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Figgy Vomited ....

Guest 3greysinPA

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Guest 3greysinPA

OK... i had a really busy day... got home from helping a my Dad's neighbors adopt their first greyhound today.. it such a great experience being with this couple today.. ... i took them to our greyhound group where i got my 3, and they picked, Hanks Blazer... it was a greyt day with them... :colgate

i was looking forward to posting about that experience tonight... not this one..

but anyway.. the usual routine.. dogs get dinner.. usual dinner.. usual wet/dry mix.. nothing new... go outside .. run a little ,, play a little...

then inside to beg a little bit while my kids eat dinner.. i think Figgy might have snagged 1 chx nugget from Owen... and then licked a bottom of a vanilla pudding cup...

about 30 mins later.. he vomited in the dining room... grass and his dinner... and now he is OK, seems very very tired... just not himself. but still gets up walks around a little bit.. but didnt want to go outside and didnt go downstairs when i let the Lilly and Faye out to pee.

I am in bed right now in the spare room.. on the bed with Figgy and Lilly.. they are both sleeping here with me now... i think i may stay here with him tonight.. just keep a close eye on him...

i did check his gums... and he still has good capillary refill....


WHAT ELSE should i be on the look out for? Can you think of something I am not doing? Or something i might have missed? any thoughts???? :huh


or do you think i am just over reacting? and being a worry wart?

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Could be just a little tummy upset, especially if he ate grass. Arrow loves to eat grass but gets sick every time so he now wears his muzzle with a stool guard. Hope Figgy feels better in the morning.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest 3greysinPA
Could be just a little tummy upset, especially if he ate grass. Arrow loves to eat grass but gets sick every time so he now wears his muzzle with a stool guard. Hope Figgy feels better in the morning.

me too,,, i hope he feels better in the morning and its just a tummy ache... from the cheap frozen chx nugget from the kids meal...


Could be just a little tummy upset, especially if he ate grass. Arrow loves to eat grass but gets sick every time so he now wears his muzzle with a stool guard. Hope Figgy feels better in the morning.

me too,,, i hope he feels better in the morning and its just a tummy ache... from the cheap frozen chx nugget from the kids meal...

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Guest Energy11

Could try to get a Pepcid AC down him ... might help settle his stomach. Maybe have just been too much excitement, the day, heat, etc. They get upset stomach just like we do. I usually do the Pepcid AC and a little yogert .. Go easy on his stomach tomorrow morning, ... I wouldn't feed a lot. Keep an eye on him, and if it continues, obviously see the vet. Good luck, and hope you have a QUIET night!

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Guest 3greysinPA
Could try to get a Pepcid AC down him ... might help settle his stomach. Maybe have just been too much excitement, the day, heat, etc. They get upset stomach just like we do. I usually do the Pepcid AC and a little yogert .. Go easy on his stomach tomorrow morning, ... I wouldn't feed a lot. Keep an eye on him, and if it continues, obviously see the vet. Good luck, and hope you have a QUIET night!

i wish i had a pepcid ac to give him... :(


anyway... i hope he has a quiet night too.... thank you so much

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Guest TheUnrulyHound

Just FYI I let my dogs out about 20 minutes before they eat dinner, that way they are cooled off by the time they eat and they wont have to go out for another few hours afterwards. This also cuts down on the risk of bloat. If you can imagine eating a full meal then going out in the heat to run and play, you would probably feel kinda sick too :( I hope it is that simple and that he feels better soon :hope

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Guest 3greysinPA
Just FYI I let my dogs out about 20 minutes before they eat dinner, that way they are cooled off by the time they eat and they wont have to go out for another few hours afterwards. This also cuts down on the risk of bloat. If you can imagine eating a full meal then going out in the heat to run and play, you would probably feel kinda sick too :( I hope it is that simple and that he feels better soon :hope

OMG... do you think it might be bloat? :eek:eek:eek How would i know?

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Guest GentleHugs
Just FYI I let my dogs out about 20 minutes before they eat dinner, that way they are cooled off by the time they eat and they wont have to go out for another few hours afterwards. This also cuts down on the risk of bloat. If you can imagine eating a full meal then going out in the heat to run and play, you would probably feel kinda sick too :( I hope it is that simple and that he feels better soon :hope


I do the same thing that unrulyhound does - let my kids out before they eat dinner. It gives them a chance to pee, poop and get their energy out before hand. Right after they eat, they go lie down and sleep for a few hours.


I hope it's just some tummy upset from eating the grass and I hope he will feel just fine in the morning after a good night's rest.

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Guest Hollys2hounds

If he only threw up once, I wouldn't worry now. Lexy threw up a night or two ago. I think it is the extreme heat here, and playing in the yard.


Do you hear any gurgly tummy noises?


Every once in a while my guys get the "gurgly tummy", a pepcid or pepto bismol and all is well.


Good luck,

I am sure Figgy will be good as new in the morning.

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Guest 3greysinPA
If he only threw up once, I wouldn't worry now. Lexy threw up a night or two ago. I think it is the extreme heat here, and playing in the yard.


