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Guest BooBooMama

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Guest BooBooMama

I have a little girl coming from the track this Saturday. They are trucking her in from a track in Florida and will bring her to a local Petco to be bathed. By the time she gets here no vets' offices will be open. My vet volunteers his services to the adoption group so members of his staff will be there doing blood collection- but no stool collections. I will have to wait until Monday and bring in a sample.

I will be housetraining her this weekend so she will be taught to go in the yard. Here is my concern- worm eggs can stay in the soil for months. I am freaked that we will have all those eggs in my yard all weekend. Should I just pick up some Panacur before she arrives and administer right away- before a stool check? Also there is another medication. It is a single one dose pill for whip I think. Would it be safe to give her that as well? I normally do not like to give meds if not needed but the likelihood that she will not have worms coming from Florida is slim. What do you think?

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Guest Energy11

Personally, I wouldn't worm her unless she definitely has the worms.


I'd wait until you get a definite diagnosis of worms, and, of course, what type, before worming her. I adopted all of my greys when I lived in Florida, and, believe it or not, NONE had worms :-))


And, if you give Heartguard, or any of the commercial heartworm meds, they do have other meds in there to treat worms. Iverheart Max, even has stuff in there for tapeworms.


Good luck and congrats on the new pup! colgate.gif

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Guest BooBooMama

Personally, I wouldn't worm her unless she definitely has the worms.


I'd wait until you get a definite diagnosis of worms, and, of course, what type, before worming her. I adopted all of my greys when I lived in Florida, and, believe it or not, NONE had worms :-))


And, if you give Heartguard, or any of the commercial heartworm meds, they do have other meds in there to treat worms. Iverheart Max, even has stuff in there for tapeworms.


Good luck and congrats on the new pup! colgate.gif


THANK you! All I could think about was a mine field of worm eggs in the yard and her getting re-infected in 3 months!

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Guest Energy11

If you're worried just take her to poop somewhere else. Actually the #1 way to reduce the worm burden on your yard is to pick up the poop immediately every time and dispose of it properly. No amount of worming can compete with good management practices smile.gif


Yes, that is true. I have poop eaters, so yes, the poopy is picked up everytime they go, OR Goldie is at someone's back end, waiting! sad.gif

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Guest BooBooMama

If you're worried just take her to poop somewhere else. Actually the #1 way to reduce the worm burden on your yard is to pick up the poop immediately every time and dispose of it properly. No amount of worming can compete with good management practices :)


You are SO correct! I always remove the poo immediately- flies, etc. just not healthy. Also it stops them from 'snacking'- a VERY important part of house traing I feel.


If you're worried just take her to poop somewhere else. Actually the #1 way to reduce the worm burden on your yard is to pick up the poop immediately every time and dispose of it properly. No amount of worming can compete with good management practices smile.gif


Yes, that is true. I have poop eaters, so yes, the poopy is picked up everytime they go, OR Goldie is at someone's back end, waiting! sad.gif


Great minds think alike! I read this after I posted my own remark on poo snacking. YUCK.

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Guest twogreytkids

I adopted three of my greys from GPA/Daytona Beach and none of them had worms. They keep their kennel very clean and the kennel worker pooper scoops after every turn out. All of the greys sent out on hauls are in the GPA kennel before they make the long haul.



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Guest LindsaySF

I'll be the odd one out. I routinely deworm new dogs. False negatives are common in fecal samples that are tested (I used to test hundreds that others had missed, so I should know :)). If the dog is not on any heartworm meds yet I would give her Interceptor.


Picking up poo promptly is your best defense to preventing your yard from contamination. Whipworm eggs can last years in the soil, but if you grab the poop as soon as it hits they might not get into the soil. Picking up poo on surfaces such as sand or mulch are ideal because you can get all traces of the poo, and even grab an inch of the substrate underneath to be sure. Hookworm larvae survive in the soil, but they take several days (exact timing depends on temperature) to become infective, so pick up poop right away and you're good. :)





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Guest KennelMom

If you are that worried, worm her. You can do panacur if you want - three days. Or, get a dose of drontal plus. That'll kill everything in one shot and it's easy to give (but not cheap). It's not a given that a track dog will have worms - it depends on the worming schedule of the kennel. Fecals are so hit or miss in finding worms....it's easier to de-worm and be done with it.


Also, what Lindsay said.

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Guest BooBooMama

You have all helped me to make a decision. I have a call in to my vet. My vet tech thinks it would be a good idea to give her Panacur and something for whip right away. The vet is going to call me back so we can discuss. I'll let you know what he says.

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I also wouldn't deworm unless necessary - too many chemicals to give when it may not be needed. Plus not all worms are spread through soil. Mayhem came with tapeworms, those need an intermediate flea host to transfer.

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Slide a paper plate under her when she starts to poop. No worries about worm eggs in the grass then. ;)


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

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Guest 1of42

Where do you guys put the poop after you pick it up? Right in the outdoor garbage can in a bag? Does that start to produce an...extreme odor over time?


My mom brings in her sheltie's poop and puts it in bags in the laundry room trash can...I just don't like the idea of bringing it indoors. :unsure

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Guest mountain4greys

Where do you guys put the poop after you pick it up? Right in the outdoor garbage can in a bag? Does that start to produce an...extreme odor over time?


My mom brings in her sheltie's poop and puts it in bags in the laundry room trash can...I just don't like the idea of bringing it indoors. :unsure


We collect ours in Walmart or grocery bags, and when it's trash night, we put them all in the big plastic trash bags for the trash man.

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Guest Energy11

Where do you guys put the poop after you pick it up? Right in the outdoor garbage can in a bag? Does that start to produce an...extreme odor over time?


