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Would A Corn Cause Total Lack Of Use Of Leg?


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Tanners been limping on and off for months. Been to the vet a couple of times. Deramaxx always given. We thought it was weather related as it always seemed to get worse with rain/snow/etc. Well now he wont use his leg AT ALL. And he has a funky bump on the bad of one of the toes on that foot. Could a corn or wart cause so much pain that he wont use his leg at all?


TIA and prayers appreciated. Calling the vet as soon as they open today.

My sweet angel Tanner-"Showoffs Magic" 79D-82695. DOB 7/22/99. Gotcha Day 6/20/05. Bridge Day 3/11/10. Big Beautiful Brave Angel Norm-"Showoffs Storm" 89B-83263. DOB 8/16/99. Gotcha Day 3/24/06. Bridge Day 4/20/13. Angel Girl Bree-"Breezy Betty" 201A-93631. DOB 2/05/01. Gotcha Day 5/11/10. Bridge Day 10/07/11. She reached the beach.... Maci-"CF's Owhatanite" 44H-29320. DOB 10/05/04. Gotcha Day 10/11/11. Greta-"Greta's Milam" 90B-54582. DOB 9/17/10. Gotcha Day 11/30/12. Bridge Day 03/30/17. Ben-"P Kay Key Train" 63A-61271. DOB 6/2/13. Gotcha Day 12/26/15.

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Guest 3dognight

Tanners been limping on and off for months. Been to the vet a couple of times. Deramaxx always given. We thought it was weather related as it always seemed to get worse with rain/snow/etc. Well now he wont use his leg AT ALL. And he has a funky bump on the bad of one of the toes on that foot. Could a corn or wart cause so much pain that he wont use his leg at all?


TIA and prayers appreciated. Calling the vet as soon as they open today.



Yes, a corn can cause this much pain. My male will hold up his hind leg when his corns get to bad. Find a good vet that can hull it out.

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I'm praying thats all it is. He's my first. My baby. It kills me to see him in pain.

My sweet angel Tanner-"Showoffs Magic" 79D-82695. DOB 7/22/99. Gotcha Day 6/20/05. Bridge Day 3/11/10. Big Beautiful Brave Angel Norm-"Showoffs Storm" 89B-83263. DOB 8/16/99. Gotcha Day 3/24/06. Bridge Day 4/20/13. Angel Girl Bree-"Breezy Betty" 201A-93631. DOB 2/05/01. Gotcha Day 5/11/10. Bridge Day 10/07/11. She reached the beach.... Maci-"CF's Owhatanite" 44H-29320. DOB 10/05/04. Gotcha Day 10/11/11. Greta-"Greta's Milam" 90B-54582. DOB 9/17/10. Gotcha Day 11/30/12. Bridge Day 03/30/17. Ben-"P Kay Key Train" 63A-61271. DOB 6/2/13. Gotcha Day 12/26/15.

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Guest Energy11

Yes, corns are painful! Staggerlee gets them all the time. I'd try hulling it out, and then, use a toddler sock and a bootie until his foot heals. Good Luck!

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Zeke had a corn that lasted from July through the beginning of November. At its worse, he wouldn't put pressure on this foot, hopped on three legs and would lie down on his bed to eat rather than try to stand. A Thera-Paw was a life saver and made it possible for him to take walks comfortably. We had it hulled several times, it seemed to work its way to the surface and become smaller and eventually disappeared. Protecta-Pad applied daily seemed to help quite a bit to keep the pad softened. For the days he was extremely uncomfortable our vet prescribed Tramadol.


Good luck with Tanner - it's a good idea to get him checked by the vet so you can confirm its a corn. Please keep us posted on how he's doing.


Hobbes - April 2, 1994 to April 9, 2008-----Tasha - May 23, 2000 to March 31, 2013

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Zeke - June 1, 2004 - Jan 26, 2016----Callie - July 14, 2006 to July 27, 2019

Forever in my heart: Chooch, Molly, Dylan & Lucy

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Is the "funky bump" on the top of his foot, or on one of the toepads?



