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Need Help With Peeing...in The House..

Guest UmazMom

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Guest UmazMom

GT, I am in need of your help once again. I don't post really at all but I do read when I get time. You guys helped me out with food issues with my bridge angel Lola. Now I need your help with Posie.




Posie has been with us almost 2 years. When she was spayed, they found cancer in her left ovary. I have had ultasounds and bloodwork done every six months and she is cancer free and doing very well. Well, here is the problem....she pees in the house. She has done this since we got her almost 2 years ago. It usually is a UTI. She has had about 7 in the past almost 2 years. She has been on all anitbiotics. While she is on antibiotics, she is pee in the house free. Then it starts. I don't have the names of all the antibiotics that she has been in but trust me....we've tried them all. We also did the one where she was on it for like 6 weeks. (or something similar to that..I will look it all up tonight when I am at home)


Well, this last time I had her urine tested, no UTI!!! Yay, right? Yes and no. No it's not a UTI but what is it? Her ph is high and that is the only weird thing about her urine.


We have tried cranberry pills, acupuncture, chiro, herbs...you name it.


She has no issues at night.


There are days where she is only left alone (with our tow other greys) for 4 hours....and there's pee. There are times where they are alone for 8 hours and no pee. We have videotaped...nothing provokes her. We live on the end of a cul de sac so there is no traffic...no people walking past...no animals.


I have taken away water during the day.


We have not found any rhyme or reason for the peeing. She wil pee by the front door.....in the hallway....in the kitchen....


I have also gated them into one room......pee on some days...none on others.


She has never peed while we are home.



Any thoughts? We just don't know what to do besides putting girly pants on her during the day.


Thanks for your time in reading this.

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Guest Energy11

"She has never peed while we are home".


We knew someone who had a grey like this. NEVER peed when they were home, but ALWAYS when they were gone. Vet said it was a form of separation anxiety.

That MIGHT be your problem.


When was her last set of blood work done? Other conditions, like Diabetes and Cushings cause frequent urination, but they almost always accompany drinking copious amounts of water.


Good Luck with this! You might just need to have a "sit down" with your vet, and see what he/she thinks.

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

First thing I would do is have the vet send out the urine for a culture - it's expensive but it leaves no doubt about what the cause of the UTI is. Most vets don't do this unless asked. They just take the urine and look at it in-house through a microscope. Once the culture is done then the vet knows exactly which antibiotic will work for whatever is causing the UTI.


Second - is she leaking or actually squatting and peeing in the house? Leaking is usually a sign of either a UTI or a common thing that happens with spayed female dogs. Emmy, my non-Greyhound, has this problem and is on the medication called Phenylpropanolamine better known as Proin. You might ask your vet about this.


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Guest UmazMom

Thanks for your quick responses.


A complete CBC was done less than a month ago.......all within normal range. No red flags. (we keep up on it due to her cancer history)


SA? Huh.....I didn't think of that. On video, she is not freaking out or anything.....just sleeps...plays a bit....she shows no signs of anxiety at all.


And I do not think that my vet has ever sent out her urine. I will call and see if we can do this and if my vet thinks it will be worth it. I'll try anything!!!!


And she is straight up peeing. No leakage......she is squating.

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Guest Harry702

The medial background and the fact that she can hold it overnight without trouble suggest to me that it's behavioral.


We went through something like this (on a more minor scale, sure) with our boy, Harry. He was randomly peeing (not marking, but emptying) indoors after 6 months of perfect house behavior. We ran every medical test in the book, including an abdominal ultrasound to check for crystals or stones. He was just about clean as a whistle. We ultimately worked trough the problem by using a belly band and the crate... he won't soil his crate unless it's an extreme situation, and once he experienced a wet belly band on all day... that was it. No more peeing in the house. We weaned him off the belly band slowly, after we were sure we'd be able to trust him. It's been over 7 months since his last pee-in-the-house incident.


Oh, and definitely make sure you're cleaning her "spots" very well... with an enzymatic cleaner. Vet told us that once a dog marks a room as "bathroom" with scent, the instinct to use it as a bathroom is strong.


How old is she? I know female dogs (and cats) are prone to spay incontinence.... sometimes it will develop many years after the actual surgery. :dunno

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She's probably not peeing in the house while your home because your picking up on her cues that she needs to go out and letting her out. She has no way to get outside if your not there and so if she feels the urgency to go, she does. I had an long on going incontinence problem with Nadir. Took him to the vet several times and they would find blood and other nasty things in his urine. He was put on a 3 week course of Baytril, followed by a 6 week course of Clindamyacin (for Toxoplasmosis), but was still having incontinence issues daily when I would leave him while I worked. I took him back to the vet and had a culture done, which came back negative. The vet and I decided to try another 3 week course of Baytril. After he finished that course he still was having the same daily accidents. I remembered reading that allergies to grains in the diet could cause problems affecting the bladder and kidneys and decided to try eliminating these from his diet. Within 1 week of removing grains from his diet the accidents stopped. Not saying that this is Posie's problem, but if she's not on a grain-free food it is worth giving it a try.


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Guest UmazMom

Again, thank you thus far.


Posie is 5 years old...so pretty young.


We do use an enzyme cleaner.....I think I should buy stock for the amount that we are using. :lol:


I have been thinking about the girl pants for a while....I just wanted to rule everything out first. But I think I will be ordering a pair for her today. Thanks for that story....shows me that there IS hope.


And Posie is on a grain free diet. I am also in the learning stages of feeding home prepared...but I still have a ways to go with that yet.


I do also have to say that Posie does not have to pee often. And she doesn't drink a ton of water. (have that on video)

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Guest BiancasMom

I had a similar problem with bianca. She would pee only when we were gone and it was always near the door we left from. She had (has) seperation anxiety. After working with the Kong/peant butter and gradually increasing times left alone she is fine now. Seems weird though since your dog has friends home with her. I would agree, definitely have your vet send out a urine culture. There are of course resistant bacteria that can only be indentified with a culture. They should also run a sensitivity if they find anything that way you will know what antibiotic the bacteria will be sensitive to. I'm not sure I would put the panties on her, as maybe this could promote UTIs. Make sure your vet has done chemistries recently too, to check her kidneys, liver etc. Also, what has her urine concentration been? You say the only abnormality was pH so I assume it was normal. With her being on a grain-free diet, her urine pH should not be that high. I would suspect a UTI.

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Guest TBSFlame
Thanks for your quick responses.


A complete CBC was done less than a month ago.......all within normal range. No red flags. (we keep up on it due to her cancer history)


SA? Huh.....I didn't think of that. On video, she is not freaking out or anything.....just sleeps...plays a bit....she shows no signs of anxiety at all.


And I do not think that my vet has ever sent out her urine. I will call and see if we can do this and if my vet thinks it will be worth it. I'll try anything!!!!


And she is straight up peeing. No leakage......she is squating.


If she is sleeping then waking and playing she most likely has got to pee. Most dogs need to pee when they wake up. Do you crate? Because of her history maybe she just can't hold it as long or had the habit on not holding it. When you are home does she tell you when she needs to go out to potty? We only have 2 scheduled potty breaks here right after eating and if someone needs to go out other than the schedule times they tell us.

Edited by TBSFlame
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