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Limping After First Run Home..

Guest case529

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So, True has been home for 3 weeks and we finally took him to the ballpark to run a little tonight. He did, and seemed to love it, but when we got home, we thought we noticed a limp and a while later, when he got up to greet us, he WAS limping on his front left foot, very noticably. Immediately called the doc and he asked a million questions (not our regular doctor) and said that if he is still limping tomorrow morning, we should have him looked at. It's very scary, as I had a dog once that pulled a ligament so badly that he stopped eating, got very ill and then the worst case scenario.. The vet told me that this wouldn't be the case with True, as we'd know it if he was THAT hurt, but it still scares me to death, and I feel so badly that he hurt himself the first time he even ran while being with us. The vet said that retired hounds often don't know when to quit and that they will push themselves too far much of the time. He said that we needed to control how much he ran as he probably wasn't in very good shape, coming from a track. I hope this isn't the case. He said that many greys, especially retired racers, are just so conditioned to run that they will do it to their own detriment. :( He really didn't run much tonight, just a couple of laps around the field, literally, and we went home. Maybe a total of 30 seconds in all. I am praying that he will be all fine tomorrow. I would feel terrible if he was really hurt. I'm not sure how to proceed now. I'll be paranoid to let him run at all! We've been walking 2 times a day or more, a little bit at a time (he does tire very easily), but he is getting more eager every day, so we wanted to let him try a run. It's just scary to have a dog limp. He doesn't have any swelling, but I'm not going to press around on it much right now. He doesn't seem hurt, he's eating and drinking, and wagging his tail, but when he does get up, that's when the limp is the worst. It was a bit wet on the field and sandy. I think I'm looking for reassurance here. The vet said "I would have done the same thing (taking him to the field to run) so don't beat yourself up." My poor baby. Anyone have experience with this?? I wish I knew if he had ever had an injury on that foot. Is there any way to find out his total medical history??

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Guest Energy11

I am one of those who don't let mine run. I am too worried about injuries, although mine range in age from 7-9. That is just me.


When we had just Energy, Bob and I used to take him to the ball park all the time to run, and he was fine.


Your guy very well might have just over-done it, like we humans so, and is a little sore. I really wouldn't worry until you have to. If he is still limping tomorrow, surely, have the vet take a look.


Good Luck, and please do not worry, okay? :-) Hugs from here.

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still trying to post dadgum pictures too, so there he is if it works this time.


thank you for that, Dee. i'm going to drug myself so i don't wake up every fifteen minutes all night long. my mom thinks i'm crazy i think, because all i talk about is the dog lately.. (he's new, c'mon!) she keeps making comments like "well, that's fine, but how is your SON?" i tell her that the baby is 15 months old, fussy, clingy and my child, so of course he is great (minus the fussy, clingy part), and that he IS ALREADY COMFORTABLE here at home, so right now it's TRUE'S turn to get a lot of attention. i obsessed over him too, and still do (of course), but i have several babies, (4 furry, one pink and human) and they all get my love and attention (and worry). it will be the baby's turn soon enough again, but fortunately, i only have one at a time this week (so far).


i think that because of his background (racing), i worry more about him than i have with other dogs. i just am extra sensitive to him and his health and happiness. i'm overcompensating a bit. le sigh.


and while i'm at it, here he is with my tootie-pants (and that is marker on his face, not something else)...


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I have 10 year olds that run. Well, one of them still runs like a crazy 2 year old. The other one not so much for quite a while, but he will happily trot along at times. Jet happily races T down the beach and back a few times until she's tired and then she goes on her way to poke around while T keeps going and going and going.


If he's fresh off the track and was still running before he was adopted out, he should not be so out of shape that he can't run for 30 seconds.

It's likely where he ran wasn't perfectly flat or free from something to step on or trip over or stumble into.

I'd personally give it a few days, unless the limp gets quite a bit worse, before going to the vet.

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thanks, trudy. that helps too. i think i just need to relax a bit. it's the most annoying thing that dogs,cats,babies can't talk. that would certainly help ME out, anyway.

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Relax, he really isn't fragile. Most dogs newly retired are not used to having the freedom to run at will. A race is over in just over 30 seconds and it has a route the dog follows. He may have just overworked a muscle, or jarred something. As Trudy said if he is newly retired he should still be in shape to run.


I know after our barbecue when all the Follow That Hound dogs run in the puppy pen quite a few get an aspirin just in case.


Your vet's statement "said that we needed to control how much he ran as he probably wasn't in very good shape, coming from a track. I hope this isn't the case. He said that many greys, especially retired racers, are just so conditioned to run that they will do it to their own detriment. " sounds like a vet who doesn't know greyhounds very well. I don't know of many retired greyhounds that will just run to their detriment. Most need motivation like a playmate, or they see another animal, a toy or blowing piece of paper.


I agree with Trudy unless he has a swollen spot, just watch him. Most limps resolve within 3 - 4 days.

