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Dog Seems Out Of Sorts All Of A Sudden

Guest fringepup

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Guest fringepup

We've had Willie for almost a month now. Aside from a little separation anxiety and crating issues, he has been showing signs of improvement. Our routine has been in place and nothing out of the ordinary going on with him. He had been on antibiotics for badly skinned pads which are doing okay and he had his last dose last night with his dinner. Noth strange happened last night. We woke up this morning as usual and Willie immediately seemed 'out of sorts'. I took him out to potty and all of a sudden it was like he couldn't use the steps. When I got him down (he is always on leash when it's this early and dark) he was going around in circles and almost seemed not the know where he was. I though maybe he has an upset tummy. We go back inside and he is still acting strange, pacing, looking around, seemed confused. He is interested in food so I only gave him about only a cup which he ate no problem. Then he is still pacing which is strange for him. Usually he will lay down immediately after eating. So I took him out again. He finally pooped and peed but he seems to be in a daze. He has finally settled down a bit on his bed as he would normally do. Any thoughts out there as what is going on? After only having him for a month, I'm not sure if this is just one of those greyhound things or if something is wrong. I apprecaite any advice. Thanks

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Guest greybookends

How old is he? What you describe sounds like it could be some kind of a mild seizure or stroke. It could also be that he just isn't woke up yet and is just a bit out of sorts like we can all be sometimes. I would keep an eye on him and if he doesn't seem to get better or even just for your own piece of mind take him to a vet. Tho today could be hard and expensive given it's a holiday. I hope he is his usual self quickly.

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Guest fringepup

How old is he? What you describe sounds like it could be some kind of a mild seizure or stroke. It could also be that he just isn't woke up yet and is just a bit out of sorts like we can all be sometimes. I would keep an eye on him and if he doesn't seem to get better or even just for your own piece of mind take him to a vet. Tho today could be hard and expensive given it's a holiday. I hope he is his usual self quickly.


Thank you for sending your thoughts! I'm so glad someone is out there! Willie will be 3 in January. He is our first(and only)greyhound and while we had a dog prior (but she passed away) we are still in the 'getting to know his quirks phase'. He seems fine now, resting comfortably on his 'kitchen bed' with me here. I have been looking at posts on siezures and am thinking the same as you are. When he was acting strange, I checked his eyes, ears, his feet (since he had skinned his pads a week ago) and his gums. I did notice that his gums may have looked a little pale, but I can't 100% be sure. They look better now to me - more color to them. We are close with a couple involved with the local rescue and have reached out to them for advice as well. It's hard to explain exactly how he was acting, at first I thought maybe he couldn't see - which I would think siezures too. With any luck it was just a fluke thing. Since he has settled down, I'm not as worried as I was a couple of hours ago. Even if all goes well the rest of the day today, I will be placing a call to our vet anyway just to let her know what's going on. I'll post an update later. Thanks again and Happy Thanksgiving!

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Guest fringepup

I understand how you feel. A call to the vet is a good idea to see if they think it might be worth a once over. :grouphug


Agreed. I am sure the office is closed today, but will call first thing tomorrow as long as he is fine the rest of the day. If anything else happens,we will go to emergency hospital. Thanks again! It's reassuring having a friend here. I'll keep in touch!



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Guest greytloves

Did he perhaps get into something that you have not discovered yet? Check out your house to see if anything looks out of place.


Really think back to see if there are ANYTHING that has changed in the last few days. Company? A lot of time gone? Little things.


Does he have a history of any tick born diseases? Checked for them? Don't know? If you don't know, contact the adoption group and see if they test and what they were.

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Guest 4dogscrazy

Well, they are quirky, and do sometimes act strange. I have a fearful one, who will decide on a whim that she positively can not go out the door. Thankfully, she does not potty in the house ever, so I just let her work the stuff out in her head. She goes out eventually on her own with no pressure. I also have a separation anxiety dog, who will just stand and pant at me sometimes in the evening. That tells me she's having a bad day, so I try to distract her with treats and some extra attention. Sometimes I adjust her anti-anxiety medication if it goes on for a couple days. I've had them for a long time, so I usually know what the problem is. But it's only been 2 and 1/2 years for me, so the memory of panic attacks is still very fresh in my mind! I understand completely!!


While I know very little about seizures, except the severe ones, it does sound like it might be something medical, so it's good you've got plans for the vet. Greyhounds will scream if someone bumps them, but they are also very stoic about deep pain, so he might have pain somewhere. Another thought that popped into my head: did he get into anything he shouldn't have eaten? My dogs are notorious for acting up around the holidays and doing unusual things. For example, at Halloween my lab ate a 5 pound bag of blue tootsie rolls! :blink: And...then...promply threw up blue vomit all over my tan rugs, through the whole house. Now, the barf was a blessing, because I did not have to induce, but !!! Blue Vomit!!! Just a thought. Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!


