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Need Help With Diagnosis Please

Guest tampagreymom

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Guest tampagreymom

Does anyone have any info on any of the following symptoms? Last week 9 yr old Misty started drinking massive amounts of water and refusing food. I hand fed her with all the best stuff I could think of. This worked for a bit & then she starting refusing everything. She started coughing a little & then went to the vet. Their first reaction was bronchitis & she was sent home with pills. Still no eating so went back to vet. At first they thought she had gotten into something toxic. She had a sr. panel done which indicated a liver problem. Had a ultra sound & X-rays which showed no tumors or problems with liver. They had her tested then for bab***** tick disease. That takes a week for results. Now they are saying it's probably an autoimmune disorder. She's been on IV with nutrition, steroids & meds. Her weight & blood platelets keep dropping. Any suggestions?


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Guest Energy11

The test they did was for Babesia. ...


If all her other blood numbers are normal, you MIGHT be looking at a TBD, Tickborne Disease.


I would try to be sure she is getting enough fluid, even if you have to use a turkey baster and administer fluids many times a day. You can also Puree her food, and do the same if she is not eating. Many people use Vanilla Ensure, as well, and if she will not eat on her own, again, you can "force feed," but when you do this ... many, many small feeding in a day.


Has the vet listened to her heart and lungs??? Is she coughing up anything "frothy,?"


Just a lot of things that COULD be ...


While you are waiting for a diagnoisis, I would try the above to be sure she is nourished and well-hydrated. Please keep us posted!


Love, Hugs, and prayers from us here!

Edited by Energy11
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"Drinking a lot" raises one flag immediately: has she been tested for diabetes, either from a blood test or urinalysis?


Second flag: tickborne diseases (TBD). Was a full tick panel done, or just checking for babesiosis?


Autoimmune problems should not present with a cough, polydipsia, and refusing to eat- unless there's something wrong out the other side, i.e.: blowout D or blood in the stool.


Weight loss and platelets crashing sounds bad, particularly in conjunction with steroids: if it IS a tickborne disease, the steroids are contraindicated. Are you missing any antibiotics in there, or is it just needle-fed + steroids?

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Babesia would be the most likely TBD, on account of your FL location, but I would also get a full tick panel, or at least test for Ehrlichia, the common one, e. Canis, and also some of the other Ehrlichias. Protatek turns it around in one day. Not sure if they test on Saturdays, but if you overnight a sample tonight, they would test and notify your vet of results the next day. Protatek's standard greyhound tick panel covers 4 TBDs and costs around $60 + overnight shipping (USPS has a flat rate, I think, maybe $18?) + blood draw & prep by your vet (should be less than $20). If there is a chance that it is Ehlichia, then doxy should be given, even before TBD titers are back. I'm not sure if Ehrlichia is common in FL greyhounds, I just know that Babesia is very common there, but I'm guessing Ehlichia is there too. Falling platelets are real scary. Maybe hold back or taper down immunosuppressives/steroids til TBD test is back. If it's TBD, steroids will suppress any immune response Misty can muster and make the TBD worse. Did she get worse after steroids were started? That's a clue.


I had a greyhound that was much younger, but with similar symptoms. She had previously tested negative for TBDs. She was started on steroids, got much better for a week or two, then crashed. Turns out there was an error in the TBD test, they tested for the wrong type of Babesia, the kind that affects pit bulls, babesia gibsoni, not the more common type that affects greyhounds, babesia canis.

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Guest Energy11
Babesia would be the most likely TBD, on account of your FL location, but I would also get a full tick panel, or at least test for Ehrlichia, the common one, e. Canis, and also some of the other Ehrlichias. Protatek turns it around in one day. Not sure if they test on Saturdays, but if you overnight a sample tonight, they would test and notify your vet of results the next day. Protatek's standard greyhound tick panel covers 4 TBDs and costs around $60 + overnight shipping (USPS has a flat rate, I think, maybe $18?) + blood draw & prep by your vet (should be less than $20). If there is a chance that it is Ehlichia, then doxy should be given, even before TBD titers are back. I'm not sure if Ehrlichia is common in FL greyhounds, I just know that Babesia is very common there, but I'm guessing Ehlichia is there too. Falling platelets are real scary. Maybe hold back or taper down immunosuppressives/steroids til TBD test is back. If it's TBD, steroids will suppress any immune response Misty can muster and make the TBD worse. Did she get worse after steroids were started? That's a clue.


I had a greyhound that was much younger, but with similar symptoms. She had previously tested negative for TBDs. She was started on steroids, got much better for a week or two, then crashed. Turns out there was an error in the TBD test, they tested for the wrong type of Babesia, the kind that affects pit bulls, babesia gibsoni, not the more common type that affects greyhounds, babesia canis.



Yes, a total tick panel from Protatek Labs would certainly be in order at this point. The vet draws the blood, spins it down, and YOU can even send it in! http://www.greyhoundrescueaustin.com/protatek.php ... Good Luck and hope it all turns out well!

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Some thoughts:


kidney disease

Cushing's disease

Diabetes Mellitus or Diabetes Insipidus


kidney or urinary tract infection

Pyometra (infection of the uterus)



However, with the platelets dropping continually, that is a sign of tick disease. Protatek is the way to go for diagnosis, and it is a quick answer. Also you can put her on doxy right away before diagnosis. If she responds, that's an answer too. But get her OFF the steroids.


Greyhound Gang has lots of medical info.

One section is Tick Diseases.


Dr. Stack also wrote on this.

Greyt Health.


Hope you find an answer soon.



claudia & Greyhound Gang

Claudia & Greyhound Gang
100% Helps Hounds

GIG Bound!

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But I wonder if TBD titers done after steroids were started would be valid? Since titers test immune response and steroids suppress immune response, the titers might come back neg or very low, even if TBD were raging. I'm not sure. Perhaps someone with scientific knowledge knows. Maybe at this point, you gotta go with what you have. Sometimes you have to work with less than perfect data and just go with your instincts. Hopefully, Misty's vet still relies on instinct. PCRs will give a more accurate reading, but they take too long.


ETA -- Protatek saves the original blood sample sent in, in case subsequent testing is requested. By chance was the sample sent to Protatek? I wonder if other labs have the same policy? It would be worth checking into.

Edited by mandm
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PCRs will give a more accurate reading, but they take too long.


Not anymore. The FastPanels I believe come back in 2-3 days, depending on your lab. Might be able to get 24-hour turnaround in some locations. IDEXX or Antech. Dunno why they aren't used more. Good technology.


Platelet crash does occur in tick disease but the excess drinking and cough to kick it all off sounds more like kidney problem, heart problem, internal bleeding.


Sending hugs and prayers.


Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest tampagreymom

Greytalkers are the best! A huge thank you to all who responded so quickly. I forwarded your responses to my friend. Hopefully they will get this figured out and Misty will recover. She is till at the vet's office on IV's. Will keep you updated.

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