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Just Found Two Fleas On Henry

Guest EmilyAnne

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Guest EmilyAnne

Henry has fleas.... :o It's been over twenty years since I had to deal with fleas. Vet says to do Frontline, wash everything, and vacuam well.




editing to add, I will be frontlining Riley and Mabel as well. I am just still in shock.... last time I had to deal with this, it was a nightmare, but I didnt use frontline back then, I tried to use cheap stuff and thus created super fleas.

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Guest Energy11

Ask the vet for Capstar. This is harmelss to your greys, but kills the fleas on the dogs, instantly. This way, you can get rid of the fleas on the dogs, and also use the Frontline Plus.


I use Adams Flea and Tick Mist, NOT a flea and very few ticks this summer. Good Luck! :flea:flea

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Guest TBSFlame

Frontline or Advantage your pets and it will most likely take care of the problem. Vacuum and spray around with Adam or something like that. Don't panic. Fleas have been bad this year. I also flea comb my hounds twice a day but I don't panic. I had to change to Advantage because the Frontline was no longer working.

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Guest BlackandBrindle

And remember, often where there are fleas there are tapeworms :puke


I got to deal with that for the first time this year. Keep an eye out on his poop for a while after getting rid of the fleas to make sure he didn't get worms.

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remember to put a flea collar in the vacuum cleaner....if you have rugs....well then take the advise to bomb! you can be a maniac and vacuum everything to death and wait until we approach the first frost, but i fear that a bombing might be in order. you just moved, so the place should still be organized and easy to prep!


do some research on line, but i believe dawn dish washing soap kills fleas. the hounds can be bathed and it's tough on the skin, but no insecticides. if it isn't the original dawn then there should be some info, it's what they use to wash oil off of water fowl when there is an oil spill.

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Guest EmilyAnne

I have two dogs, one who has had cancer for a year now, and one with epilepsy who barely has decent seizure control. I'm really upset about having to use all this flea killing stuff all over the apt., but it isnt an option to allow the fleas to breed! I am glad I dont have much square footage to treat!



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If you don't want to bomb, you can use Flea-go on the carpet and furniture. It is a borax product that works really well. Someone mentioned Dawn for killing fleas in my Frontline over Revolution thread.

It has been a bad year for fleas, but the good news is you caught it early. I hear you on the chemicals, so you might try washing with Dawn and a conditioner first and using the crystals (Flea-go) or do a google search on Borax for flea control.


Good luck!

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Guest Energy11

I use Adams once a week. Every Friday. Tomorrow, is Adams Day! I mist their bodies, and spray the mist on my hands to rub on their heads, and in, and around their ears. I honestly SWEAR by it! I live in the woods, and no fleas, and very few ticks. I do not use Frontline or Advantage. Good Luck! The good part is, you can get it at the Petsmart/Petsupermarkets, and at Walmart!

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Guest TeddysMom
I use Adams once a week. Every Friday. Tomorrow, is Adams Day!

Thanks Greyaholic, I have to run to town tomorrow, will pick some up and try it. Advantage or Frontline never has worked for me and the fleas are bad here this year.

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Guest Energy11
I use Adams once a week. Every Friday. Tomorrow, is Adams Day!

Thanks Greyaholic, I have to run to town tomorrow, will pick some up and try it. Advantage or Frontline never has worked for me and the fleas are bad here this year.

Just call me Dee :-))) I hope the Adams works for you. Seriously, I do SWEAR by it. I have literally had NO fleas, and just a tick or two this year! :-)) I keep a bottle outside, so I can spray any unwanted bug and spiders, too.

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Guest EmilyAnne

Has the Adams worked to kill an already existing flea infestation?


Cause I can't find Frontline here in this teeny town, and Frontline is kinda $$$.

edited to fix spelling

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Guest Energy11
Has the Adams worked to kill an already existing flea infestation?


Cause I can't find Frontline here in this teeny town, and Frontline is kinda $$$.

edited to fix spelling

Luckily, I haven't ahd existing flea infestations, but I would venture to say, "yes!" You can spray it on their bedding, and the rugs, too. Good Luck! I also live in a teeny town, and I'd have to order any topicals online. Good Luck! Dee

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I have used Dawn dish soap on a kitten I found before who was too young for the flee/tick shampoo. It worked well for the kitty along with washing and using flee spray in the house.

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Guest pennmorgan

I just found two fleas on Olivia, too. :-(


I'm having a minor meltdown, washing everything in the house, etc. I will go to the vet and see what I can get tomorrow. Darn you, non-functional Frontline! (which I just ordered a new six-month supply of).