PS problems only ever come up on the holidays or weekends!! :)

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Guest fringepup

Did he perhaps get into something that you have not discovered yet? Check out your house to see if anything looks out of place.


Really think back to see if there are ANYTHING that has changed in the last few days. Company? A lot of time gone? Little things.


Does he have a history of any tick born diseases? Checked for them? Don't know? If you don't know, contact the adoption group and see if they test and what they were.


Excellent question! I have been checking around the house. His sleeping area (in our bedroom) is fine and we were with him all night. But I will keep looking. In fact, that was the first thing I thought - that he got into something overnight. As far as tick born disease I don't know. I have what medical records they have and it doesn't say.


As I mentioned in my original post, he was/is suffering from separation anxiety and we have been crating him. After a couple of 'poop' accidents in his crate (and two baths) he is doing much better. My husband and I both come home during the day (times vary but are close) when we work so he does get a break from the crate. So far...knock on wood, he has been doing great over the last two weeks. He doesn't even carry on (barking, whining when we leave anymore) I just got back in from taking him out again. He was fine with the steps and pooped again, which was fine. He has lost a few pounds but had a bad bout of diarrhea a couple of weeks ago. Vet said not to be too concened yet with him losing a few. Now with this incident, we are wondering if there is an underlying issue with him. We will get him looked at.

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Guest 4dogscrazy

Okay I read it again and I too am thinking seizure. I had a Sheltie that had about 2 severe seizures a year. After he had one, he would pace and pant and seem confused. He always had to go to the bathroom too, but I would have to put him on a leash in my yard because he would wander in circles. I would also gate him in one room otherwise he would wander around endlessly in the house. If he was confined he would lay down. Definately a trip to the vet, but keep in mind he will get better as the day goes on (if that's what it was) and the vet won't be able to tell you much. Seizures are controlled by how many they have. The Sheltie wasn't on any medication, because he only had two a year, like clockwork in June and Nov. He had liver damage, so his was a build-up of something in his blood. He lived a long time, but his liver finally failed at 12. There are many many topics on here about seizures, all different kinds, but I would not get upset yet. Just make sure you keep an eagle eye on him, and double check that he didn't get into anything that might have made him sick. One of mine got an ant trap once, thankfully I saw him before he chewed it up much. Ant traps in the garbage that day!! Keep us posted.

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Guest Stripeyfan

This doesn't sound like quirky behaviour to me – I wonder if he could be pacing and seem 'out of it' because he's in pain. If he had bad diarrhea recently I would check for parasites - Kelly had a bad parasite infestation when we first got him (which has left him with IBD), and the first we knew of it was when I got up one morning to find him pacing, panting and unable to lie down because they'd got to the point where they were causing him major discomfort.


I hope your pup feels better soon and it's nothing serious. grouphug.gif

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Okay I read it again and I too am thinking seizure. I had a Sheltie that had about 2 severe seizures a year. After he had one, he would pace and pant and seem confused. He always had to go to the bathroom too, but I would have to put him on a leash in my yard because he would wander in circles. I would also gate him in one room otherwise he would wander around endlessly in the house. If he was confined he would lay down. Definately a trip to the vet, but keep in mind he will get better as the day goes on (if that's what it was) and the vet won't be able to tell you much. Seizures are controlled by how many they have. The Sheltie wasn't on any medication, because he only had two a year, like clockwork in June and Nov. He had liver damage, so his was a build-up of something in his blood. He lived a long time, but his liver finally failed at 12. There are many many topics on here about seizures, all different kinds, but I would not get upset yet. Just make sure you keep an eagle eye on him, and double check that he didn't get into anything that might have made him sick. One of mine got an ant trap once, thankfully I saw him before he chewed it up much. Ant traps in the garbage that day!! Keep us posted.



it never fails, either your kids or your dog will seem wierd on a national holiday or when you go away on a vacation!


my welsh terrier, who lived to the ripe age of 14, had seizures(grand mal). there were irratic and i never medicated him. he usually snapped back a couple of hours later, usually after a good night's sleep. once our 11 year old dog walker came in and found him shivering in the middle of an episode. she figured it out, let him out in the yard and carried him to her house and kept him wrapped in a towel. nature will take it's course. if he is still acting wierd on friday, call or visit your vet. i personally stay away from meds unless it's a situation where the dog needs to be stabilized and is having recurring episodes very frequently.


willies used to end his seizures w/ barf and diaherreah, he used to back up to the door trying to get out and poop on the door if i wasn't home@! keep your puppy (you have a young one :rolleyes: )quiet in the kitchen and it's difficult, but try to enjoy the holiday.

Edited by cleptogrey
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Guest fringepup

Thanks to everyone for coming to our rescue with your kind thoughts and great advice! Willie seems fine now (thank God!) but I did leave a message at the vet's office and will call them again tomorrow morning if I don't hear back. You are all right that nothing happens during the weekday! My husband, Willie and I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving! Will post again once we talk to our vet. Maybe what we find out can be useful to someone here too!


Thanks again!


