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Taking Orion On Vacation!

Guest Avisher224

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Guest Avisher224

We currently live in Florida and are planning on taking our boy Orion to visit family up north (in Ohio) for the holidays and I wanted to see if anyone has any tips on traveling with your grey. We'll be driving so I want him to be comfortable!


Also, he's obviously used to a pretty mild climate here so I'm wondering if the cold will bother him. I'm planning on getting him a fleece jacket for chilly nights and mornings here but I'm wondering if that will be sufficient for outside time in the cold up north?


Additionally, we have a fenced yard so he's used to just going out by himself to do his business, however at my mom's she has an invisible fence, so I will have to take him out on his leash. I'm a little concerned that he'll have trouble knowing this means "potty time" not "we're going on a nice long walk" (which is what getting his leash out now means). Should I somehow work on this with him before we go?


Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom!

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When we visit Grandma's house, she doesn't have a fence so Summer has to do her business on the leash, too. At the very first visit, we bumbled around and we did have a pee inside. I also think she was anxious, as we hadn't had her very long at that time. But then she picked out a "pee spot" and we were good to go, no more accidents.


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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dog coats, food and bottled water are all you really need.


the rest will work itself out. kennel dogs are great on long hauls, my gal emily was hauled all over as a racer and when we traveled she emptied herself at my frequent bathroom stops and jumped right back into the truck. we also did a long haul when felix was 7 months old, he learned very quickly that he needed to sleep. we had 2 greys in a 2 door honda civic one way, and the jump seat of the toyota tachoma the other way- ny to bloomington. they also loved running in the long hallways of the deserted motels we found.

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You may well need more than a fleece jacket (if you mean single-layer fleece). I'd definitely want a real winter coat -- imagine 20 degrees, windy, and snowing. (Unless you're talking about southern Ohio; I'm not so familiar with the climate there.) You may have mild days but it can also be pretty brutal. Plus your dog will not have had a chance to acclimate to cold temperatures along with the season.


We potty on leash almost all the time, so I don't know about the issue of your dog's expectations -- but I'd decide on a set route if it's just a quick potty walk and stick to that; in a few days Orion should get familiar with the routine and learn he has X amount of walk to do his business in.

Edited by PrairieProf

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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I taught my "kids" the "get busy" command. Whenever you are walking and they pee I say, "get busy". If they poop I say, "get busy pooping". Both now understand that when I need them to go, they need to go. Good luck!

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Guest greytlady93

I've travelled around the country with all of my dogs - usually with 3 or 4 at a time. I usually pack both fleece and raincoats. Heavier stuff if in the dead of winter.


Since you will be walking for turn outs, you will be much happier if you use bottled water. If you don't, be sure you pack good walking shoes and warm coats for youself as you will be spending extra time outside. :rolleyes: I found this out the hard way and have never made that mistake again.


I've also found that a pup that has grown unused to pottying on a lead may have some difficulty adjusting initially. If you don't walk at all now, start. It's a good idea to do some walking in preparation for your trip - just to "practice".


I agree with the suggestion of familiarizing the pups with word cues. It may sound strange, but it works. After all, some walks are for fun and pleasure and travelling as a pack and some walks are at 1AM and you want to get back to bed asap. It helps if you have a way to explain the difference to your pup.


Using the cue word as they go, praising them using the word in a high happy voice helps to reinforce the cue. The neighbors may think you are a little nuts, but they won't be walking your pup at 2AM in the cold with you...


Enjoy your visit


Best wishes

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I have never had an issue not bringing water from home when on the road. If it is a day on the road, their water to go with them for stop is from where we stayed the night before, or whatever is left in my ice water from our stops.

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