Do you hear any gurgly tummy noises?


Every once in a while my guys get the "gurgly tummy", a pepcid or pepto bismol and all is well.


Good luck,

I am sure Figgy will be good as new in the morning.

no dont hear gurgly stomach noises.... but i do give him a little space on the bed... dont want to startle him...


should i go get my stethoscope and listen bowel sounds?


just someone tell me ... it does nt sound like bloat :(:(

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You won't be able to tell if it's bloat by listening.


Signs of bloat: Expanding abdomen (can be tummy area *or* back half of ribcage), restlessness, tender tummy, straining to poop with nothing coming out, repeated attempt to vomit with nothing coming out, slurping water like there's no tomorrow. Poor capillary refill or white gums ==> get to vet as fast as you can drive there safely.


Might want to take his temp and see if he'll drink some water (not too much; cup is fine). You want him to stay hydrated if he isn't feeling well. Pinch up some skin over his shoulder and let go; snaps back into place pretty quick, dog is hydrated; stays tented up, dog is dehydrated. You can also feel those gums; tacky gums = dog may be becoming dehydrated. If they don't want to drink and I want them too, I'll add a little something to their water -- couple teaspoons of honey or molasses, or 50-50 water and broth, or 50-50 water and milk if I know they can tolerate milk.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest 3greysinPA
You won't be able to tell if it's bloat by listening.


Signs of bloat: Expanding abdomen (can be tummy area *or* back half of ribcage), restlessness, tender tummy, straining to poop with nothing coming out, repeated attempt to vomit with nothing coming out, slurping water like there's no tomorrow. Poor capillary refill or white gums ==> get to vet as fast as you can drive there safely.


Might want to take his temp and see if he'll drink some water (not too much; cup is fine). You want him to stay hydrated if he isn't feeling well. Pinch up some skin over his shoulder and let go; snaps back into place pretty quick, dog is hydrated; stays tented up, dog is dehydrated. You can also feel those gums; tacky gums = dog may be becoming dehydrated. If they don't want to drink and I want them too, I'll add a little something to their water -- couple teaspoons of honey or molasses, or 50-50 water and broth, or 50-50 water and milk if I know they can tolerate milk.

nope.. none of that ... thank goodness....


i'm hoping for just a little belly ache.... and oh yeah.. just heard tummy gurgle....


maybe just upset tummy...

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it doesn't sound like bloat. certainly not at this point. well, and by now he'd be gone. bloat can kill in 20 minutes. he'd be in agonizing pain and swollen up in the abdomen like a hot air balloon. he'd be pacing, panting, trying to vomit unsuccessfully, biting at his sides and back and doing the stretch nearly constantly. Sounds like just a transient thing. heat, chicken whatever. my Dane breeder said, "sometimes they just DO that."

Angie, Pewter, and Storm-puppy

Forever missing Misty-Mousie (9/9/99 - 10/5/15)
Fort Wayne, Indiana

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Guest LindsaySF

Probably just an upset tummy from eating grass. My guys throw up a lot if they eat grass so I have to keep an eye on them in the yard. They are little cows!



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Guest FullMetalFrank

Mine will vomit on rare occasions, just upset tummy. Chelsa does it if she misses her morning cookie; she goes out and eats grass and up comes the bile. Frank, maybe once a year, his lunch just decides not to sit well. Frank usually bounces right back but Chels gets a little mopey and tired if she gets sick.


I hope Figgy is feeling better and that this is just a little upset tummy.

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Hope Figgy is feeling better this morning. It sounds like he had lots of excitement and the combination of grass & the chicken could have been one thing too many. We have a pup that I have to watch like a hawk outside because he gobbles grass and then comes in and up comes his food.


Hugs to you and Figgy - it's impossible to not worry about our greys when they feel ill.


Hobbes - April 2, 1994 to April 9, 2008-----Tasha - May 23, 2000 to March 31, 2013

Fiona - Aug 29, 2001 to May 5, 2014-----Bailey - March 22, 2001 to Jan 20, 2015

Zeke - June 1, 2004 - Jan 26, 2016----Callie - July 14, 2006 to July 27, 2019

Forever in my heart: Chooch, Molly, Dylan & Lucy

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Guest 3greysinPA

Figgy :wub: ate breakfast, pooped, pee pee'd, seems OK. :thumbs-up


no more :puke ... just that one incident...


he just seems a little sad today... :(



so i gave him extra lovies before i left for work :kiss2:kiss2:kiss2


and i am hoping he has an ok day today...


thank you for all the caring replies and concern ... last night and today... you guys are great! :grouphug:yay

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If his dinner came up looking pretty much like it did when it went down -- if he just put his head down and horked it up without signs of great distress -- it's not even technically vomiting but regurgitation, is my understanding. (More experienced folks might want to confirm this....) And really nothing to worry about if it only happens once in a while. Beth has done this twice in the year I've had her for no particular reasons, and has been absolutely fine afterwards. (But yes, running around after eating is not a good idea.)


This may be of interest to you on vomiting vs. regurgitation: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=222416&hl

Edited by PrairieProf

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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