for a sighthound but they are not all like that. When you adopt again be sure to tell the group what you are looking for. Maybe foster, that way you will know the dog before you adopt.

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Guest LindsaySF

Congrats, you have a Greyhound. :D


Seriously though, it doesn't sound like there is anything wrong with him. I highly doubt he is uncomfortable or not happy, despite what your trainer friend says. (Does your friend have experience with Greyhounds or other sighthounds? They really are quite different).


It sounds like this is just your dog's personality. Some dogs never enjoy training, never "want" to please you, don't want to interact with you 24/7, etc. Some Greyhounds are very independent and aloof, it sounds like Hermes is one of those dogs. That's not to say that years down the road he might not decide he loves toys and go crazy playing with them, it's happened lol.gif, but I really think this is just his personality.


To use my own dogs as an example... Teagan is similar in personality to Hermes. He sleeps in his bed 23 hours out of every day. We taught him to sit using treats, but he didn't care for any other training. And he doesn't really care about being praised or getting petted most of the time. Sometimes he doesn't eat his dinner, sometimes he doesn't get up to go out with the other dogs. He's not shy or scared, he's comfortable in his bed and he just doesn't care. lol.gif He's been this way since I adopted him at age 2 (he's now 6). The things that always get him up though (and I'd worry he was sick if I got no reaction from him) are chicken jerky, leashes for walks, and the lure pole.


The complete opposite to this would be Rogan. He's up my butt all day every day. rolleyes.gif He loves me and wants to make me happy. My praise means the world to him. He constantly has his head in my lap, he rubs against my legs, and if he's not getting the attention he wants he'll nip me in the butt. mad.gif He also has separation anxiety from people, me mostly. He's come really far in the time I've had him (a little over a year) but he'll probably always be insecure and needy, it's just his personality.


Is Hermes an only dog? Sometimes another dog can help to make them more interactive, willing to play, etc. Teagan does play in the yard with the other Greys, and he didn't used to when he was an only Grey. You won't see a 180 degree difference, but he might come out of his shell a little bit if there is another dog (especially another Greyhound) in the picture.





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Guest Sunset123

It'll happen, slowly but surely. Arrisa's been with us for about 11 months now and I'm only recently realizing how her personality has changed. She's much more comfortable around us and even has started cuddling in bed.


For a few months she would NOT play with toys or even show interest in chews like bully sticks. I was baffled because the note from her foster family said that she loved toys, and she even came home with a huge bag of them. Finally she opened up and got used to us, and now she's big on playing both by herself and with me (tug, fetching, etc.). Interestingly, she doesn't tend to like to play with my husband-- I think he hasn't spent enough time getting used to exactly how she likes to interact.


I don't know if it would help, but Arrisa is a VERY spunky girl and loves playing with other greys, especially the boys. When she's with a group none of the others ever have enough energy for her. If you ever want to do a playdate to see how Hermes acts with a more playful dog around (maybe it would get him out of his shell?) let me know. You can send me a PM.

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I haven't read all the responses, but 3 1/2 months is NOTHING. You need to relax and let Hermes adjust and open up to you at his pace. He may never be the affectionate dog you were hoping for, or he may surprise you. Come read this in about 6 months, and I bet you will be wonder why you were ever worried. It takes some dogs YEARS to fully come out of their shell. IMO, that is part of the fun of owning a retired racing greyhound.


Of course, if you want to get another dog that is more suited to your needs, and Hermes likes him/her, that may be a good solution. I have 2 IGs and I was very happy when I got the first one b/c he was so cuddly. Riley would tolerate cuddling, but he was pretty independent. Now I have Legs (greyhound) and he is even more cuddly than the IGs, so it is possible!

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Guest BonnieW

I'm so glad you started this thread. Reading all the comments has been very helpful for me as well. I have had Draco three months now and see a lot of Hermes in him. I didn't realize until reading here that it could take so long for them to come out of their shell. Draco will enjoy training one day and the next just stand there and give me that "stare". As if he were thinking, oh please, are you serious, I have better things to do right now. LOL


I can now stop fretting so much thanks to the input here on GT. I do love him dearly and also like the fact that he is low maintenance by not being so needy. I'm sure you and I will enjoy watching them "bloom" as we continue to get to know them. Oh and I've got to search the threads so that I can learn how to make the lure pole they mentioned for you...Thanx again for this thread, it's been very helpful for me.



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Guest cwholsin

I am all for the idea of fostering dogs for both Hermes benefit and also for the fun of teaching a dog about being in a house. The only catch is that I have to get the DH on board lol.gif


If we do get another greyhound down the road, I think we will opt to foster or adopt on a trial basis and see what kind of dog we're getting before making the commitment. We love Hermes and he's beginning to love us, but I'd like to know a bit more about a second dog--plus we'll want to make sure he/she fits in with the house dynamic and Hermes before adopting anyway.


