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Need Help With Boy Parts

Guest greytbookert

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Guest greytbookert

ok, I know sometimes boy dogs can get "excited" and their "crayon or lipstick" will make an appearance. However, last night Eric was sleeping and his came out and it was fully out and stayed out for almost an hour. DH said he was very needy today, which is kind of normal for Eric (he'll be 11 in November). Eric is our resident leaner hound and likes to attach himself to people, so it didn't seem that out of the ordinary.


When I got home from work, I noticed that his "lipstick" was out and it has been for about an hour...yes, it is still out. Any ideas from the great knowledge base of GT? DH will ask the vet when he gets to work tomorrow, but I'm curious if anyone else has ever heard of such a thing. oh and DH went to wipe the area and Eric arched his back. I'm thinking that it is sensitive :dunno oh and he was neutered years ago.

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Guest BlackandBrindle

My friend's toy poodle has this problem.


Basically she was told by the vet that he needs surgery to correct the problem. The skin is too tight to let it release and go back to normal...


She has not had to do the surgery as when it happens she lubricates it and it's able to retract.


It's not a normal condition by any means but I think it can be managed without surgery.

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Guest greytbookert
My friend's toy poodle has this problem.


Basically she was told by the vet that he needs surgery to correct the problem. The skin is too tight to let it release and go back to normal...


She has not had to do the surgery as when it happens she lubricates it and it's able to retract.


It's not a normal condition by any means but I think it can be managed without surgery.


eeek, was it a sudden onset with your friend's poodle?



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Guest jettcricket

hmmm....I know my boy, Jett, had some boy part problems when he had his surgery for mast cell cancer. The growth was very close to his penis and because the vet had to get clean margins it affected his prepuce. It wouldn't retract all the way. The tip basically stuck out. We had to keep the poor boy lubbed with KY jelly. :blush They did do surgery and managed to stretch the skin to get it to cover properly.


It is a full erection? The one thing that my vet did tell me to watch that his penis doesn't start turning dark. It could be cutting off the circulation if it is a full erection and doesn't go down.


I would definitely, if it continues, take him to the vet, but in the mean time keep it lubricated and let us know how the boy is doing.

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Guest BlackandBrindle
My friend's toy poodle has this problem.


Basically she was told by the vet that he needs surgery to correct the problem. The skin is too tight to let it release and go back to normal...


She has not had to do the surgery as when it happens she lubricates it and it's able to retract.


It's not a normal condition by any means but I think it can be managed without surgery.


eeek, was it a sudden onset with your friend's poodle?




I don't know. :dunno


I do know that it's been going on for a couple of years and he's ok. THe vet did say the danger was if it started to turn black, as that meant the circulation was cut off.

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Guest greytbookert
hmmm....I know my boy, Jett, had some boy part problems when he had his surgery for mast cell cancer. The growth was very close to his penis and because the vet had to get clean margins it affected his prepuce. It wouldn't retract all the way. The tip basically stuck out. We had to keep the poor boy lubbed with KY jelly. :blush They did do surgery and managed to stretch the skin to get it to cover properly.


It is a full erection? The one thing that my vet did tell me to watch that his penis doesn't start turning dark. It could be cutting off the circulation if it is a full erection and doesn't go down.


I would definitely, if it continues, take him to the vet, but in the mean time keep it lubricated and let us know how the boy is doing.


It's still out :( If there is no KY on hand, what else can I use? oh my lord, I never thought I'd ask that to anyone, let alone on a forum :blush


It doesn't look like full erection but pretty darn close! it better not turn black :eek ! His olives are not making an appearance, if that helps!

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Guest greytbookert
I'd probably have the vet take a look at him.


oh yes, I'm starting to get pretty freaked out by this. I know it isn't an emergency, so we'll take him in tomorrow for a looksee!


I guess my boys didn't listen to me when I told them last week that they aren't allowed to get sick or hurt for awhile. I'm still reeling from losing Sahra and Annie :(

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Don't freak out, as it's something that can totally be managed. :grouphug


Use any kind of cooking oil (vegetable, canola, olive, etc...)


Or vaseline or even unscented lotion.

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Guest greytbookert

I just lubed him with olive oil and he winced and jerked away. How long should I wait to see an improvement?


oh and I would like to mention that DH is laughing at me... asking if I'm going to be on penis watch all night :rolleyes:

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Guest jettcricket
I'd probably have the vet take a look at him.


oh yes, I'm starting to get pretty freaked out by this. I know it isn't an emergency, so we'll take him in tomorrow for a looksee!


I guess my boys didn't listen to me when I told them last week that they aren't allowed to get sick or hurt for awhile. I'm still reeling from losing Sahra and Annie :(

Don't fret...he'll be ok. Just see what the vet says. It can be managed. :)

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Gosh :( I hope the oil helps. That would worry me too. But from the other posts in this thread it seems to be a manageable issue, thank goodness.


