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Diabetic Puppy

Guest greytmomof3

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Guest greytmomof3

GAA went to West Virginia and picked up 12 retired racers and two puppies. One of the puppies is six months old, but she looks like she is three months. She is thin, but was thinner prior to her diagnosis. She has Juvenile Diabetes. We are waiting for her bloodwork from the vet in WV. Then we are going to rerun it to make sure that we are on the right track. I have switched her to a carbohydrate free food with raw ground meat and a pancreatic supplement. She is getting .8 insulin in the morning only. She is active and just as cute as a button.


Thanks to the caring and greyt guys at Country Roads Kennel, this little girl is alive and will now have a chance at an early retirement.


Does anyone have experience with a diabetic greyhound? They don't have to be a puppy, I was just wondering if anyone had any info to share.


*By the way - once we get some more weight on her and get her medication stable, she is available for adoption. I will post pictures of her later.


edited for grammer!!

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Guest ThunderPaws

We once had a 5 year old diabetic foster, she was already blind and had several other health issues when we got her. It took a few months to get her regulated on insulin since she also had to take thyroid meds which messes with the insuline. I think her new mom feeds raw and has her own test strips for regular (and cheaper) check-ups. Once she was regulated her new mom had cateracs surgery done and the dog can now see again!! :colgate

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Guest greytmomof3
We once had a 5 year old diabetic foster, she was already blind and had several other health issues when we got her. It took a few months to get her regulated on insulin since she also had to take thyroid meds which messes with the insuline. I think her new mom feeds raw and has her own test strips for regular (and cheaper) check-ups. Once she was regulated her new mom had cateracs surgery done and the dog can now see again!! :colgate


Yeah!! I need more positive stories. I am a nervous wreck.

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Guest BasilMom

Hi Lisa don't be nervous...Check with the Vet but I think the diet should consist of high fiber moderate carbs. I believe Waltham pet foods makes a special type food for diabetic dogs. The key is to keep feedings on a schedule and in conjunction with the insulin. Hope this helps..........Everything will be fine


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Guest ProfoundLove

My greyhound doesn't have diabetes, but my 13 year old Shih Tzu that passed recently had it. She was diagnosed at the age of 8. Her glucose level was over 600 the first time we checked it. Before we got the glucose level under control, she ended up going completely blind in one eye and partially blind in the other. After the glucose level was controlled, Holly continued to live a happy life. She remained playful, and loved her walks. She didn't let her blindness affect her in any way. She took 2 insulin shots per day. We fed her Hill's Prescription Diet W/D. The only treats she was given were things like dried liver, muscle chews, etc.

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Guest GreytMuse

Not a greyhound, sorry, but....My nephew has a JRT, Dave, who gets daily insulin shots and is a thriving, happy, otherwise healthy dog! Dave's self-appointed job is to keep the mastiff and pitbull in line. :lol


Many positive thoughts for you and this pup!

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Guest longdoglady

I had a lurcher who became diabetic at 9, the needle is really fine so the injections never bothered her nor, I found to my surprise, me. I always carried glucose tablets with me in case she had a wobbly moment on a walk, I had to knock on a strangers door once and ask for a cookie for my dog! She (my dog that is not the stranger :lol) disdainfuly ignored my perverted behaviour of following her around the garden with a test strip to test her urine. The routine became second nature for both of us and Kraken was her happy self again.


Your cute puppy girl will soon put weight on and find her special forever home :)

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Guest DoofBert

I myself am diabetic used to be on insulin. The needles are very fine and when administered by someone who knows how to do it, not a problem. I learned how to inject myself never a problem.


No experience with a hound, though. I do know that keeping things on a schedule is important. (Same time of day for injections/meals/exercise)

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Guest greytmomof3

I want to thank everyone for their help. I purchased a glucose monitor, but it does not work for dogs. However, the good news is that she gained 1.6 pounds in the last three days!!! She is alert and having a greyt time running around outside chasing our kennel staff. As promised here is a picture of our little Phantom:



One more:



You can read her entire story on the front page of our website. www.greyhoundangelsadoption.com


Thank you!!

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Guest ArtysPeople

Oh my gosh, what a cute little lady!! :wub:


Another non-grey-with-diabetes story here. My childhood cat was on 2x daily insulin shots for at least the last five years of her life. My father, bless him, was extremely dedicated to her care and made sure she got her shots every 12 hours, no matter what. Fortunately, he had caught it soon enough that she never suffered any long-term complications.

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My husband visited you guys today and met that puppy. I hope she continues to gain weight.


We had a cat with diabetes and it really wasted him away. We never could get him regulated even with insulin shots twice a day.

Nancy with Rocket, Umeko and Sasha


Missing Albi, Kassie, Ramm, Ruby, my good boy Marvin and Mickey (BT)



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Guest greytmomof3
My husband visited you guys today and met that puppy. I hope she continues to gain weight.


We had a cat with diabetes and it really wasted him away. We never could get him regulated even with insulin shots twice a day.


OMG!! I wish he would have told me who he was. I showed him around the kennel and we talked. Tell him to stop by anytime he is in the neighborhood. Oh, and you are more than welcome to stop by with him. LOL

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I want to thank everyone for their help. I purchased a glucose monitor, but it does not work for dogs. However, the good news is that she gained 1.6 pounds in the last three days!!! She is alert and having a greyt time running around outside chasing our kennel staff. As promised here is a picture of our little Phantom:



One more:



You can read her entire story on the front page of our website. www.greyhoundangelsadoption.com


Thank you!!

My gosh!! Phantom is totally adorable! :beatheart

That must be what my Robin looked like when he was a puppy.

Glad that she is gaining weight.

Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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Guest kydie

What a cutie, I had a lab. that was diabetic, he lived a happy life, with close monitoring for his sugar levels, we caught it early, and never had any issues, he lived to age 12

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Guest ibeakila
GAA went to West Virginia and picked up 12 retired racers and two puppies. One of the puppies is six months old, but she looks like she is three months. She is thin, but was thinner prior to her diagnosis. She has Juvenile Diabetes. We are waiting for her bloodwork from the vet in WV. Then we are going to rerun it to make sure that we are on the right track. I have switched her to a carbohydrate free food with raw ground meat and a pancreatic supplement. She is getting .8 insulin in the morning only. She is active and just as cute as a button.


Thanks to the caring and greyt guys at Country Roads Kennel, this little girl is alive and will now have a chance at an early retirement.


Does anyone have experience with a diabetic greyhound? They don't have to be a puppy, I was just wondering if anyone had any info to share.


*By the way - once we get some more weight on her and get her medication stable, she is available for adoption. I will post pictures of her later.


edited for grammer!!



Hi, yes have had plenty of experience with diabetes in a greyhound, you can email any questions you have menatoni@me.com, still going thru it, Julie

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