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Gunny's Lump

Guest GunnyGirl

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Guest GunnyGirl

So the antibiotics really did nothing. The lump has changed and actually has a tiny opening with nothing but a little blood coming out. A visit to the vet yesterday has resulted in a scheduled surgery on Thursday to remove the lump and have it biopsied. While she's under, she will get her toofies cleaned and of course, prior to going under, the necessary blood tests. The vet doesn't seem overly concerned and calls it "infected fat cells". I've never heard of this but am hoping for a good outcome.


She's not quite 7 years old... :(


She doesn't appear to be in pain and is acting totally normal. It is starting to bother her though, as she is licking at it today. Hoping that is a good sign...




I love my little goober...



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Guest GunnyGirl

Gunny had her surgery yesterday. It was some sort of slimey mass that had attached itself to a muscle. It's being sent for biopsy, vet has removed some recently from other dogs, doesn't really know what it is, but all that he has removed have come back as nothing malignant.


She had a really, really rough night, as did DBF and I. I wasn't feeling well this morning so I stayed home and glad I did. She had a rough day too. She just wants to drink water. And the few times I've tricked her into eating something that I've put her Tramodol in, she doesn't want it the next time. She doesn't really have an appetite. I also have to try and get antibiotics down her too. She isn't the easiest dog to pill, compared to my other dogs. We're hoping tonight may be a bit better, as she is actually laying on one of her beds, which she wouldn't do last night. She paced and panted the ENTIRE night. Finally layed down from sheer exhaustion.


We go back to the vet tomorrow for a checkup.




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Guest greytexplorer


I feel your pain in the pilling dept. Mandy is the toughest broodie in the world to trick!!! She doesn't like peanut butter, cheese, or any of the other "good stuff" that "normal" dogs will kill for. It's impossible to get pills in her.

Sooooo.....now I request Convenia. It's a broad-base antibiotic, good for just about everything.

Ask your vet if it would be good for Gunny. It costs me about $65. ($1 per pound of dog).

And it's absolutely worth it because I don't have to pill my dog!!!! :clap:confetti


Good luck, and I hope that Gunny feels better soon!



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Guest FullMetalFrank

Awww, Gunny girl! I hope she feels better now that the lump is gone and hopefully the path report is benign! Get well soon, sweetie...

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Guest GunnyGirl

Gunny is making progress daily. It's amazing how quickly dogs mend and recover. We got the bandages off yesterday and I discovered that those were what was making her resist lying down (how uncomfortable it must have been!) The site looks red and bruised and there is a little dripping but nothing that worries me. The vet would rather leave the dressing off as it will heal faster, but if she starts bleeding too much, we'll put it back on. Her appetite is starting to return, but I have to be careful of how much and what I entice her with. She loved the pepperoni and took the pills in it with no problem, but it proved to be too spicey (duh). So this morning it was about 3/4 cup of her dry with a little tuna, which she scarfed down and those nasty little vienna hot dogs with her pills stuck in them. Hoping those will stay down. And she's eating her little doggie cookies too. I think she's well on her way!


Tell you what. Much discussion is put onto this board regarding weight, proper weight, pet weight vs racing rate, etc., etc. I admit, I keep Gunny a little on the upper end of weight. She raced at 67 but has yoyo'd between 70 and at one point, 87 pounds. Naturally the 87 pounds was too much, but I like to keep her at about 76-78 pounds and the vet agrees. No, her hip bones don't protrude much and I can still see a little rib. But that extra weight comes in handy if something medical does happen. She will lose weight as expected, but not so much as to interfere with her well-being and healing. They drop weight so fast during an illness and/or surgery and many will refuse to eat. I, for one, am glad she had that little extra weight.


I know there are greyhounds here that have problems getting and keeping the weight on. I'm glad I don't have that problem. That is harder to deal with.


Thank you all for your kind words.

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Hope she continues healing well and that biopsy report comes back "just a weird lump."

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest GunnyGirl

So the biopsy has come back and it's not cancer! Woo hoo! :thumbs-up It's a pyogranuloma. I've done some reading already and it can be a problem or signify other issues, but if it doesn't happen again, it was just an isolated incident. :goodluck Gunny has been a pretty healthy girl, so I'm hoping she continues to be so.


She is finally eating pretty normal and I can finally see some of her old self returning. The site is healing pretty good so far.

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Guest trevdog

Well that's good news! Hoping she heals quickly now....if she seems to be bothering it, you can put an old tshirt on her long enough to cover her tummy.

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