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Diarrhea And Vetmedin?

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Anyone have a dog with CHF being treated with Vetmedin? If so, have you had issues with diarrhea?


Our nearly 14 yo has been on Vetmedin for 8 weeks now. ABout ten days ago she developed terrible and uncontrollable diarrhea. It started the Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend so vets and ourselves originally thought ti was colitis from too much turkey and too many cookies from my Mom (i wish she'd stop handing those out when I"m not looking!).


Anyway, she's been takign Flagyl, probiotics, and been on a diet of chicken and rice since. She can now control the diarrhea so at least I'm not cleaning up the house constantly anymore but her poop quality has not impoved. All three of my vets(including hte heart specialist) now think it's a side effect of the Vetmedin. We're cuttnig back the dose for a few days to see if there's improvement.


Anyone have experience with this? The vetmedin has worked well for the CHF so if that's the issue I'm not sure what this means for her long term maintenance...

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Sugar was on Vetmedin for about a year, and didn't have any problems with the big D. I know it has a lot of possible side effects, one of the reasons her cardiologist didn't put her on it right away, but she didn't have any problems with it. Hope she can stay on it!

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