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Hair Loss In Pomeranian

Guest iHound

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My grandfather's Pomeranian, Kalua, has almost no fur from her chest back. She's had this fur problem for the past 5 years I would say (she's 9). We tried melatonin a few years ago when she lost her fur the first time and it all grew back but within a year or so she lost it all again. It's not a thyroid problem as she currently takes a thyroid pill and was just tested to make sure her levels were normal (which they were)


She's been tested for everything under the sun and the vet can't figure out why she won't grow any fur. The fur that was there before, started to clump up and eventually I was able to just pull it out as if the hair was dead inside the follicle. Now she just has these short coarse strands on her little naked areas but she won't grow anything more than that. She's otherwise a very healthy dog but I mean she is a Pomeranian- she's supposed to look like a snowball! Any ideas as to what could cause this?




(Talk about giving the camera some tude'!)





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Nope, no excessive eating/drinking/or peeing. I've looked up "black skin disease" and it seems to match except for the fact that her skin has never darkened.

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Guest WhenIGiveIn

I hate to tell you but its a condition in pomeranians called black skin disease. It doesnt effect them health wise but it does obviously effect their apperance. There have been several studies done trying to pin point the problem and the find a cure. However the biggest problem is that you dont know if girls carry it until you spay them and once a male is fixed they grow their hair back.


I can go on and on and on about the subject. If you have any specific questions let me know but unfortunatly there is no way to get the hair back.


The only thing that will fix this is honest breeders being honest with everyone including themselves.


oh it also goes by another name alopeicia X you can probably google either and get some information


this is a pretty good article



Oh and I just wanted to add that not all lines and not all poms carry this disease. I have been breeding pomeranians for 18 years. Over those 18 years purchased one dog that came down with black skin. His litter sister also carried the condition. Fortunatly for me they showed signs early and were never introduced in to my breeding program.


The biggest problem is that there are many dogs that are carriers that don't show symptoms and when bred to the right dogs there are no problems but when bred to the wrong lines you end up with bald dogs.

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:( What a bummer. I had looked it up before but most of the articles I read stated that the dog would have darkening of the skin which she's never had. Is there a chance the melatonin could work again as it worked before? I think she started losing the fur again after we stopped giving it to her. She's been getting it again but I'm not sure it's the same dosage.


ETA: She was purchased from a breeder who was relatively new and probably had no clue if her dogs carried the disease or not.

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:lol :lol I might as well! She's definitely a cutie even without the fur but people always think something is seriously wrong with her. I can't tell you how many times I've heard "Oh my gosh, does she have cancer?!?"


She's the toothless, furless wonder!

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I think she is cute too, Thanks to WhenIGiveIn, for the info. I don't own a pom, never had that chance, but my neighbor is thinking about one and I will share that info with her.

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Any chance anyone has looked at whether the topical hair regrowth formulations do anything- to just a small patch, even if they're safe for dogs- with this disorder? It may sound amusing, but if something like minoxidil were effective in regrowing hair in a small patch, it could be diagnostic in terms of figuring out the cause of the disorder.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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If this happens to females when they are spayed and fixes it with the males when they are neutered, then the problem seems to have an origin with the hormones. With this in mind, maybe you want to discuss with the vet whether estrogen could possibly help the problem. BUT, please keep in mind that giving estrogen could cause a host of other problems.

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I think she is cute too, Thanks to WhenIGiveIn, for the info. I don't own a pom, never had that chance, but my neighbor is thinking about one and I will share that info with her.



Poms make great little dogs if they're socialized properly. They definitely seem to act more like a big dog than most other toy breeds. I think if your neighbor was to do her research and get a Pom from a good breeder, the chances of alopecia are reduced. My aunt has Poms as well and bought them from a sleazy breeder. Her previous dog from this breeder had the alopecia and one of the dogs she has now has it too- both females.

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