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Corrective Eye Surgery

Guest janiek

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Guest onlymrsp

A friend of mine just found out in June that her 11 year old dog has gone blind. She was wondering if there was a surgical procedure to repair or replace the retina???? She even jokes about giving up one of her own eyes...........

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The retina? Not that I know of. Cataracts and some other problems are managed quite cleverly, although you can attach a contrail of zeroes to the bill. Ultimately, blind dogs tend to adapt quite nicely.


We had a foster here that had ~30% vision in one eye, and he didn't like getting approached from that side. The vet said it could be repaired, but so long as one eye was 100%, there was no pressing concern.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Oh, poor thing. It is hard not to be sad for a dog who goes blind.


I don't know of any corrective surgery for retina disease in dogs but this is a question that a doggy eye specialist can answer best.


The only advice I can offer is from my own experience when Onyx was going blind. He seemed to handle it a lot better than I did! He managed pretty well as long as I didn't move furniture around or leave things out that he could trip over. I talked to him a lot and taught him words like "step up" and "step down" and "careful" so he wouldn't bump into stuff. He still took regular walks with us and enjoyed everything just like before.


Having another dog helps quite a bit. If your friend only has the one, she should consider getting him a pal to follow around. That would be the biggest favor she could do for him right now.


There are other GT members with blind dogs as well. Most of their stories are very encouraging.



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Guest Energy11

The only eye surgery for a dog that I know of, is the removal of cateracts. But, as the others have said, maybe a canine eye specialist could check her out. Good Luck!

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I really don't think so. I had Collies for quite a few years and they are prone to eye problems and blindness.

I paid many visits to an eye clinic in Menlo Park, Ca and they were not able to do anything and in my cases, the eye had to be removed.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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