My mom brings in her sheltie's poop and puts it in bags in the laundry room trash can...I just don't like the idea of bringing it indoors. unsure.gif


We live in the WOODS, sooo, after the poop is collected in our poopy bucket, we walk out into the woods, and spread the poop. We recycle the poop AND the plastic bags! :-)

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Guest mcsheltie

You have all helped me to make a decision. I have a call in to my vet. My vet tech thinks it would be a good idea to give her Panacur and something for whip right away. The vet is going to call me back so we can discuss. I'll let you know what he says.

Panacur gets whip worms. There is one kind of tape worm Panacur doesn't get. It is a three day treatment. If I was given a choice I'd go for Drontal. It is one pill and gets everything.


Where do you guys put the poop after you pick it up? Right in the outdoor garbage can in a bag? Does that start to produce an...extreme odor over time?


My mom brings in her sheltie's poop and puts it in bags in the laundry room trash can...I just don't like the idea of bringing it indoors. :unsure

I have a bucket with a lid that I put a trash bag in or else I put it in a big dog food bag. On garbage day I put that in another trash bag and out on the curb. The house before I pitched over the fence into the woods... much preferred method B)

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I'll be the odd one out. I routinely deworm new dogs. False negatives are common in fecal samples that are tested (I used to test hundreds that others had missed, so I should know :)). If the dog is not on any heartworm meds yet I would give her Interceptor.


Interceptor is good. Get a heartworm test and, if negative, you could use Interceptor. It's also effective on hookworms, whipworms, and roundworms. Unfortunately, it doesn't work on tapeworms.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Guest budsmom

Gigi, are you fostering for GPA-WI? If so, whoever your foster/adoption coordinator is should be able to give you some Panacur. Also, check her for ticks. The last load of dogs we got from FL had several ticks along for the ride.

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Guest BooBooMama

Gigi, are you fostering for GPA-WI? If so, whoever your foster/adoption coordinator is should be able to give you some Panacur. Also, check her for ticks. The last load of dogs we got from FL had several ticks along for the ride.


Yes, GPA WI is working with my locaL RGA (Kay) and the crew at the track in FL to bring her up along with another female. We are meeting at a Petco where they will be checked for fleas and ticks and bathed. BUT they told me that I had to bring a stool sample to a vet ASAP so it seems they will not be handing out Panacur. My worry is that by the time the dogs are bathed, etc. the vet will be closed on Saturday so I will have to wait until Monday.

If my some miracle we are done at Petco before noon- my vet will be waiting for me so I will be able to rush her in, but I really do not think that is going to happen. My local E-Vet is VERY expensive so I would rather not have to go that route. I spoke to my vet to see if I could pick up meds ahead of time but he needs to know her weight first so I am waiting to hear more details about her.

Speaking of ticks- I have some Frontline. Do you think I should give it to her right away? I worry about loading up a weary, hungry, scared little girl with too many chemicals all at once but parasites will do her even more damage. (BTW I love having you on this site to 'talk' to!) Sorry to be such a worry wart!

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Guest LindsaySF

If you won't see the vet in time, you can get worming meds online and at pet stores. You don't need a prescription. I believe Petco and Petsmart carry Safeguard. (Safeguard is the same med as Panacur).

Panacur gets whip worms. There is one kind of tape worm Panacur doesn't get. It is a three day treatment. If I was given a choice I'd go for Drontal. It is one pill and gets everything

Panacur gets giardia too, which is why I like to use it (though some giardia cases need 5-7 days of treatment). It does take multiple days though and some dogs don't like that it's a powder. Panacur works on the Taenia tapeworm but not the common flea tapeworm. If the dog has the flea tapeworm though you'll know it because you'll see the "rice grain" segments in the feces.

Drontal Plus gets all the worms even both types of tapes (regular Drontal doesn't get whips). It is easier because it's in pill form, but a little more expensive.


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Guest budsmom

Gigi, are you fostering for GPA-WI? If so, whoever your foster/adoption coordinator is should be able to give you some Panacur. Also, check her for ticks. The last load of dogs we got from FL had several ticks along for the ride.


Yes, GPA WI is working with my locaL RGA (Kay) and the crew at the track in FL to bring her up along with another female. We are meeting at a Petco where they will be checked for fleas and ticks and bathed. BUT they told me that I had to bring a stool sample to a vet ASAP so it seems they will not be handing out Panacur. My worry is that by the time the dogs are bathed, etc. the vet will be closed on Saturday so I will have to wait until Monday.

If my some miracle we are done at Petco before noon- my vet will be waiting for me so I will be able to rush her in, but I really do not think that is going to happen. My local E-Vet is VERY expensive so I would rather not have to go that route. I spoke to my vet to see if I could pick up meds ahead of time but he needs to know her weight first so I am waiting to hear more details about her.

Speaking of ticks- I have some Frontline. Do you think I should give it to her right away? I worry about loading up a weary, hungry, scared little girl with too many chemicals all at once but parasites will do her even more damage. (BTW I love having you on this site to 'talk' to!) Sorry to be such a worry wart!



I would probably Frontline her on Sunday after she's had a little time to calm down. If you feel better waiting for your regular vet, I don't think a day and a half will hurt her. I know that most of the last load of dogs we got had both ticks and worms, so we just automatically Frontline and worm all of them now. I'm actually meeting someone in the Dells myself Saturday to help haul some of this load to MN Greyhound Rescue. I just love getting new houdies!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Energy11


All my fears were for nothing- her stool sample was clean and she has NO unusual stools. Yeah!!!!


Well, I knew they would be!!!! You are just ultra sensitive, having lost your baby such a short time ago, and THIS us understandable! Many hugs to you and Deenie! Dee

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