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Limping When Cold

Guest Art_n_Popper

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Guest Art_n_Popper

My new dog Dee is having a small problem, she hates the cold weather. She has trouble walking when its really cold, she's only 4 1/2 and runs around inside fine. She stretches before walking, my other other one loves long walks and he doesn't care if its cold. She almost collapsed yesterday about 1min into a walk, visibly she is shivering from the cold. I warp her in a dog sweater plus a winter dog jacket plus a dog neck hoodie and it doesn't seem to help. When she gets moving its better. Its seem to be right when she goes outside, could the temperature change having anything to do with this? Is this some medical issue? I just got her a week ago and will be going to the vet in the next few weeks. Just wanted to to get some ideas of what it could be, how to hopefully correct this and see what you guys think, thanks



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Congrats on your new girl!


You seem to have a lot of clothes on her. Try just a winter coat with a snood. If I had any of my dogs in "a dog sweater plus a winter dog jacket plus a dog neck hoodie" they would refuse to budge!!!


As far as the limp, she could have a corn you don't see. Do you know what to look for? She could also have a touch of arthritis. Does she walk better on grass/carpet vs cemement and tile?



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Guest Energy11

Congrats on your Dee, from me, Dee :-)


I really haven't heard of a dog that sensitive to the cold. I'd definitely start with a good heavy GH coat, but, what worries me, is when you said she almost collapsed during a walk? That sounds like a medical issue. Could be low thyroid, or anemia, hard to say. I'd see the vet and at get a blood panel done, and go from there.


Good luck and sending lots of love!

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Congrats on loving a greyhound.

Since she is new to you, I would contact your adoption rep, and have them go for a walk with you so they can observe and see what is going on with her.


Perhaps the interpretation of her actions would benefit from a greyhound experienced person.


some ideas:


Some dogs do not like the cold. If there is snow on the ground, the snow can clump in their pads, and cause them to limp, stop walking, fall or something else. dog booties might help.


She could have a broken toe that has calcified, and in the cold could cause it to hurt more.


Arthritis - Joint supplementscan help, and won't hurt. I put every dog I've brought in on them, no matter their age, for at least a few months.


a vet visit, with some blood work, would not hurt either.


Claudia & Greyhound Gang

Claudia & Greyhound Gang
100% Helps Hounds

GIG Bound!

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Guest jade1046

My two girls get like that. They tend to putter around when they go out to do their business, finding just the right spot, etc. They really love to play in the snow but when it's really cold (like below zero) they get to a point where they all of a sudden realize they're cold and they will just stand there with a stricken look on their faces like "oh crap, I'm so cold I can't move" - so then I have to run out and grab them to get them moving along. I've had Bizzie almost collapse because she takes so long to find a place to piddle! Minnie will let me put boots on her, and then I don't have the problem. Bizzie won't let me put them on her but I'm going to try again this year to desensitize her. I don't use the boots unless it's exceptionlly cold and icy because they're a bit of a nuisance to put on every time. I use warm coats and snoods for them, but it's their feet that get cold.

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Guest Greensleeves

Could be low thyroid, or anemia, hard to say. I'd see the vet and at get a blood panel done, and go from there.


This was my first thought, as well. Having personally had both conditions myself, I can tell you that I am *very* cold-sensitive, and when it seeps down into my bones, I just want to curl up and die. Oddly, none of my low-thyroid dogs has been particularly cold-sensitive, though (Nelly was a furnace).


I would also second something like arthritis (previous bone breaks?), etc. But I will agree with whoever said that some dogs just don't like the cold (or whatever), and they can definitely be drama queens about it. Whistler loved the cold and hated the heat; I took him for a walk on an unusually warm day one February after several weeks of snow (it was around 50), and after about two blocks, he started dragging. I could almost hear him whining, "But mom, it's too hot to walk!" I have another for whom the weather is *never* right: it's always too cold, too sunny, too windy, too hot, too dry, too nice... :rolleyes:


Definitely have a vet give your new girl a once-over, and good luck!!

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Guest Art_n_Popper

Thank you so much for the replies! I really appreciate it. I volunteer at the adoption group and now they are aware of the problem, when she gets spayed in the next week they are going to look into this.


Just wanted to update everyone, its seems to be worst in the back feet, both feet seem to have a hard time holding her up. It usually happens about 30-45 seconds after going outside. I thought maybe it was the sudden temperature change. When she starts moving she does better.


I don't think its corn, it happens on both feet, I've check her feet and they look fine. She runs inside pretty hard, problem happens on grass or cement.


I thought it may be arthritis as well but she's 4.5, but was in a lot of races, 116 I believe. Would they get it that young?


Could be low thyroid, or anemia, hard to say. I'd see the vet and at get a blood panel done, and go from there.

I sent that info along to the adoption group, if they don't have it checked, I will be doing a follow up w/ my vet and will make sure those get checked.


Thanks for all the well wishes!

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In my opinion, (and hundreds of hounds have passed thru my door to forever homes) - 116 races is a lot. Damage definitely occurred. Wear and tear leading to arthritis, at the very least, needs attention. I would definitely put her on joint supplementsasap. all 4 - glucosamine, MSM, Chondroitin, Vitamin C.


i would also take her into the vet and get a full blood panel done, including tick titers if she ran in states that has ticks.

Claudia & Greyhound Gang
100% Helps Hounds

GIG Bound!

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Guest tennesseegrey

Hi Art, this sounds real similar to how my 3 1/2 yr. old Jack acts. He has a corn that acts up and he limps at times. I bought him a TheraPaws boot that helps him walk without pain, but I would definitely have him checked out at your vet so they can rule out other things and check his pads for corns.



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Merlin does this. His feet get really cold and he starts to limp when it's cold, snowy, icy or if it's cold and raining. In the winter I put booties on him and it's made a HUGE difference. I buy the ones made by Voyagers K9 Apparel as they're the only ones that seem to stay on. They are very well made and this year they've added a coating that adds traction on ice.


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Guest Art_n_Popper

Thanks for the info, I went ahead and ordered the supplements and k9boots, hopefully they will help. Its just so strange that she ran/walks fine when it was warmer. She was at the kennel for 5 months before I adopted her, we played and she ran around very good, she's faster then Popper! The cold weather came and now she's having troubles, I'm really thinking its arthritis or the thyroid issue, we'll see in a few days.

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Guest Greensleeves

Thyroid problems aren't likely to cause hind-end weakness, though. Your vet will be able to give her a thorough examination and tell whether it seems to be joint, soft tissue, or neurological.


Do be sure to update us!

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