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Hermes Update

Guest cwholsin

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Guest cwholsin

I am happy to say that Hermes' inexplicable weight loss is reversing!


I don't know how many pounds he's put on, but we're seeing positive changes in his body. He's less ribby, and his backbone is less prominent!


At our vet visit to check numerous things, he had gained a pound over his weigh-in earlier this month. Here's hoping he keeps getting his condition back so we can go back to running about at the dog park!


We've wormed him, and he's getting extra hamburger and rice with breakfast and dinner (lucky boy) and we'll keep doing that until this batch runs out and we'll see where we are then.


Thanks for your hugs and support for Hermes, he's looking a lot less insubstantial and more manly again ;)






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Glad to hear! Two of my boys lost weight after we got them - I thihk it was just the adjustment.


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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Guest avadogner

Yeah Hermes!!!! I'm so happy for your mummy! I know she was so worried over your odd weight loss. We went to grain free for Ava to get more calories in her since she eats tiny portions. She's loving it and we are also adding ground venison (from DH hunting stash) to keep her interested. Yeah! I thought we were going to have to start a group with Bill. (Dinners with Bill has been a long running famous thread on here). :thumbs-upGive Hermes a big Paws Up from Ava and Augie. I also send a big hug for his mummy! :grouphug I bet Hermes is glad to get back to his runs and squeaker killing.

-ava and augie's mummy

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