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Pleural Effusion [long]

Guest wdlndgreasil

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these sound totally like the symptoms my uncle who just succumbed to meso presented with. :( He was fine feeling one day, thought he had a little chest cold the next day, went to the Doc in the Box who was afraid of a heart issue and sent him to the ER. Admitted through ER for tests and tests and tests. Four or Five days later....you have meso and we can't fix it. After a while it's not fluid anymore, it's gelatinous goo that they can't tap. God I hope that's not what it is for her, and you of course!

Angie, Pewter, and Storm-puppy

Forever missing Misty-Mousie (9/9/99 - 10/5/15)
Fort Wayne, Indiana

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Guest eaglflyt
Ok now I'm very angry and confused. They tested the fluid for one other thing & just called with the results - it IS chylothorax. Though the underlying cause is still likley cancer, they can't be 100% sure without opening her up. Lots of times the chylothorax is idiopathic [no known cause] but in this case, still guessing cancer. Can't give a difinitive which is frustrating.


So, now not sure what to do. Boyfriend just wants to continue to treat the fluid [draining as needed] and let Tara do as she will until it's time. Vet friend says likely the best bet since if she's opened & riddled with cancer, probably don't want to wake her up from that.



There can be multiple causes for chylothorax! Their list of percentages were wrong, so I'm hoping they're wrong on their guess as to the cause, too! It could be something much more treatable that is causing this ... as stated in the link I posted earlier. It could also be idiopathic (no known cause), or it could be the result of trauma. It may resolve on its own, but it may require surgery to repair the area of leak.


I know you're at a crossroads about what to do next, so I'm praying for the best possible choice of action for you, Asia, and your boyfriend. I'm also still holding out hope that it's not anything related to any cancerous process.


I'm praying for all of you now.


Shelly in OK

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I just stumbled across this today: a drug called octreotide (Sandostatin) is used for management of chylothorax in people. No idea if it's safe for use in hounds; it was discovered in 1979, so it should be off-patent. Best wishes for you and your hound.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Guest wdlndgreasil
I just stumbled across this today: a drug called octreotide (Sandostatin) is used for management of chylothorax in people. No idea if it's safe for use in hounds; it was discovered in 1979, so it should be off-patent. Best wishes for you and your hound.


thanks! I'll mention it to the vet tomorrow - Tara goes in to have her chest drained :( She coughed the other day so it's time again. Not looking forward to this every 10days or so.

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Guest wdlndgreasil

Tara did great. She had another 2 litres drained but seems to be feeling fine. Ate right when she came home which is good [last few times she's been so stressed it takes her a day or so].


She's on a new diet - EVO low fat - to help keep the chyle down. Vet still suggesting surgery to determine amount of cancer & try and stop the fluid. We're going to just keep on the maintenance for a variety of reasons. Also have to pick up a supplement called "rutin" at the health food store for her.

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Guest trevdog

Have they determined it is cancer or is it possibly chylothorax like others have mentioned? Glad to hear she's holding her own.....hoping for a lot more quality time for you.

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