In our county, there's a greyhound group that does monthly walks and some other activities that we've really enjoyed attending (Arrisa's mom and dad go there too). It's the only time Hermes really gets to see other greyhounds. If we had the space and the backyard for it, we'd probably be looking at adopting right now--I've felt since we saw how Hermes was with other dogs that he would prefer to live with another dog. He may be a little lonely for dog on dog interaction.


I'm glad that Hermes' bipolar days are nothing to be concerned over. He's just starting to get the hang of purposefully sitting or laying down near somebody. Hermes favorite form of affection is resting his head against my chest for head and neck rubs, it's definitely a sign of trust on his part. It's especially wonderful when he comes up and does it himself.


We'll keep going with the training and I'll see if I can work on the hubby about letting us foster a dog.... I'd love for Hermes to get more one-on-one time with other greyhounds.


I haven't looked up how to make a lure 'pole', but for Hermes I tied his favorite stuffie on a string and dragged it around the house. The first time, he wasn't into it but the next couple times we tried it (after he was up, relaxed, and excited) he was definitely into it and was jumping and pouncing after it... SO cute!! I'd like to make one that we can take out to the park so he has more room to play and so we'll have to make something with an actual pole for that... time to google!


Bonnie, I'm glad this has also helped you! It's good to get affirmation that your dog is doing just fine and not to bother about the moody spells.


He sounds 100% greyhound to me!:P


:nod And the perfect dog :wub:


He is perfect....except his resistance to being housetrained!! Once we get that one down, he'll the model citizen!

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One thing I want to add...I'd always had active mixed breed dogs before adopting the extremely mellow Phoenix. Until I got to know more about the breed, I was convinced that he hated me. If you're feeling that way, please know that it's just the way they are :).


Like others, he didn't really start to come out of his shell until I adopted #2 1.5 years later. I'm not suggesting you do that; it's a big commitment, but he was quite reserved until he met bridge angel Loca.

Edited by robinw

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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Guest Tic_Tac

Sounds like my girl Tic Tac. She won't even sleep in the bed with me. She did the first few weeks I had her, but quickly decided she prefers the crate, for whatever reason. I never really snuggled with her, she doesn't like that. I learned to just reserve snuggles for mine and my boyfriend's Pit Bull, Marley (he stays with my boyfriend so snuggle time is limited). Tic Tac shows very little interest in me, unless I have food or the leash. She likes to go outside and chill, but not really walk. She LOVES other people and wags her tail for them. She prefers men to women. She does wag her tail a lot inside when I talk to her, though. This has happened a little more every day. She sleeps all day and won't play with anything. She knows basic commands, just not sit. The only time I see her excited is when headed outside or when she runs with Marley. She only pays attention to me when she is scared or nervous, because she trusts me, I would guess. She will hide behind me or lean against me. I've only had her about 7 months, so I am hoping the longer I have her the more she will open up. It's just a slow process.

I'm glad for our Pittie, because I get that fun dog to play with and snuggle with, but I wouldn't trade my greyhound for the world!

Good luck!

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Hey there -


I was going to make the same offer as Arissa's mom - we are in the area and Penny is a friendly hound who'd be up for a play date. We haven't been to the monthly walks in a while because of my work schedule, but would love to meet you.


I agree with the suggestion of an obedience class, too - especially because it seems like he learns quite quickly! I know that we felt like we really bonded with Penny while we were in class, and it helped her sort of "get" the idea that we might ask her to do things and she would get good stuff in return!


For the lure pole, try a longe whip used for horses - you can find them at McKenzie Feed or Tack 'N Up in Springfield.

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Guest avadogner

hermes mum,

Your getting a lot of good advice here and the general theme is that greys take a while to show that outgoing personality you saw at the track. He was chilling with 50 of his buds and the fact he reacted strong to you shows that he does really like you. Initially we didn't really want a black dog but low and behold, the dog who wanted us the most was my beloved black princess Ava. Now black hounds are my fav. She did EXACTLY what Hermes did. She was all personality at the track and freaked out at home. It took over a year but she is a cuddle bug now. She doesn't always come when I want her and is a bit more cat like. We specifically asked for a Beta male and ended up with Augie who is the opposite. It is really nice being the center of his universe but when I briefly leave the house, he gets so freaked out. He has bad SA and I unable to go anywhere alone in the house. Sometimes it's like, could you give me a moment of privacy dude? He's getting better but it will take him time to be okay just like it took Ava time to be interested in cuddling us. Hang in there girl, I know from chatting with you that you adore Hermes. I think we probably have similar issues with being detail oriented (or as my DH affectionately says Martha Stewart OCD) and I imagine you just want him to be as happy as possible. You seem to be right on target for the a new hound. It's hard to be patient waiting for that personality to bloom a bit more but it is so much sweeter when he does. He's never going to be a hyper lab and I think you knew that but he's still shell shocked from loosing his frat brothers and moving out of the greyhound frat house. He's now a civilized single guy who needs to mature a bit. I'm always willing to chat with you if you like.

