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Little Lulu Is Limping

Guest GentleHugs

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Guest GentleHugs

Hoping LuLu is doing even better today. If not, Ekko's bags are packed


She's doing better. She's almost back to walking normally now with an occasional limp here and there. But, if she tries to run, she gets about 4 strides out and then she starts limping. I tried to catch her this morning but since I was half awake at 6am, she squeaked past me again before I could snap her lead on her. I'm not allowing her to run but she's managed to get past me a couple of times.


She's playing with her toys, playbowing, stretching and even trying to pogo (which I won't let her do either - not yet). Like you said with LLenny - it's going to take time to heal.


Yesterday, I was out picking up poop while they were out. I turned around and guess what I saw? LULU SITTING just as pretty as can be. eek.gif It was a perfect straight up and down sit, too. The little brat! She KNEW I didn't have my camera either! She always sits when I don't have my camera with me. mad.gif I'm figuring that if she can sit, she's getting better - especially if she's not "under the influence".


But, just in case, I'll let her know that Ekko's bags are still packed and maybe that will keep her calm until she's completely back to "her normal". Her "normal" is definitely not normal for any other hound but its normal for her.


I'm just thankful we didn't get hit with what the east coast is getting pounded with. LuLu loves to play in the snow. I'm sure she would really screw up her leg if we got that kind of snow here.

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snowman.gifsnowman.gifsnowman.gif YOU can send the SNOW here!!!!!!!!!! WE are scheduled to get RAIN, again! :-( I WANT SNOW! snow.gif


Wish I could send you our snow. Two weeks since we walked the dogs so finally we had to brave it. If it was fluffy snow we would walk on it but now it is packed down and icy. Brandi did fine but we did not go very far but it took the edge off of the three pups.


Hoping LuLu is doing even better today. If not, Ekko's bags are packed


She's doing better. She's almost back to walking normally now with an occasional limp here and there. But, if she tries to run, she gets about 4 strides out and then she starts limping. I tried to catch her this morning but since I was half awake at 6am, she squeaked past me again before I could snap her lead on her. I'm not allowing her to run but she's managed to get past me a couple of times.


She's playing with her toys, playbowing, stretching and even trying to pogo (which I won't let her do either - not yet). Like you said with LLenny - it's going to take time to heal.


Yesterday, I was out picking up poop while they were out. I turned around and guess what I saw? LULU SITTING just as pretty as can be. eek.gif It was a perfect straight up and down sit, too. The little brat! She KNEW I didn't have my camera either! She always sits when I don't have my camera with me. mad.gif I'm figuring that if she can sit, she's getting better - especially if she's not "under the influence".


But, just in case, I'll let her know that Ekko's bags are still packed and maybe that will keep her calm until she's completely back to "her normal". Her "normal" is definitely not normal for any other hound but its normal for her.


I'm just thankful we didn't get hit with what the east coast is getting pounded with. LuLu loves to play in the snow. I'm sure she would really screw up her leg if we got that kind of snow here.

Sounds like a greyt update. Give her a sloppy kiss for us.



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Guest GentleHugs

Glad to hear that LuLu is doing better.




This morning she limped a little while walking - tonight she's not limping at all when walking or trotting slowly. The only limps I've seen out of her today is when she slipped past me and tried to run. She got about 4 strides out, started limping a little and I caught her.


She's definitely getting better - it's just giving her leg muscle some time to heal. I haven't given her any rimadyl since this morning at breakfast time which was about 6:30am. I've walked her out on lead all day except for this morning when she slipped past me. I let them out a little while ago and let her off lead. She walked to find a spot to go pee then walked back to me. I helped her up the ramp and into the house. She's walking like she normally does so it's healing slowly.


Patrick wants to play with her so badly that when I tell him she can't play right now, he hangs his head. He's my sensitive boy. Ashley knows LuLu can't play right now and doesn't even try to initiate playing with her.


However, our weather is going to be warmer tomorrow so I'm sure everyone will want to stay outside longer and play so we will see how things go.


I haven't been feeling too good all day today but I am happy to see her doing better. I just hope she sleeps in a little in the morning so we can both get some rest. wink.gif

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I'm a little slow to catch this thread, but I'm sure glad to read that Lulu is doing better. Carl gave me a limping scare around Thanksgiving, but all is well on the western front. I think he had a sliver of glass in his paw that I couldn't find. I used a warm damp compress to help it work its way out.

