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Indoor Exercise

Guest alf7199

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Here's my lure pole. I think both Xan's and mine and everyone else's serve the same purpose but the difference from using the lunge whip to other things like PVC pipe is probably the weight. The lunge whip/stuffie is very light and you only need one hand to operate it. Definitely very well suited to women!



PS Ignore the stupid expression on my face, I'm concentrating. :lol

Edited by OwnedBySummer


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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Guest lasharp1209


I thought about tying it on but went the velcro route instead, so that she can "catch" it and proudly run off with it to "kill" it. I didn't want her taking the whip with her. How do you find it works with it permanently tied on instead of removable?


I would think it depends on the dog, and how they play with it. Blade will catch it and run off with it too... but he loses interest pretty quickly since it isn't moving anymore. He does tend to lie down on the whip to "kill" his stuffy and I can't get it out from under him, but he's starting to catch on that the quicker he stands up, the quicker we get to start playing again.


Initially I tied it on just because I wasn't sure if he would like it or not, and I wanted to be able to return the whip if he wasn't crazy about it. And now I'm mostly just lazy :lol I do like the velcro idea though, it seems like it would work well.

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I kind of like the velcro idea, or some kind of break-away, though it would pretty much be a game ender the way Pogo plays. That's another reason the pvc pipe works for us. He'd break one of those whippy things in about 2 minutes! :lol He's such a bruiser (literally!) It's not too heavy, though a slightly lighter-weight version wouldn't hurt. It's just what we had lying around.


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Guest alf7199

No advice here, just wanting to commiserate. This will be our first winter with Enzo in Utah (welcome!) - (we're not on any mountains like you, but still very high elevation in Utah Valley) and we're trying to figure out what the best way to exercise him will be. Our grades aren't as steep as yours, but man, some days are just pure misery outside here. Good luck! There's a dog park in Sandy, by the way, and I bet if you are able to run your baby a few times a week it will help him stay tired ;) Feel free to PM me if you'd like a weekend dog park buddy, on nice days at least!



I've taken my girl to the sandy park a few times! However, they recently switched it from grass to bark(for a little while anyway until rennovations are finished) and she has a really hard time. I think the bits of bark hurt her feet, she acts so uncomfortable the whole time! I don't know where in Utah Valley youre from(im in springville) but there is a HUGE grassy fenced in area in provo that I take my dogs to and they love it! PM me if you want directions, its great for my grey to run around in!!


I would love to know where the area is in Provo, that's about 30 mins from me (Suncrest at the top of South Mountain). I am not able to PM, yet so here is my "dumping" email... thefrappiers@yahoo.com directions to the grassy field would be great! Thanks!!

Edited by alf7199
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Guest alf7199

In my house we have a lofted area so I tied a stuffy to some rope (figured I'd try this before the lure pole to see if there was any interest), sent Reve to the room below to see what he would do... He went crazy!! He was snapping and chasing and having a great time!! So off to buy something stronger then my hand and now I know I can do it inside as well as in the yard. Thank you for the wonderful idea!!!


We are going to explore with scent work and hide-n-seek this week!

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Message sent! ;)


Could I have directions to this mystery grassy area in Provo too? I've never seen it, and I'm right there! The only grassy places I've seen that are fenced say no dogs :( lmichellejo@gmail.com :D

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Guest greytgravy

I know daily walks are good for doggies... but with all I have heard from our neighbors that may not be an option this winter (or any that follow) while living in our new house. We bought a house on a mountain in Utah. Our neighbors have told us that the snow/snow drifts can get up to 6 ft and sometimes bigger. :blink: Also, the sidewalks and roads are not always clear. And sometimes you can't see through the snow/fog. :eek So, we have a fenced backyard which he uses to go potty and sometimes zoomies. He gets his meals in the Kong Wobbler. When we leave he is crated with a muzzle on and a stuffed Kong. We are working on SA... boredom... being alone... I don't know what to call it anymore. :lol We do stair exercises, up, command, treat, down, command, treat, repeat. But I am looking for more ideas because I know it is going to be a long winter. When the weather and circumstances permit, we will be going on walks even for 10-15 mins everyday, just to get out. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!


Have you tried "keep away"? I do that with Cam if he gets the zoomies at like 1AM. I sit on the floor or couch and entice him to play the "go around mama game." I just do it for about 10 minutes, when he uses up all that conserved energy from his zoomie nap break and he's out for a bit. I also play tug with a specific toy, it's the purple frog from Petsmart, that he likes to play fetch with, too. He tends to destuff toys rather quickly so he plays fetch by himself. If he sees I'm in the middle of a phone call and I'm not giving him proper attention, he starts throwing the raggedy toy. Then I get off and give him tons of keep away and tug time. He gets tired without having to knock everything off his self-created race track.


We do that in the apartment all the time when my sugars go wacky and going outside is not gonna happen that day. It keeps him focused, too. Mind going as check directions of how I play with the toy. He's panting by the end, goes to get something to drink, and sleeps hardcore.

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Guest Nebride

"Hide and Seek" is a fabulous indoor game that gets the dog to trotting around the house. Put your dog on "stay" (or have someone hold him) in one room, then hide somewhere in the house and call him. He'll have to use his nose to find you. If you reward him with treats or lots of love, he'll come running faster to find you. Good luck!

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You can make a lure pole out of just about anything resiliant -- I used a bamboo rod.


My dogs have enjoyed indoor hurdles. My former house had a long indoor hall where I could set up a series, but even a couple set up in different doorways are fun. We used paper grocery sacks laying on their sides, filled with recycled newspapers. That way no injuries if a foot hits a hurdle.


Utah winters -- maybe time to try freestyle dog dancing?


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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