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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Guest Lovey_Hounds

Vegas was a bit out of shape when we got him and would pull something while running on occasion but after being able to regularly run he is now in awsome shape, he is just about as active as our 11 month old pup! we even have a broodie who will go run after the 2 of them and is ok.

he just needs to be use dof being active again, not letting him run isnt good either as they are meant to be somewhat active so let him go at his own pace and he will figure out how far he can push it.

try not to worry too much! :)

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Check your boy's feet well. He could have picked up something in one of his pads or even scraped his pads a bit raw. It's possible that the limp isn't a muscle problem but is just sore feet (or one sore foot)--especially if he did any sharp pivoting or quick stops as he ran.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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lightbulb! good idea, KF!!! duh- i should have thought of that, but you know, i just went straight to bones, ligaments, etc. when he gets up, i will have a look at that. :kickbutt

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Guest sweetpea

You might want to muzzle him before you go groping around, just to be safe!

If he is hurt, he might not react as well to being palpated as we might wish.


Sweetpea has come up limping 3 different times,

#1 was a pokey-burr thing in-between her pads,

#2 was too long walking on gravel and pavement on non-toughened pads

#3 she zoomied over the sharp edge of a cow hoof and sliced a dime sized owie on the back of her ankle.


It's going to be something easy like that, or he just over-did it a bit, I'm sure of it!


Good luck,



p.s. Sweetpea wouldn't run to her own detriment if you paid her with baloney and peanut butter ,

I'm sure your substitute vet meant well, especially since he did ask so many questions.


It's very easy to hyperventilate in these first few months, but there are some wicked smaaat folks

here on GT who'll talk you down if you need it.


Edited by sweetpea
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Enza always limps a little after she runs and sometimes after a nice long walk. It's just a sign she overdid - sort of like how I limp after doing a marathon. As her tail is always wagging and she is grinning, I don't worry about it too much. I also do rub her down a bit and she just leans into me like it's the best thing ever. But also look at her paws - but for Enza, that is a different limp then the sore leg from running.

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How is True tonight?

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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Guest FrostyBottoms

Why did your hound retire? Did he have a broken leg, a pulled muscle, any kind of injury? It is possible he irritated an injury. How is he feeling tonight?

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Coming from the track- he was prob in pretty good shape, it's when they are home and doing nothing they can get out of shape. he prob will be fine in 3 days or so. Give it a rest and see how he is in 3 days. If by Saturday, it's no better, than bring him in to ease your mind.


All my dogs at one time or another have limped for many days. Don't not take him in the future- he probably had a ball! I'ts good for him to let off some steam although I do admit as soon as the leashes come off at the ball field, I say a little prayer that no one gets hurt.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Well, True did a little better today, but it seems as if he is struggling mostly just when he gets up. When he's not "warmed up" so to speak. I am really feeling in my gut like this could be an old injury that was kind of sore- Like a sprain takes YEARS to heal because of the lack of blood flow to bony bits like ankles- But I don't know for sure. I tried looking at his feet, but we don't know eachother well enough for me to be comfortable hurting him (esp. while he's right in my face, ya know?)- But mostly because it's been such a slow building of trust so far and I'd rather he be pissed at the vet, instead of me! I'm having her call me first thing tomorrow when she's back in (today was her day off, of course). I decided that he did need a couple of days.. y'all were right. One note, DH was trying to shuffle him into the kitchen this morning and kind of put his hands on True's front shoulders to help coax him into the kitchen and the poor baby let out the most blood curdling scream that I almost fainted. I wasn't down here, but my hubby said it was barely any pressure, so that makes me wonder about his shoulder now. I just don't know... I wish I had a way to find out if he ever was injured. I don't know how to know. He WAS right off the track, and his owner, who I am going to send the forms to transfer ownership to, is like the VP of the NGA, so I kinda doubt she'll know him in particular, you know? He was DYING to go out for a "w" (we can't say walk or ride, unless we're trying to reward him, etc.) all day, but only got a really short one. He ate like a PIGLET for the first time today, so that was wonderful. I am with y'all, in that I don't think he's in bad shape at all- He was supposedly a champion on some track or another (though that is not on greyhound data as of yet anyway), so who knows. He was racing as late as July, I'm told, so he's healthy, just a tad skinny.


I tell ya, I love this dog more and more every day, and I want to make his life so happy. He is really a character and we are seriously bonding, slowly but surely. I am a total freak because he's new, I'm new, etc., but all this bone cancer business frankly has me a little tweaked if you know what I mean. And you're right, Sweet Pea- these folks on here are wicked smaaat. It seems to be the most eloquent bunch of folks I've ever run across en masse. I'll let you know what my vet says tomorrow. (consequently, my vet is a very close friend, which feels REALLY good. she definitely doesn't judge my freakishness about my animals. she's been a shoulder more than once and let's face it- vets don't do it for the money, so she's one of my peeps). Thanks, yawsa- I appreciate you. :) If it weren't for y'all, I'd be stressin' a whole lot more. This is like therapy for newlyweds (which all newlyweds should take!!)



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Uh, yeah.. I kinda decided that earlier today, FB. Like that may have been a bit of an overreaction perhaps... Since i've had no indication otherwise that his shoulder hurt. Unfortunately, we might have a lot more of the GSOD, because it resulted in very nice tummy rubs, canned Canidae and as many trips out to the yard as True wanted. I swear I saw him limp on the other foot when he turned around... Jan Brady style (or was it Cindy?)

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