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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Guest GentleHugs

Sunday morning update:


NO LIMPING!!!!!! confetti.gifbounce1.gifbannana.gifpepper.gifclap.gif


AND.... she hasn't had ANY rimadyl since 6:30am yesterday morning either so she wasn't "under the influence"! rolleyes.gif


She walked, trotted and even ran a little bit to play this morning (despite me trying to keep her from it) and no limping!


She wanted to jump the steps to go back up on the deck but mean ol' mom made her use the ramp instead. dry.gif


I still want to be cautious for the next few days and try to keep her from acting like a crazy dog but it looks like my wild and crazy, live life to the fullest little brat is back to her normal self once again!


She woke me up this morning barking, tossing toys, running back and forth in the house - just like she's done for the past 2 1/2 years.


Still not sure how she hurt herself because I didn't see what happened (nor will I probably find out either) but all is right in LuLu's world again. bounce8.gif

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Guest GentleHugs

MONDAY UPDATE: We've had a slight set back in LuLu's recovery this morning.


The little brat slipped past me as I was trying to let the other two out before her and she launched herself off the deck. When her paws hit the ground, she came up limping again. sad.gif Her jumping off the deck and back on to the deck is really causing her bad hip some issues now. She's so energetic that it's been hard to keep her subdued. mad.gif


So, I think I figured out the problem and now I'm going to have to get it fixed asap. We either need to put in a permanent ramp that is wider OR re-build the steps so they are longer, wider, closed back, and at a more gradual incline. That way she will be forced to use the steps or ramp instead of trying to jump them all the time.


I might have to block off the side of the steps where the ramp isn't at to force all of them to use the ramp for now but that's going to be a pain in the tush. If I block off the steps where the ramp isn't at - that also forces the humans to use the dog ramp. The ramp I have is not designed for human use. I have walked on it before myself but I'm not supposed to.


She's back to being leashwalked and I gave her a little bit of rimadyl this morning because it was clear she was hurting. I just got through walking her out so she could go pee (thank goD she potties on lead) and she's limping a little but she's very stiff, too.


Well, it looks like I'm going to have to makeshift something to force all the dogs to use the ramp I have now because building a permanent ramp for them is totally out of my budget for now.


DH and I talked about it and to build a ramp that will pass code here would cost $125. It would have been more but we have some of the materials here that we could use. I tried talking him into just building a ramp that isn't code to make it easier and less painful for her until spring hits and I can afford to do something more permanent but... he's afraid that when the county comes around to do their property tax appraisals in January, we will get fined. Since we don't know the specific time or day they do that - there's no way to move a permanent ramp once it's built. So he will not build a ramp that is not to code for that reason and risk getting fined a horrible fine.




The ramp I have now is clearly a movable ramp and they can tell that so that's no problem. So, I will have to figure out how to block off the side where the steps are at so the dogs are forced to use the ramp.


In the meantime, I'm back to leashwalking a little girl until we get something else in place to prevent her from re-injuring herself again.


I really wanted to build a permanent ramp that's wider and better than what I have now. This one is fine for ocassional use but our deck steps are old and they don't allow this ramp to lie down right. I have to position the ramp one step down and out for them to use it.


I was so hoping on either LuLu being better or getting another ramp in place for them to use. This is going to be hard on me and her - especially with our storm that's moving in Thursday. We are expecting rain that will turn into snow (probably ice, too) then our temps will go down into single digits and below. unsure.gif


Well, better go for now - the birthday girl here (Ashley) is wanting some attention.... poor baby is 12 today and I'm having to share my attention for her with LuLu again.








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Guest GentleHugs

LuLu is feeling better and doing better again since this morning's setback. I gave her some rimadyl this morning but after that - she's been doing good all day long. She can walk and trot around the yard with no problem but I'm not allowing her to run.


Looks like I'll be leashwalking her for a while though until she learns she can no longer leap off the deck like she's done in the past. As long as I hold on to her collar, she will walk up and down the ramp but the moment she feels like she can - she tries to play superdog. Silly girl......

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Guest Energy11

DH just got finished building us a ramp here. It is like a handicap ramp. No code problems or building permits here in the sticks :-)) We can now use the VERY steep stairs, which had a wayy too steep ramp on them, OR the ramp. That should be your answer. Good Luck!

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Guest GentleHugs

How is the famous Miss LuLu this morning?