-ava and augie's mum

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You're getting a lot of really good answers. First let me say I am glad to know you will stick by Hermes. He really does sound like a real love, in his own houndly way. Secondly, I am sorry that you feel pained and frustrated with his adjustment and perhaps his nature.


I know I told you about my Stella in answer to one of your previous questions, so let me tell you about Simba this time. He is a very smart, sweet, big, boisterous and confident boy, and that's what showed at the adoption kennel. The first few days he was home, he slept so much I was worried that I'd brought home a zombie dog. He was an absolute gentleman, but it became clear that he was pretty shellshocked to be in an environment so different from what he'd known.


Two things I think helped were easing up on training and setting up little rituals for affection. For example, Simba knows that when we first come downstairs in the morning and I start the tea kettle, we have a cuddle session.

His priorities and interests have clearly shifted since he first came home: initially, it was sleep eat walk; now it is sleep love eat play walk.


Just for awareness, Simba my confident grey took six months to feel comfortable getting up on the couch, and a little longer to actually snuggle up with me on the couch -- he does that joyfully every night now and I cannot wait to come home from work for that moment. It took him over a year to jump up on my bed, and he sleeps there every night now. He never chattered until a few weeks ago. None of the long wait for these things I wanted mattered, really -- he was happy and content the whole time. It really is just part of the blossoming into pet life.


I don't know the Latin for it, but pretty sure there should be a greyhound motto that says, "Through patience comes joy."

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Guest krey1025

I just wanted to echo the thanks for starting this thread - it's been interesting reading about all of the experiences everyone has had and definitely put my mind at ease with my new boy Peet. He's been with us a little less than a month, and though I know he is definitely not a shy or spooky guy, he is pretty laid back at home and is just starting to play a bit - actually, tonight he attacked a skein of yarn and went nuts. It was the first time I've seen him really react that way to a toy. It's good to know that there isn't anything to worry about when all he wants to do is lay around and isn't interested in playing for hours on end (yet?!).


I've said a few times to my husband that maybe we should get another dog. Peet gets a long fabulously with his cousin Otis (a Boston) and his personality comes out much more when they are together. Luckily for now they live nearby so there are lots of regular visits.


I think I'm going to check out some obedience classes - that's one area I think we could use some work with and I love the idea of bonding even more with him while both of learn!

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Guest cwholsin

Hey there -


I was going to make the same offer as Arissa's mom - we are in the area and Penny is a friendly hound who'd be up for a play date. We haven't been to the monthly walks in a while because of my work schedule, but would love to meet you.


I agree with the suggestion of an obedience class, too - especially because it seems like he learns quite quickly! I know that we felt like we really bonded with Penny while we were in class, and it helped her sort of "get" the idea that we might ask her to do things and she would get good stuff in return!


For the lure pole, try a longe whip used for horses - you can find them at McKenzie Feed or Tack 'N Up in Springfield.


Great to meet another Lane county greyhound family! Do you guys use any of the dog parks in the area? We usually take Hermes for some play and running on Saturday and Sunday every week (weather depending). We'd love to meet up sometime!


Definitely going to make a lure toy for Hermes, day 2 and he's still bouncing after our homemade one! It's awesome to have something that gets his attention and encourages him to play colgate.gif

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Guest cwholsin

hermes mum,

Your getting a lot of good advice here and the general theme is that greys take a while to show that outgoing personality you saw at the track. He was chilling with 50 of his buds and the fact he reacted strong to you shows that he does really like you. Initially we didn't really want a black dog but low and behold, the dog who wanted us the most was my beloved black princess Ava. Now black hounds are my fav. She did EXACTLY what Hermes did. She was all personality at the track and freaked out at home. It took over a year but she is a cuddle bug now. She doesn't always come when I want her and is a bit more cat like. We specifically asked for a Beta male and ended up with Augie who is the opposite. It is really nice being the center of his universe but when I briefly leave the house, he gets so freaked out. He has bad SA and I unable to go anywhere alone in the house. Sometimes it's like, could you give me a moment of privacy dude? He's getting better but it will take him time to be okay just like it took Ava time to be interested in cuddling us. Hang in there girl, I know from chatting with you that you adore Hermes. I think we probably have similar issues with being detail oriented (or as my DH affectionately says Martha Stewart OCD) and I imagine you just want him to be as happy as possible. You seem to be right on target for the a new hound. It's hard to be patient waiting for that personality to bloom a bit more but it is so much sweeter when he does. He's never going to be a hyper lab and I think you knew that but he's still shell shocked from loosing his frat brothers and moving out of the greyhound frat house. He's now a civilized single guy who needs to mature a bit. I'm always willing to chat with you if you like.

-ava and augie's mum


It sounds like Hermes may be getting some greyhound girlfriends to hang out with soon, so hopefully that's a good time!


Yeah, I've already come a long way to being much more relaxed so as not to make Hermes more nervous! It's hard to say "Okay, I'm not going to be a control nut today" haha! I hope you've been feeling better lately :P



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