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How To Wrap A Wound On The Side?

Guest onedollar

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Guest onedollar

Monica ripped her side open in the yard last night. I have cleaned it, applied triple antibiotic ointment, etc. several times. It looks pretty good. It isn't bleeding but it is a little oozy and it needs to be covered. The problem...it is on her side in the middle of her body where her chest is deepest and also where her tuck begins. When I try to wrap her with anything, vet wrap, gauze wrap etc, it ends up slipping back toward the skinny part of her. I have shaved the hair around the wound and am still having a time getting a gauze pad with tape or a large band aid to stick. Any ideas on how to keep it covered? It is about 2.5 inches long, 1.5 inch or so wide.


Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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T-shirt is a great idea. I've also used Surgilast successfully in that area.

Edited by cbudshome


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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I've had a couple of mine with wounds on their sides and an old t-shirt tied in a knot on the back is the best thing. They can't get to the would to lick it, but the would can get air to help it dry out. I've never had a problem with them going after it once I put the t-shirt on.


, Phoenix, Okie, Casey, and Ellie the Galga; with Aggie, Alexa, Bear,Cody, Gianni V., Missy B, Babette, Bernice, and BooBoo at the Bridge

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Guest sheila

a t-shirt is a good idea and if there is any fluid that you want contained you could line the area under the shirt with womens panty liners. That way you could just change those out without having to change the shirt.

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Guest greybookends

Bill is currently sporting a tear in his side as well. He is wearing a set of jammies( I turned down the AC so he won't get to hot)



If you don't have any jammies a t-shirt will do just fine. I hope your girl heals quickly.

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Guest smokenmirrors

Thanks for the suggestions, we will give the t-shirt a try.


Monica sends her love and get well wishes to Bill. :wub:

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