Lenny, who is a wild and crazy boy finally stopped limping so LuLu is next!


So glad to hear LLenny is doing MUCH better! That's a relief for you I'm sure. Give that boy a big grouphug.gif


She's doing better this morning. I gave her a bit of rimadyl yesterday morning after she launched herself off the deck and came up limping but she's had none since. I walk her up and down the ramp each time to the yard now. I have no choice but to do that now. She went potty this morning and then ran a bit to play with Ashley. My first thought was to grab her to keep her quiet but then I thought "she's not limping so let her play for a bit and see what happens." She never did limp.


So, all of this is associated with her playing super doggy and jumping up and down off the deck instead of using the steps or the ramp. sad.gif She's fine in the house - she runs - although we have a rule about running in the house but LuLu thinks she's exempt from that rule mad.gif . She playbows, stretches, tosses and pounces on toys, cockroaches, etc. She gets up and goes down just fine without any discomfort from her beds. Outside, she walks, trots and even runs for a bit - no limping.


The best I can figure out was she must have injured herself that first day when she jumped up on the deck to come in and came up limping 2 hours later. That's the only thing I can think of. dunno.gif I don't know why she feels the need to jump up onto the deck - she does steps just fine and there's only 3 of them other than the fact she watches Patrick clear the steps with ease. I guess she feels she could do the same. He's so tall that he glides through the air and lands ever so softly on the deck. You can barely hear him land. Jumping those 3 steps is nothing to him but he stands 32 inches tall, too. LuLu is barely 26 inches tall. rolleyes.gif


It's going to be a PITA to walk her down the ramp every time they go out (especially with our bad winter storm moving in) but until I can afford to build a more permanent ramp for them, this is how its going to be I guess. I can't risk her injuring that hip any more like this. She doesn't like it but its for her own good to protect her hip and she's just going to have to put up with it for now. dry.gif


the little brat.....


Tell Ekko to stand by..... lol.gif

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Guest GentleHugs

DH just got finished building us a ramp here. It is like a handicap ramp. No code problems or building permits here in the sticks :-)) We can now use the VERY steep stairs, which had a wayy too steep ramp on them, OR the ramp. That should be your answer. Good Luck!


That's what we plan on doing here but we have to wait until the property tax appraisal people make their rounds in January to build one. They report code violations so building a makeshift ramp that's not to code is out. We don't have to get a permit but it does have to be built to code - otherwise we risk getting fined. Although we are in the county, they still are pretty strict about code violations, etc. For every 1 inch of height of the ramp, the ramp has to be 1 foot out and at least 3 feet wide. Our deck is about 22 inches high. At least I think that's what my DH was trying to tell me yesterday.


We only have 3 steps and you would think she would walk up and down the steps but nooooooooo...... she wants to play superdoggy and JUMP them! dry.gif


I have a portable ramp but it only covers half the steps on one side and since she still sees the steps - she wants to jump. mad.gif


So, to build one to code here from the deck out with railings to keep them from jumping off the side of the ramp, it's going to cost about $125 in materials. That's our cost since my DH is a licensed contractor. LuLu's pennies that she's been saving for new toys will have to go toward her ramp fund. lol.gif

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Guest GentleHugs

Wednesday evening update (12/23/09):


Well, LuLu continues to improve with no limping and this evening she did something that made me VERY proud of her!


She used the portable ramp all by herself without me having to help her at all! biggrin.gif


Of course, I have the steps all blocked off to force all 3 to use the ramp instead of using the steps that are still visible but..... she used the ramp all by little itty bitty self! yay.gifbannana.gif


Anyway, she is walking, trotting and even running a little bit without limping and no rimadyl but I'm not pushing the recovery. I'm going let her leg take all the time it needs to heal.


Ekko - I think its safe for you to relax, unpack your bags and enjoy the holiday! lol.gif

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Guest GentleHugs

Thursday morning update:


Guess what LuLu did this morning during their first turnout????


She started doing her fast tight spins to get Ashley to play! eek.gif I about had a freakin' heart attack, too. mad.gif I just KNEW she was going to come up limping again but no..... she didn't limp afterwards at all (other than her normal limp because of one leg being shorter than the other) so I think she's on the road to being LuLu again. tongue.gif


Oh oh - I just remembered what she was like before she hurt her leg. I'm in for it now. She's got stored up energy I'm sure and she will be worse than what she was before.


