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Loose Stool What To Do?

Guest TristansMom

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Guest TristansMom

I just took Tristan out and he has very loose stool. I will give him some rice for dinner but I have been told to give them Imodium but I have no idea how much.

He is 77 pounds. How much is good?

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Guest Energy11

You can give him one, twice a day. Hope this resolves. A LOT of hounds have diarrhea and stomach issues lately. A friend's grey in Florida just got over something similar. Hope all works, and your baby gets better soon!

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I found instant mashed potatoes worked better than Rice for Enza. Not only did she hate the rice (weirdo), it always came out as...rice.


Part of me wants to say to hold off on the medicine for a bit to see if it was a one time deal or if it is indeed something else. If he ate something that upset him, best to let it come out I say. He is also still new and just adjusting to home life - give it time and relax. Enza had loose stools for the first few weeks with me and once she relaxed fully, she was fine.

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Guest greytsox

Has it only happened once? I'd hold off with rice and meds and see what happens next time. Having diarrhea once isn't a huge issue. Just like humans we just get it sometimes.

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

I agree about the holding off on medicine at this time. Your hound is new. Stress can cause loose stool. My boy had a bout of cholitis from stress of moving into my house. ALso, are you feeding a different food than what he had in foster, or at the kennels? If so, that is another cause of loose stool. Try plain pumkin (unsweetend) in with his food, or beet pulp, you can also try metamucil. I would try these things or the rice/beef combo before I started with drugs. Those are usually a last resort around here, or for something like a foster eating paint off my walls and getting diareah, thats when I bring out the med.



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Guest TristansMom
Has it only happened once? I'd hold off with rice and meds and see what happens next time. Having diarrhea once isn't a huge issue. Just like humans we just get it sometimes.


He has been VERY loose since we got him...but today is full diarrhea...thats why i was concerned but we are gonna start with the bland diet.

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If it is full blown bigD, then I'd skip a meal, let his stomach rest a bit and then give a bland meal the following day and go from there.


Has he been to see the vet since you have brought him home? If not, you should schedule that apt.

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Guest TristansMom
If it is full blown bigD, then I'd skip a meal, let his stomach rest a bit and then give a bland meal the following day and go from there.


Has he been to see the vet since you have brought him home? If not, you should schedule that apt.


We have an appointment for next week. The kennel told us to wait 7-10 days.


I agree about the holding off on medicine at this time. Your hound is new. Stress can cause loose stool. My boy had a bout of cholitis from stress of moving into my house. ALso, are you feeding a different food than what he had in foster, or at the kennels? If so, that is another cause of loose stool. Try plain pumkin (unsweetend) in with his food, or beet pulp, you can also try metamucil. I would try these things or the rice/beef combo before I started with drugs. Those are usually a last resort around here, or for something like a foster eating paint off my walls and getting diareah, thats when I bring out the med.




No Chad, we are giving him the same food that the kennel had him on which I am not even sure if its good or not. Its Avo Derm.

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I second the fasting for a day (but make sure to give him access to water!) and then bland diet for a couple days to see if that calms down his system. Usually people do Chicken/Rice or Beef/Rice (just drain the fat). I use either potatoes or pasta instead of the rice-- it seems to sit better. (and beef, Diesel can't do chicken) If it gets worse, or he's getting dehydrated, you'll need to take him to the vet sooner. Since he's not too long out of the kennel, parasites are another possibility. Sometimes it takes a few doses to get rid of all of them, and they can definitely cause loose stools/diarrhea. When he does go to the vet, bring a fresh stool sample. (I'm sure being newly adopted and stressed isn't helping either, sometimes that alone is enough to cause loose stools!)


I've found that it's not necessarily an issue of "good food" vs "bad food". It can be the highest quality food but if it doesn't work for your dog, it isn't the best for him. Avoderm isn't a bad food though. I'm feeding the lamb version here. Two of mine do great on darned near any food, but Diesel has a sensitive stomach and it works the best for him. We've also had luck with Pro Plan Sensitive (salmon) and the old Canidae Lamb (I wish they hadn't changed the formula!). If in the long run it is a food issue, there are lots of alternatives on the market now, and a fair amount of reasonably priced good quality foods as well.



In vino veritas
Rachael with Rook, missing Sully, Sebau, and Diesel

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