Lt front paw, think "index finger", on the left side to bottom. Follow me?


I wouldn't think warts, but a corn for sure. Wayne had one on his front paw and it really hurt him.

Let's hope that's all it is


vet has said before "wart". For the life of me I cant remember if its the same toe. Brain in a swirl.

My sweet angel Tanner-"Showoffs Magic" 79D-82695. DOB 7/22/99. Gotcha Day 6/20/05. Bridge Day 3/11/10. Big Beautiful Brave Angel Norm-"Showoffs Storm" 89B-83263. DOB 8/16/99. Gotcha Day 3/24/06. Bridge Day 4/20/13. Angel Girl Bree-"Breezy Betty" 201A-93631. DOB 2/05/01. Gotcha Day 5/11/10. Bridge Day 10/07/11. She reached the beach.... Maci-"CF's Owhatanite" 44H-29320. DOB 10/05/04. Gotcha Day 10/11/11. Greta-"Greta's Milam" 90B-54582. DOB 9/17/10. Gotcha Day 11/30/12. Bridge Day 03/30/17. Ben-"P Kay Key Train" 63A-61271. DOB 6/2/13. Gotcha Day 12/26/15.

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So the bump is not on the pad itself? Does the bump seem soft and mobile with the a skin, or does it seem bony? Has the foot been xrayed?


If there's also a corn on the pad, you usually would be able to see it, either as a slightly raised hard area, or a flattened hard shiny area, or even as a sort of pinhole surrounded by hardened tissue.

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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Guest MnMDogs

Mork just had a toe removed because of a corn that resulted in just about total use of the leg. This one started with a visible corn on the bottom of the pad which could be removed. dremeled, etc. For the past year, it became invisible and the pad just kept getting bigger and more deformed until he really could no longer use the foot at all.


He's good as knew (almost - wrap is still on) with the amputation 2.5 weeks ago.

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Could it be a seed wart?


Is there any way to take a picture?


I know a Gter had an issue this year with what the vet said was a wart that was really a corn. If it's not on the pad itself it's not a corn.


Apparently, while really gross, a seed wart is pretty easy to treat/get rid of.


Let us know what the vet says!

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vet seems to think its a callus due to his walking "oddly" because of the pain he's in. 1st vet, months ago, said strain in shoulder muscle because Tanner flinched when he palpated it. Todays vet also palpated and got the same flinch. No other part of that leg seems to bother him. So now its Deramaxx AND Tramadol. They also put something on the "callus" and wrapped his foot. We'll go back on Friday to have it unwrapped and the 1st vet will take a look.


Unfortunately (fortunately?) while there we discovered he has a minor temp. One degree over the high normal. I want to say 103.5 but maybe it was 102.5. I do KNOW it was one degree over. Just dont remember the figure. Vet thinks it may be because of his teeth. Doesnt matter what we do, they're still horrible. So. 14 days of Clavamox on top of it. They're running a senior panel to see if there's anything else going on.


$300 later..................




My sweet angel Tanner-"Showoffs Magic" 79D-82695. DOB 7/22/99. Gotcha Day 6/20/05. Bridge Day 3/11/10. Big Beautiful Brave Angel Norm-"Showoffs Storm" 89B-83263. DOB 8/16/99. Gotcha Day 3/24/06. Bridge Day 4/20/13. Angel Girl Bree-"Breezy Betty" 201A-93631. DOB 2/05/01. Gotcha Day 5/11/10. Bridge Day 10/07/11. She reached the beach.... Maci-"CF's Owhatanite" 44H-29320. DOB 10/05/04. Gotcha Day 10/11/11. Greta-"Greta's Milam" 90B-54582. DOB 9/17/10. Gotcha Day 11/30/12. Bridge Day 03/30/17. Ben-"P Kay Key Train" 63A-61271. DOB 6/2/13. Gotcha Day 12/26/15.

