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Guest FatCatSkinnyDog

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Guest FatCatSkinnyDog

This is a cross post from another board. The woman has a grey/lab mix and is having some serious issues. She was referred to a behaviorist who wants payment, up-front, before they even discuss making an appt. The poor woman is at her wits end and needs to fix her pup. I asked her if I could post this here and, even though the pup is a mix, I know that some folks here have both greys and labs or at least have experience with both. Any ideas would be most welcome!! Thank you in advance!


She has had two "attacks" since April. It is not acceptable. The behavior can not continue, so if it means hiding it from DH until after the fact, Im all for it. Let me give you an example of what Lane does. On Sunday, we had company and I had her on the leash since it was a new person in the house. Everyone is looking at me like I'm a bad pet owner because she's on lockdown. I should've trusted my gut and not listened to them. Anyway, I let her off the leash, and let the guy know that any loud noises or sudden movements set her off. Everyone got up to go outside to the pool and she "rattlesnake" nipped him in the back of the leg because he got up very quickly from a sitting position. It's just absolutely unnacceptable.
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First off, she needs to find another behaviorist.


Second, this pup should not be allowed in social situations if she is that unpredictable. She should be crated or baby-gated in a quiet room away from the hub bub. If the dog needs to be in the mix, she should be muzzled. She should never be left alone or unsupervised with kids - period - and probably never with non-family members. Forcing the issue is only going to get someone really hurt and the dog will be at the short end of the stick. Don't put the dog in a position where she will fail.


There really isn't enough info in the post to do more than generalize.

Is she "attacking" from fear? From aggression?

Are they actual bites that draw blood? Are they discipline or play nips? Is she mouthy at other times when she's excited like when people come home or during play?

Is it only men? Only strangers? Everyone?

Does she have other anxiety issues? Are there other behavior issues?

How old is the dog and how long has it been in this household?

Is she a rescue from a adoption group, or an all-breed shelter, or a pup from a "breeder" (of coyote dogs or other hunting mixes)?


Most importantly, is this family willing - and able - to work through her problems?

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Guest GoingRogue

I agree with greysmom. There really isn't enough info but there has to be an underlying problem that's not being noticed. I'm a believer in Cesar Milan. He is a dog god!!! Maybe she could get in touch with him for some advice as well. Best wishes to her and the dog and I really hope they can work through it.

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Guest SusanP

I, too, am wondering how long they've had the dog and if she's behaved this way from the start. If it's a new problem, I'd have the dog in for a vet exam/bloodwork to rule out medical problems.

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Guest Bean_Scotch

I happen to be a trainer and with the information that's given to me here..I see one thing..the dog doesn't trust her. He doesn't trust her to protect him from that intruder in his house. They really need to consider an obedience class or something similar, even with the dog alone and maybe only 1 or 2 others. She needs to build up the trust in her dog before she can expect the dog to trust her.


He needs to be taught to sit nicely when people come in the door. the people coming in the door should have food and 'prove' to the dog that they are good people and not going to do anything 'bad'. JMHO anyway. I don't see this as a very hard problem..I think she's just frustrated that it's not getting fixed, but she's not attempting to fix it properly which is what needs to be done in this situation and is also leading to her frustation.

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I know that they make nice basket muzzles for other breeds of dogs, which might work if the dog has a muzzle that doesn't quite fit the standard greyhound variety. I do think that keeping her elsewhere (in a kennel, x-pen or gated off room) is better for the immediate fuuture, but wonder if there might be some separation anxiety issues that might cause this to be an issue. I agree that if she is that reactive with teeth, all "intruders" into the house or her territory need to be protected by a muzzle if nothing else.


I like Bean_scotch's suggestions too. Do some training with the dog so she knows that her people have everything under control and *they* will protect her if need be. And start working with her in small doses to make "strangers in my territory" a good thing, even if it starts by "look someone's at the door - we go over here and get a treat without even seeing the person" until people can come in and become part of the "good" thing happening.


Good luck.



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