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My Lunch With Dr. Couto

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Guest Categrey

I had lunch with Dr. Couto Saturday after the OSU remembrance ceremony. We talked some about the financial health of the OSU Greyhound Health and Wellness Program and about the website issues that greytalkers have mentioned. Unfortunately, there have only been ¼ the contributions this year versus last year. While everyone realizes that the poor economic climate has affected donations, people still need to be paid. This has created quite a bit of concern from Dr. Couto’s bosses. As you may know, the greyhound program is not funded by the University and is funded solely through donations and grants. He either needs to raise more money or disband the program. He is working on several grant requests and has received an extension to an existing grant. This will fund one of his greyhound veterinarians through February 2010. He is also working on a proposal for a large ($4 million) grant request to fund some new research.


He is quite excited about the potential new research studies on the horizon. One will map the greyhound genome and follow several greyhounds through their lives. They will compare illnesses to the individual’s genome in hopes of recognizing some genetic bases of greyhound medical issues. He has approached the National Institute of Health (human health) with the concept of applying his research to humans (and thus gaining some financial support from them).


In case you weren’t aware, funding for research and funding for the greyhound health and wellness program are two separate things. Funding available for research projects is typically not available for day to day greyhound health issues. Different funding is required for the non-study related expenses.


In regards to the website:


He has heard your concerns and is addressing them. There is a meeting this week to discuss the issues and to look at possible changes.


- Basic information – they are looking at the possibility of putting basic information back on the free portion of the website

- January to December membership – they are hoping to provide pro-rated membership fees (i.e. if you sign up in June you will pay half the fee). This is apparently easier and less costly to implement than running subscriptions for 365 days from the day you sign up

- The possibility of including the registration to the OSU Annual Greyhound Health And Wellness Conference in the annual membership

- They will continue to do consults, even if you are not a member of the program. However, web-based consults will automate the process of obtaining consultation metrics, something necessary in the business plan for the Service. In other words, they won’t have to spend valuable time and money compiling the statistics on the consults that they do.

- Price – they will discuss this. However, they do need to raise the maximum amount they can. Unfortunately, there are no hard numbers predicting how many people will sign up for various price points.

- Fee for consultations – this is something that Dr. Couto really prefers not to do. I didn’t get to talk to him at length about this, so there are some assumptions of my own here:

1) He doesn’t want to turn away anyone who can’t pay the fee. People who need the consults are likely facing large expenses and he wants their greyhound to get the best care that they can. He doesn’t want to impact their care by charging a fee.

2) The logistics for collecting the fee are problematic at this time.


Dr. Couto is the most altruistic veterinarian I have ever met. He could go elsewhere and make a whole lot more money. He is truly committed to the greyhounds and the people who love them.


I want to encourage you to support this valuable program. Think of your subscription to the newsletter and the website as a donation to continue the program. If you ask for a consultation and can afford it, please consider subscribing or at least making a donation.


I just became a member in honor of our Pilot and for our future greys. I admire Dr. Couto so much for continuing the fight against cancer in these beloved animals.Thank you Dr Couto!

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