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Guest Energy11

Frontline just isn't cutting it anymore for a lot of people. I think the fleas have become immune! I do like the Adams. Not a flea here, and we are very rural. Good Luck.

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Guest EmilyAnne

Well Riley and Henry were free of fleas for a few days, but I think they have been re-infested. Mabel, my cat has been very hard to treat. I keep seeing live fleas on her. I sprayed her twice with the Adam's flea and tick mist, and she stopped eating and became depressed. In a panic I bathed her to try to get the spray off. *sigh* stupid fleas! Anyways, I intend to do capstar for Mabel, no more spray for her. I should add that she is 19. :gramps I was really starting to worry, and then last night she ate and then curled up against my lap. This morning she was back to waking me as usual.


Anyways, I plan to fog the house this weekend while my kids are at their Dad's house. I will be taking all of my pets of the house and going out of town for the weekend. Are all foggers safe for greyhounds? Can anyone recommend a brand of flea fogger?

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Guest Sissysmom
Well Riley and Henry were free of fleas for a few days, but I think they have been re-infested. Mabel, my cat has been very hard to treat. I keep seeing live fleas on her. I sprayed her twice with the Adam's flea and tick mist, and she stopped eating and became depressed. In a panic I bathed her to try to get the spray off. *sigh* stupid fleas! Anyways, I intend to do capstar for Mabel, no more spray for her. I should add that she is 19. :gramps I was really starting to worry, and then last night she ate and then curled up against my lap. This morning she was back to waking me as usual.


Anyways, I plan to fog the house this weekend while my kids are at their Dad's house. I will be taking all of my pets of the house and going out of town for the weekend. Are all foggers safe for greyhounds? Can anyone recommend a brand of flea fogger?


I am in the battle against fleas at my house as well. We tried 3 Adam's foggers, and I am not sure they did much at all. I have been fighting them for a little over a week now and it is a pain! I am thinking of trying one of the products like Fleago or Fleabusters. Both seem pretty safe and effective. I just think it takes a while to rid the house of fleas on your own (speaking from my experience). I am thinking 4-6 weeks....


Oh and my mom used Adam's for years with great results. I have a bottle but don't use it weekly (who thought I would need to, we had done Frontline :angryfire ) I keep it around to spray the pups when they will be outside a while to prevent mosquitoes mostly.


Do you have little flea traps down? They are super easy to set up and a good way to measure your effectiveness of treatment. Get a nightlight and put a white plate with soapy water under it. (Google homeade flea traps for examples). We have been using these to see how well our treatment is doing. So far we are still catching really tiny fleas, this honestly has been the worst battle I have ever had to fight!


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Guest FullMetalFrank

Sorry you are still fighting the flea battle. I had to fog my house (not for fleas, but for these icky little moths!) and we used a dry fogger that leaves little residue; I don't remember the brand but it left no insecticide smell or oily film that foggers I've used in the past did. I took the pups with me on a little trip and put my cockatiel out in the travel trailer for a few hours; then when we got home aired out the house for about half an hour before I brought everyone back in, and everything was fine. The fogger we used was a general-use type for spiders, fleas, flying insects, etc... I wish I could remember the brand...


Another (relatively safe, and inexpensive) flea treatment for your carpets is borax powder. Another thing to consider, you may need to spray the yard and exterior of the dwelling to keep the little buggers from just hitching a ride right back into the house. Good luck!

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Guest Sissysmom
Sorry you are still fighting the flea battle. I had to fog my house (not for fleas, but for these icky little moths!) and we used a dry fogger that leaves little residue; I don't remember the brand but it left no insecticide smell or oily film that foggers I've used in the past did. I took the pups with me on a little trip and put my cockatiel out in the travel trailer for a few hours; then when we got home aired out the house for about half an hour before I brought everyone back in, and everything was fine. The fogger we used was a general-use type for spiders, fleas, flying insects, etc... I wish I could remember the brand...


Another (relatively safe, and inexpensive) flea treatment for your carpets is borax powder. Another thing to consider, you may need to spray the yard and exterior of the dwelling to keep the little buggers from just hitching a ride right back into the house. Good luck!


The Adam's fogger leaves the oily film. I have also heard of the other kind, but don't know what brand that would be. I ordered some stuff called Fleabusters (you can google it) and it is a borax based powder that you put down. In some areas they have a service that will come treat your house, however in Alabama we do not. I should get it today, will let you know what I think about it. They say once it is down after 4-6 weeks they guarantee no more fleas for a year. Seems more safe than harsh chemicals.


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