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The Big "n" Day Has Come

Guest Dragonmom

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Guest Dragonmom

In 7 hours Franky the kitty goes for the BIG "N". I'm nervous about it as i have never had a pet go for surgery. Franky is one of my mama cat's Princess's kittens, so i have had him since birth. I'm sure everything will be fine, but i'm still a nervous kitty mommy. Keep him in your prayers for me. Him and Bella are best buddies so i'm worried she will be so upset with out him around if anything happens.

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The big N is a walk in the park compared to a spay and if he is going in to your vet I wouldn't fret at all. I had a foster dog that the groups vet only used Dormitor and the reversal that was not pretty.


Best wishes for Franky. grouphug.gif

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Guest dogdaze

I'm sure Franky will be fine. Our Larry cat was done last November and by the next day he'd forgotten all about it. All the best, Franky.

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Guest PhillyPups

Good luck to Franky. Male neutering is a standard procedure - DonnieDude was uneventful. :goodluck


I must be confused, I thought you got the puppy fixed this spring.

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Guest Dragonmom

Good luck to Frankie. Male neutering is a standard procedure - DonnieDude was uneventful. :goodluck


I must be confused, I thought you got the puppy fixed this spring.

Franky is a cat. i couldn't find a home for him so he stayed. him and Bella have became buddies so he is here for good.

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Guest Hannah

:grouphug: the big N is absolutely nothing to a spay.


After her spey Holly was drunk as a skunk, couldn't control her legs and was off playing with the faries :lol


Linus (kitty) was my first ever boy pet so when he went for his big boy surgery I was expecting the same as with Holly, drunk and spaced out.


I was very very dissapointed. he was wide awake and bouncing round like nothing had happened at all :blink:


I asked and was told he was behaving normally :eek apparently at that age (he was 7 or 8 months old) they get just enough anasthetic to knock them out, then a shot of local to the dangly bits, a quick shave then snip snip and its all over. no stitches or anything, no followup unless he started to have problems (he didnt). the biggest problem was the car ride home, it was raining and he was determined to get out of his box and kill the windscreen wipers :rolleyes:

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Guest PhillyPups

Good luck to Frankie. Male neutering is a standard procedure - DonnieDude was uneventful. :goodluck


I must be confused, I thought you got the puppy fixed this spring.

Franky is a cat. i couldn't find a home for him so he stayed. him and Bella have became buddies so he is here for good.



I know Franky is a cat, don't you have a puppy too?? Maybe I am confused. How did Franky make out??

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Guest Dragonmom

Good luck to Frankie. Male neutering is a standard procedure - DonnieDude was uneventful. :goodluck


I must be confused, I thought you got the puppy fixed this spring.

Franky is a cat. i couldn't find a home for him so he stayed. him and Bella have became buddies so he is here for good.



I know Franky is a cat, don't you have a puppy too?? Maybe I am confused. How did Franky make out??

Tucker was the puppy. Franky is from a litter of kittens my cat had last fall, thank fully only 3. He is home and loopy. His neuter got pushed back a couple hours due to an emergency. They told me to expect him to be stoned for a good while yet as they had given him a 24 hour dose of pain meds. he gets more tomorrow and right now is sobering up in my room away from the dogs.

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