Keep us posted!


And tell your husband that mayeb he should take first shift :evil


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Guest greytbookert
Gosh :( I hope the oil helps. That would worry me too. But from the other posts in this thread it seems to be a manageable issue, thank goodness.


Keep us posted!


And tell your husband that mayeb he should take first shift :evil


It's still out :( but he doesn't appear to be in any pain. He is being the sloth that he is :dunno


I think I found the technical term for this canine paraphimosis...of course, I googled it and now I'm slightly more of a wreck. When I say a wreck, I mean, I'm worried but not a full out anxiety attack. I'll just watch him tonight and DH is going to take him into work with him, so the doc can look at him before they open.... our version of the evet, I guess.


But if there are any other experiences, please let's hear them. Don't worry, I won't go over the deep end. I'm calm, well, as calm as I can be.

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Guest Hoolyghans
I just lubed him with olive oil and he winced and jerked away. How long should I wait to see an improvement?


oh and I would like to mention that DH is laughing at me... asking if I'm going to be on penis watch all night :rolleyes:


Is he jealous? Of the penis watch I mean :gnome

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Guest jettcricket
Gosh :( I hope the oil helps. That would worry me too. But from the other posts in this thread it seems to be a manageable issue, thank goodness.


Keep us posted!


And tell your husband that mayeb he should take first shift :evil


It's still out :( but he doesn't appear to be in any pain. He is being the sloth that he is :dunno


I think I found the technical term for this canine paraphimosis...of course, I googled it and now I'm slightly more of a wreck. When I say a wreck, I mean, I'm worried but not a full out anxiety attack. I'll just watch him tonight and DH is going to take him into work with him, so the doc can look at him before they open.... our version of the evet, I guess.


But if there are any other experiences, please let's hear them. Don't worry, I won't go over the deep end. I'm calm, well, as calm as I can be.

Jett's never really retracted....we just didn't want it to dry out as I imagine it might be a bit uncomfortable. We tried different things, i.e., we tried stretching the prepuce - yes I had to do that a couple of times a day :rolleyes: , they even stapled it leaving enough of an opening that he could urinate in hopes that it would retract and that's when my vet did the surgery and it worked.


Wait and see what your vet says...I know it's hard.


Hang in there....he will be ok!


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Guest greytbookert
I just lubed him with olive oil and he winced and jerked away. How long should I wait to see an improvement?


oh and I would like to mention that DH is laughing at me... asking if I'm going to be on penis watch all night :rolleyes:


Is he jealous? Of the penis watch I mean :gnome



:rofl I'm pretty sure that he is! :blush

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Guest greytbookert
Holy Crap Deb! I have no advice, but wow how scary for you :(


I'm on the phone now with Chad and his going to text one of his teachers about it for me :blush

I'm actually doing ok, surprisingly...I've talked myself off the cliff and since he doesn't appear to be in any pain and the tissue looks healthy, I'm not going to get too worked up until he sees the doc.


ok, ewww... I previously lubed him and now Chad wants me to try and push it back in. :blink:

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Guest myIrishlass

While working at a kennel where there was a chi chi who had a similar problem, I was told to put some sugar on it to help it retract if it were to happen. I have no idea if it is a viable treatment option -- or just something someone saw on the internet.

Good Luck!

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Guest greytbookert

Evidently, I'm obsessing...


our friend who is a 3 or 4th year vet student at UPenn(just got white coated), did a quick differential with one of his teachers, who he calls a genius and is the go to Doc for reproductive issues. Without seeing him and based on what I've told them, no trauma, no copulation, they are thinking of these possibilities, not in any particular order:


Foreign body causing the inabilty to retract (this is what I'm hoping for)

Disc disease - causing nerve damage, which is limiting the ability to retract properly.

Squamous cell tumor


broken OS penis


I'm actually pretty calm. I can't worry too much until he sees a vet and gets checked out but it is going to be a long night of me looking at his boy parts.

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Guest SoulsMom

So . . . did you try to push it back in? :huh


I'm sorry Deb . . . I know this is freaking you out, and I would be freaking too . . . .but knowing you, Chad, and Ed . . .well :lol:


Oh Eric, come on and pull that thing back in, your Mom doesn't need anymore worry buddy.

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Guest greytbookert
So . . . did you try to push it back in? :huh


Yup, I tried to push it back in... oh my, the things we do. Chad told me to, so I did :lol I felt a little click but it came right back out. Here's the kicker, he flinched a bit, but not as if it hurt. Chad said that if he broke is OS penis, he would have been screaming in pain, no matter how stoic he is and as you know, Eric is the king of stoic. There is a reason we call him Eric the sloth.

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