Yesterday morning she was snoring loudly.... blink.gif


But - the ramp stays down and she WILL continue to use it until I say otherwise (which might be forever). rolleyes.gif


The little brat.


And just for those who want to know what LuLu looks like - just look at my little icon to the left. She's the little black one in the pic. She was watching a horsefly. She just knew that horsefly was going to attack her and it did..... lol.gif

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LuLu, this is Ekko, I just want you to know I am very proud of you for using your ramp all by yourself.

Don't give your mom a heart attack!

I am standing by in the event that I am needed ;)


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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I'm glad to hear that Lulu is feeling so much better... My foster Vivie has a limp that seems to be hanging on forever. She's on Metacam, which I think makes her feel too well, because she runs or plays till I hear a "yipe", then it's back to limping...

Lin, with Nick the Greyhound
Missing my girls Nadia, Tallulah, Cinderella, and my heart-dog Alexa, and my precious boys Twister, Loki, and Kevin

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Guest GentleHugs

Christmas morning update: A_PeaceOnEarthsmiley.gifareindeer.gif



Our winter storm started in the day before yesterday with rain. No big deal. Yesterday morning it was still lightly raining but when the temps started to fall, it turned to freezing rain. That's when I had to pull the portable ramp to keep ice from forming on it. sad.gif


Then after a nice layer of freezing rain, we got about a half inch or so of sleet and then it started snowing. Blizzard warnings were in effect. snow.gif


So, instead of using the ramp, I threw down some old blankets, covered the steps and took the dogs out one by one to go potty. When they were done, I'd pull up the blankets so they wouldn't get iced up and snow packed. When they had to go out again, I'd repeat the process.


Well, this morning LuLu woke me up at 4:30am needing to go potty. Greyt. dry.gif I got up, got dressed in layers, threw on my coat and tried to open the back door. Thanks to a nice huge snow drift against the back door, I had to push and push to get the door open. I grabbed the shovel and started shoveling. So far - 8 inches on the ground with deeper drifts and it's still snowing. Luckily it's a powder snow but the wind is 40 mph blowing it all over the place and our back yard faces the north. sad.gif


Got the blankets down again and started taking the dogs out one by one. I found that putting down old blankets is better than using dog friendly ice melt - it gives the dogs better traction.


LuLu zoomed around the yard to get the blood pumping and then went pee and poop. No limping and she ran fairly hard, too. Ashley and Patrick did the same.


So far, she's doing well in this stuff - no limping. As soon as it completely stops snowing, I'll put the ramp back down again. It's much easier to handle with the dogs and I'll feel a bit better since trying to get LuLu back up the steps last night was little trying. She sat down on the steps and wouldn't budge there for a moment. I finally had to pick her tiny butt up and give her a gentle push the rest of the way. rolleyes.gif


Anyway, I'll be doing the blanket and one dog at a time show for at least today and possibly tomorrow. That is, until it totally stops snowing so I can put the ramp back down again and get the deck cleared off better, too.


So, until I can get through Christmas dinner today and hauling the dogs out one by one, LuLu wants to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas! xmas.gif She's going to go check her stocking now to see if she's been naughty or nice! devil_angel.gif

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Please wish LuLu a very special merry Christmas from the desert. And I must say after reading your post, I consider it a blessing to live where I live :lol


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest GentleHugs

Please wish LuLu a very special merry Christmas from the desert. And I must say after reading your post, I consider it a blessing to live where I live lol.gif



Thanks I will.


It probably wouldn't be so bad if we just got snow but we always get ice first then the snow. Once the snow starts melting then we have the ice to deal with. mad.gif


They lifted the blizzard warning a little while ago but the plows are still having a hard time with blowing snow. They clear a path, look back and it's covered again.


Right now, Ashley and LuLu are zonked out on a dog bed together using Ashley's new fleece blankie she got for Christmas. LuLu's froggie fleece blankie is over on another bed. Patrick is on another dog bed curled up with his fleece blankie.


LuLu is still doing well with the weather being as nasty as it is. I'm seeing no signs of limping and I really thought with how cold it is out, she would start having some problems. She proved me wrong so far but we're not completely back to warmer weather either so we will see how she manages through all of this. She loves the snow but the temps are in the single digits right now with wind gusts up to 40 mph so she is only out there long enough to go pee and poop. Too cold to do anything else.


Back to cooking Christmas dinner for everyone including the dogs!


Have a merry one! colgate.gif

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