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Guest TaraCoachCougar

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Guest Energy11

Yep, it is very possible (*that he picked up a bug), especially given he may have a bit of a weakend immune system. It IS going around. As I mentioned previously, my friend's SIX greys have it! UGH, and she does take them around other dogs. Good luck with the vet and all!

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Guest TaraCoachCougar

Gatorade/water were well received and he ate a small amount of rice and a Beggin Strip that Santa brought, not the best but we wanted to test his desire to eat it. Yesterday he wouldn't touch one.


Poor friend with six sick greys. I had to wash 4 bed covers, use 8 trashbags to rewrap the inside part (that little trick has been a lifesaver) and wash the comforter to our bed. Multiply that by six and good grief, that would be a full-time job. :eek

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Guest hlpnhounds

Another thing to try to get nutrition into him would be to puree some canned food or the boiled chicken or hamburger in some warmed water. That way they dog would be getting some good protein into him since he just seems to like softer foods like yogurt. We do that at work a lot with the dogs that only seem to want to drink and won't eat for us. Seems to do the trick most times as I just gradually add in chunks of food until they are eating solid fod again.

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Our grey girl cannot handle hamburger at all. Boiled and mixed with rice always upset her stomach and gave her the big "D" so now I stew chicken and used canned chicken broth to cook her rice in and she is doing very well with that. She will never pass up her kibble with shredded chicken and rice. Maybe that might spark his appitite. Keeping him in my prayers.

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Guest TaraCoachCougar

Thanks for the additional suggestions. I'll try those out. Here I am cooking for my boy and I probably only cooked for my human family about 4 times in 2009 (and three of those were meatless spaghetti). :food Maybe that's what my New Year's resolution needs to be...


No mess in crate!!! DH had to leave about 2pm and I returned at 4:15 and no messes. He did just finish off a half a cup of yogurt I just offered. And he headed for the bed instead of the door to outside when I let him out of his crate.


Off to offer some gatorade water.

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Guest Energy11

Good update! Sounds like things are going well! I surely do hope so! I will PM you with my phone number, in case you need to call, ... no problem! I am up and down all night, as "The Five" have weird bathroom hours, and, I was used to doing it for years on my 24-hour ambulance shifts! :-( Keep moving forward, Cougs!

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Guest VWBuggin1963

for my 70# male, my vet has suggested 1 immodium up to 5 times per day.

Also, I have heard the fat ball diet will help with diarrhea and add some weight.

Have you tried that?


It consists of cream cheese, hamburger, total cereal, eggs, molasses, whipping cream and wheat germ. When I find the amounts I will edit this post.


This is what I do: 5 lbs of the fattest beef

1 8oz pkg of cream cheese

1 pint of heavy whipping cream

3 eggs

1 box of Total Cereal

a couple tablespoons of Molasses


Make into balls, freeze and give a few a day for a treat.

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Glad to see things look hopeful. Keep eatin' and stop squirtin', Cougs!


Tara, for your non-cooking pleasure, I will just add that deli-sliced chicken or turkey has often been snarfed up by otherwise non-eating animals in this house. I don't know what it is about the deli chicken/turkey -- maybe because it's saltier? Or more expensive? :rolleyes:


VWBuggin -- I'm not an expert, but I would really hesitate to give a dog with diarrhea the fat balls. I've always skimmed the fat off any cooking (chicken and rice, beef and pasta) I've done for dogs with digestive upset.


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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Guest VWBuggin1963

Glad to see things look hopeful. Keep eatin' and stop squirtin', Cougs!


Tara, for your non-cooking pleasure, I will just add that deli-sliced chicken or turkey has often been snarfed up by otherwise non-eating animals in this house. I don't know what it is about the deli chicken/turkey -- maybe because it's saltier? Or more expensive? :rolleyes:


VWBuggin -- I'm not an expert, but I would really hesitate to give a dog with diarrhea the fat balls. I've always skimmed the fat off any cooking (chicken and rice, beef and pasta) I've done for dogs with digestive upset.


