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Uti Questions

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Missy had a terrible UTI...peeing pure blood. Urine showed bacteria and struvite crystals. Put on baytril for 10 days..tested urine in 7 after finishing. Vet did culture and sensitivity as the urine still looked dark. no other symptoms though. Results of C&S showed proteus bacteria..resistant to many drugs including baytril. My DH is picking up medicine, I forgot what it is..She will be on for three weeks. Doing my reading...I read that some bacteria can enter the system through digestion..article mentioned dirt. Missy is a dirt eater....do you think this could be the cause? I also read it could be due to stones..since she had crystals...this may also be considered..I will call my vet back since I hadn't done any reading before I spoke with her. Any advice, suggestions would be appreciated for my old girl. She also has bad gums..can this have anything do to with the bacteria?

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Guest Energy11

I have never heard of a dog getting a UTI from dirt bacteria, but anything is possible. Usually bad teeth cause kidney problems, hence, maybe your UTIs. The Baytril should have helped her gums, as well. Glad they cultured the urine, so they could find the best medication for the treatment. Do you know the name of it? Yes, stones could also be a possibility. There ARE prescription diets to help with crystals/stones, so you might also want to look into that, if the vet thinks it might help. Good Luck!

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Guest Energy11

Primor (sulfadimethoxine/ormetoprim) is a broad-spectrum antibiotic used to treat susceptible bacterial infections in dogs. It is available as 240mg and 1200mg scored tablets ... This is a Sulfa-based antibiotic. SHOULD work. You can crush the pills and put them in yogurt or whatever you think will work. I'd see how these work, and go from there on the prescription diet. Good Luck!

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Im with Energy11 never heard of dirt causing UTI, but bad teeth cause many issues in humans,kidney, heart, blood stream issues, and pups too Good Luck keep us posted

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Guest eaglflyt

I don't know if your grey has this situation, but an anatomical issue can also cause UTI's, especially in large dogs, as seen HERE. Our girl has this issue and we are monitoring her for any repeat UTI's before considering corrective surgery. She has had only one UTI since she's been with us. I do clean the area well with warm water and a little neosporin ointment under the outer fold a few times per week.


Good Luck.

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Guest speedoketo

The drugs are expensive because they're meant to treat tougher infections. Finish all the pills and follow the directions to the letter! You've got to keep the concentration up in her blood for this to work. Make sure your dog has unlimited access to water since sulfa drugs leave little deposits in the kidneys which can lead to damage (nephrotoxicity) but by drinking lots of water your dog can "wash out" these deposits and her kidneys should be just fine.


Most cases of bacterial cystitis are "ascending," meaning that the offending bacteria arise from the dog's own intestinal tract and "ascend" to the bladder, beginning at the perineum (the skin around the anus) from poop and proceeding to the urethra and ultimately the bladder. The vagina in female dogs and the prostate gland in male dogs are other potential sources of offending bacteria. Acute cystitis is more common in female dogs than in males. Proteus bacteria produce urease to alkalize the urine which can predispose the dog to struvite uroliths which is what happened in your case. Acidifying the diet will take care of the stones - this is why your vet mentioned a prescription diet. Keep her vagina clean (which someone already suggested) of poop and make sure she's allowed to pee frequently since urine has a sterilizing effect on the urinary tract.


http://www.petplace.com/dogs/acute-cystitis-in-dogs/page1.aspx this website is fantastic and should answer all of your questions. (you'll probably notice I plagiarized a big chunk)


Also here's why bad teeth = kidney problems: Either your dog with bad teeth has got to lick their vagina/penis to introduce the bacteria to the urinary tract or the infection can go systemic and cause multiple-organ damage. That makes more sense to me than just saying one causes the other, I'm one of those people who needs to know why.

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thank you for your help..I have seen and read on Pet place..I research everything as well! My vet is off today..will call tomorrow to ask about if/when to change diet. I was giving Missy cranberry tablets..I ran out. Have to ask vet is I should wait until she finishes meds (3 weeks) to give it again or if I should continue now..to help acidify her urine.

I am being much more diligent with cleaning her teeth/gums. My vet said to use baking soda and peroxide mixture. Missy is a terrible "patient"....lets me do nothing to her...without chasing her...she carries on like a baby! Even simply wiping her gums is a major production! She is a witch, but I love her fiestiness!

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Well, my boy was on Baytril for FOURTEEN WEEKS! It was over $500. Best $500 I ever spent in my life--finally cured a mystery infection of some sort which caused him to pee in the house!


But if your dog has crystals in her urine, the crystals are what is likely causing the UTI. You need to address those, or it will just come back!


Never heard of the med you mentioned--perhaps it is intended to address them??


Good luck! Sounds uncomfortable.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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