This doesn't sound like quirky behaviour to me – I wonder if he could be pacing and seem 'out of it' because he's in pain. If he had bad diarrhea recently I would check for parasites - Kelly had a bad parasite infestation when we first got him (which has left him with IBD), and the first we knew of it was when I got up one morning to find him pacing, panting and unable to lie down because they'd got to the point where they were causing him major discomfort.


I hope your pup feels better soon and it's nothing serious. grouphug.gif


Another excellent question. He did have a fecal test on Nov. 4th and all came back negative. But who knows? That doesn't mean he didn't pick up something since. I will ask the vet about that as well. Thanks!

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In preparation for the vet visit:

-write down a description of what happened and length of episode and any other episodes or strange behavior

-video tape the event if it happens again


Maybe this was an episode of "vestibular disorder". :dunno


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

tiny hada siggy.png

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Write down everything you can remember about this "episode", including approximate time and date. By keeping a journal you will be able to establish a pattern if it happens again. It's good information for your vet to have. Most dogs who have epilepsy or seizure disorders will be between the ages of 3 - 5 years of age. I'm not saying that's what it was but it sounds like it might be. I'd get in to the vet for blood work after the holidays for sure.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest fringepup

I do have everything written down. Thank you for the suggestion. Willie seems no worse for wear at the moment. He even romped in the snow we got this morning in Eastern Pennsylvania. He is drinking water and very anxious for his next meal. All of which I am taking as a good sign that whatever happened to him this morning is over. We will still talk to his doctor tomorrow and pray whatever this is never happens again. Our thanks to everyone again for taking the time with us today.

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They do usually go right back to normal after a seizure. Saint can have a grand mal, horrible and about an hour afterward you would never know he had it.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Another excellent question. He did have a fecal test on Nov. 4th and all came back negative. But who knows? That doesn't mean he didn't pick up something since. I will ask the vet about that as well. Thanks!

I hate to mention this but... A negative fecal doesn't mean that they don't have worms. (For some reason, vets don't generally tell people this.) Fecals detect eggs; if they're not in the egg-shedding part of their cycle, they won't be detected. This isn't to say that I think your dog probably has worms, but just that it's something you should know.

Edited by greyhead
Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Guest fringepup

Another excellent question. He did have a fecal test on Nov. 4th and all came back negative. But who knows? That doesn't mean he didn't pick up something since. I will ask the vet about that as well. Thanks!

I hate to mention this but... A negative fecal doesn't mean that they don't have worms. (For some reason, vets don't generally tell people this.) Fecals detect eggs; if they're not in the egg-shedding part of their cycle, they won't be detected. This isn't to say that I think your dog probably has worms, but just that it's something you should know.


Thanks. I didn't know that. I will inquire. One of the posts from Stripeyfan mentioned a parasite infection. Another greyhound in the group we adopted Willie from apparently had hookworms. I don't believe that these two were fostered together, but the thought did cross my mind. I'm happy to report that today has so far been a normal day - although he woke me earlier than usual. I am hoping his doctor is in today. We have had experiences in the past with the other 2 vets in the practice and we really like the one. If she is not in and nothing else happens I'll wait to talk with her. She knows him the best anyway since she has seen him twice since we adopted him. We took him the week we adopted him and when he skinned up his pads a week and a half ago. And he likes her too. Thanks again for the info on the fecal test.

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Guest greytloves

Before you go to the vet, find out if they did tick borne disease panel from the adoption group. You really need to find that out and if not, the vet may want to run one. We see a lot of those here and I would really think you should ask about that. Most are easily treated with a round of an antibotic called Doxycycline.

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Guest fringepup

Before you go to the vet, find out if they did tick borne disease panel from the adoption group. You really need to find that out and if not, the vet may want to run one. We see a lot of those here and I would really think you should ask about that. Most are easily treated with a round of an antibotic called Doxycycline.


Hi! I will try to find out and will mention to the vet. I went through Willie's medical records yesterday and there is nothing there that relates to tick borne diseases (that I could tell anyway). Of course the doctor we prefer to speak to is out until Monday. But since Willie has been his usual self, we will wait. Should something else happen before then, we will go elsewhere as soon as possible. Thanks!

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How is Willie? Better, I hope!

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest fringepup

I spoke to Willie's vet on Monday afternoon. She said they don't really treat dogs with only one seizure unless it happens again soon. She said to keep an eye on him and if anything happens again to contact her as soon as possible. She feels is there were an infection of some sort that he would more than likely still be showing signs he is sick. I am happy to report that Willie has not had another episode since Thanksgiving. He is fine at this point and we will continue to monitor him. We are giving him some extra calories through the addition of some wet food and will take him for a weigh-in soon to see if he is gaining back the few pounds he has lost. I will soon have to add a pictute of him because he is a handsome boy! I hope everyone is doing well since I last posted. Until next time! Thanks.

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:yay :yay :yay Yay! Pictures, please! :yay :yay :yay

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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