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For an ongoing limping problem with no satisfactory answers, I'd be asking for an xray this time 'round.


What your vet is calling a callous is probably a corn (assuming it's on the toe pad), but if there's sensitivity when testing range of motion in the whole leg, I'd want an xray.


I've had less than grey-savvy vets misdiagnose corns before. <_<

Edited by ZoomDoggy

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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Guest MnMDogs

For an ongoing limping problem with no satisfactory answers, I'd be asking for an xray this time 'round.


What your vet is calling a callous is probably a corn (assuming it's on the toe pad), but if there's sensitivity when testing range of motion in the whole leg, I'd want an xray.


I've had less than grey-savvy vets misdiagnose corns before. <_<

I would also xray. Mork's pain was obviously elicited from that toe and that toe only. Even then we had the foot and entire leg xrayed since he was so lame.

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One of our greys had terrible problems with corns but initially, two different sets of vets thought the limping was due to cancer, misallignment in the bones in his foot or a foreign body in his pad. I happened to look at the therapaw website and saw a great photo of what a corn looks like. It looked exactly like Train's pad. I was able to work the center of the corn out with my thumb nail (after soaking and using a pumice stone for a few days). He was walking as soon as the hull was out of the corn. So yes, my grey did stay completely off a leg when his corn was painful.

Cosmo (Fuzz Face Cosmos), Holmes (He's a Dream), Boomer (USS Baby Boomer), Ella and missing our angels Clay (Red Clay), Train (Nite Train), Trip (Bock's Teddy Bear),Larry (Bohemian Frigid) and Jimmy (Bohemian Raw)
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Your question brought to mind this post from a friend's blog. It's something to keep in mind.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
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Your question brought to mind this post from a friend's blog. It's something to keep in mind.


hunh. interesting.Thank you for the link!

My sweet angel Tanner-"Showoffs Magic" 79D-82695. DOB 7/22/99. Gotcha Day 6/20/05. Bridge Day 3/11/10. Big Beautiful Brave Angel Norm-"Showoffs Storm" 89B-83263. DOB 8/16/99. Gotcha Day 3/24/06. Bridge Day 4/20/13. Angel Girl Bree-"Breezy Betty" 201A-93631. DOB 2/05/01. Gotcha Day 5/11/10. Bridge Day 10/07/11. She reached the beach.... Maci-"CF's Owhatanite" 44H-29320. DOB 10/05/04. Gotcha Day 10/11/11. Greta-"Greta's Milam" 90B-54582. DOB 9/17/10. Gotcha Day 11/30/12. Bridge Day 03/30/17. Ben-"P Kay Key Train" 63A-61271. DOB 6/2/13. Gotcha Day 12/26/15.

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Tanner had his follow up today. Limp is gone. He was still limping with the foot wrapped but as soon as it came off he was fine. Vet also filed the hard spot on his pad and it really was amazing how much came off. So he said just to watch it and I could file as needed.

Thanks for the support guys!

My sweet angel Tanner-"Showoffs Magic" 79D-82695. DOB 7/22/99. Gotcha Day 6/20/05. Bridge Day 3/11/10. Big Beautiful Brave Angel Norm-"Showoffs Storm" 89B-83263. DOB 8/16/99. Gotcha Day 3/24/06. Bridge Day 4/20/13. Angel Girl Bree-"Breezy Betty" 201A-93631. DOB 2/05/01. Gotcha Day 5/11/10. Bridge Day 10/07/11. She reached the beach.... Maci-"CF's Owhatanite" 44H-29320. DOB 10/05/04. Gotcha Day 10/11/11. Greta-"Greta's Milam" 90B-54582. DOB 9/17/10. Gotcha Day 11/30/12. Bridge Day 03/30/17. Ben-"P Kay Key Train" 63A-61271. DOB 6/2/13. Gotcha Day 12/26/15.

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