I usually skim all the fat off of my meat too for the diarrhea. This was used for a dog that had chronic diarrhea problems and couldn't gain weight It did stop that diarrhea and helped with weight gain. Probably not a good idea for acute diarrhea.

Sorry for the confusion.

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Guest TaraCoachCougar

Ok - Time for an update for the faithful Cougar chronicle followers.


I went to work today because Cougar started eating and drinking again yesterday. I was a little worried because he was still squirting a little bit around 7pm last night. He slept really, really good. I woke him up to take medicine and go out and all he did was pee. Then when we were getting ready this morning, he ate well again but still no poop before leaving for working. I took my lunch at 11 so I could come check on him a little early. I woke him up when I got here and he ate and went out. Mushy poop, but better than liquid. It even came out in little separate mushy pieces. Victory!!!


While I was here to post the progress, I discovered my account had been "limited" because the board needed my new e-mail address. I had to log in a request ticket and wait for someone to unlimit me (Thanks Jeff!)


I stopped in after work and things were still good. I had a very hungry boy and he was even drinking too. Dashed out the door to get my son for cub scouts. Came home to my boy who has returned to "ripping" through the house one strip complete with tail wagging. There was a little bit of poop skids on his crate bed, but it's not diarrhea.


He is feeling so much better. Appetite and thirst are back. He is skinny as a rail now since he doesn't have much muscle tone left anyway and the extra little bit of fat I try to keep on him is gone for now. He legs are still really weak but not sure if that is strictly LS or still recovering from illness.


Oncology vet appointment tomorrow, so hopefully they'll give him a good going over and cross your fingers and paws that we get a CLEAN report.


Thanks all for the support. I would have NO sanity left if it weren't for my Grey friends!

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Guest Handsome

We are now about 24 hours out from when the diaherra started yesterday when we came home to mess #1 around 2pm. Liquid poo and gas every 3-4 hours since. Cougar has only had a small amount of boiled hamburger, rice and yogurt and a couple of big dabs of cool whip when all else failed. He is not wanting to eat much at all and drink even less. We've given him some gatorade/water and some tea that he took a couple of sips from. Mess #2 was upon returning around 2pm today.


I am thinking of fasting him completely, but he is on so many meds that I can't stop giving him (leukeran, tramadol, gabapentin, prednisone, amantine (which I did skip at lunch). He's so weak anyway and now he doesn't even want to stand up to eat the little bit of food we have offered.


So, all that said, I just gave him an Immodium. Do I just follow the human time frame specified on the box before I give him another or how long do I wait?


All prayers and good thoughts gladly accepted. We keep teetering so close to the edge, I am really worried about him. I called the clinic where he sees the oncologost wanting to know the dosage of the Immodium and more importantly if it would interact with his other meds or if I could temporarily stop some of the meds to help him firm back up. They are closed until the next weekday morning! I know that everyone deserves time off but these are the emergency specialists. They have about 20 doctors in the office we go to alone as well as 2 other offices within about 50 miles. I have been hesitant to add it up, but I'm probably nearing around $10k that I've paid this place since June! Could they not have had somebody working on Saturday, Dec. 26th that could answer a few simple quetions? You can normally call all hours of the night. Ok - sorry about the rant, my nerves are shot from my ow situatn and I've been reading about some other grey situations that are breaking my heart. Breathe... I'm just not in a very nice mood right now.

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Guest Handsome

My greyhound had the same problem with diaherra last year. What worked for him was "Rice Milk" which simply is overcooked "River Rice" drained; saving the "Rice Milk" & putting spoonfuls of the "rice milk" over his hamburg & rice. It is safe & given to infants experiencing same problem. I cook enough rice for the week & he gets the rice plus the "rice milk" with every meal. In one day his poop was back to normal. Hope it works for you.


PS Do Not use Minute Rice.

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