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Persistent Diarrhea

Guest jupiterooos

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Guest jupiterooos

Angler's been having some tummy issues for a few days. He's often had a bout of Big D here and there, we fast him 24 hours, bland diet for a bit, then he's better. But this time it's been more severe than usual. He's been very gassy, for one thing. And he's needed to go out urgently a few times during the day (good thing I'm here!) as well as once or twice each night. I tried fasting him and then the bland diet, but the diarrhea persists. Oh, and I've also given him Immodium, which seems to have no effect whatsoever.


I opted to fast him again today - which I really don't want to do, we were working on getting some weight on him, which has been interrupted by this problem. What should I do?

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Guest jupiterooos

Question: is a vet visit required for those? Just curious.


Jupiter is already on Flagyl long-term, I could give Angler some of his pills, but what kind of dosage would be needed?

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Guest LindsaySF

Flagyl is by prescription only, Panacur you can get 'over the counter'. I order mine from a vendor on Amazon.


Not sure about the dosage for the flagyl. I tend to use the Panacur anyway because it gets more wormies.


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Guest Energy11

Sounds like a GI infection. Flagyl is the drug of choice. Have to get through your vet.


I'd also give him a mixture of unseasoned PUMPKIN/PLAIN NON-FAT YOGERT. Works for mine! You could also try a mixture of chicken and rice.


Good Luck! D

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Guest BlackandBrindle

My rule is that if there is persistent diarrhea after fasting/bland diet for three days, off to the vet we go.


Sounds like worms or a tummy bug.

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Can you try the bland diet for a few more days and maybe add some oatmeal (fiber) after a day or so to help firm up the stool? You can also add some yogurt to get some "better" bacteria in the gut.


If I'm doing a bland diet for a foster, I usually don't fast a dog for 24 hours - usually fasting is required if you're doing kibble which can be harsh on the GI tract.

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Guest spider9174

At this point, I'd go to the vet. Persistent big d can be indicative of a problem that can't be fixed at home.


if you are having problems consistently, i'd recommend reevaluating his diet. I had problems with Gable for a year. After 6 months, I went to a different diet. I ended up going with a mix of kibble and prepared food. Over the time, I found that I had to go with a single source protein, no corn/wheat, and lower fat content.


You could also try adding a little bit of metamucil or the fiber squares to his diet. I've heard that helps.

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Guest Energy11
Question: is a vet visit required for those? Just curious.


Jupiter is already on Flagyl long-term, I could give Angler some of his pills, but what kind of dosage would be needed?



Like everyone else has said, IF the diarrhea is persistant and recluctant to fasting/bland dieting ... vetting WOULD be a good idea, to rule out parasites. IF it is a GI infection, Flagyl, 500 mg, twice a day, is the usual dose. That is what mine have had in the past and what my former employer/vet/friend, recommends. GOOD LUCK! The Big "D" is never fun :-(

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He's got diarrhea, fasting and bland diet haven't fixed it, he needs to gain weight ... = he needs to see a good vet for a thorough workup.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest LindsaySF

I missed the part where he needs to gain weight. If he's already underweight and has persistent D I'd see the vet too. Good luck.


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Guest Energy11

Will he eat ANYTHING?


Mine LOVE unflavored yogert, and it is good for the GI tract, too. Might want to try that, until you can get him to the vets. Is he drinking?


Poor guy! We hope he feels better VERY soon! D

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Beans has the same problem - and he's had it for about a week now. He'll be heading to the vet Monday. Question, is Anglers' kind of mucosy and stringy? Beans' was this morning (we're at my parents so he's leashed walked and I'm very aware of the consistency) and I'm a little concerned because it persists despite immodium and a bland diet.


Hope Angler feels better soon.

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Guest jupiterooos
Beans has the same problem - and he's had it for about a week now. He'll be heading to the vet Monday. Question, is Anglers' kind of mucosy and stringy? Beans' was this morning (we're at my parents so he's leashed walked and I'm very aware of the consistency) and I'm a little concerned because it persists despite immodium and a bland diet.


Hope Angler feels better soon.


Yep, that's what it's like. He hasn't actually had diarrhea since yesterday (I added pumpkin into his bland food - I'd forgotten how well that works!) but his poop is still Not Right.


We'll be going to the vet next week too, though I feel a bit of trepidation about it. I'm remembering the constant diarrhea Jupiter used to have, and all the $$ we spent on tests that never showed ANYTHING wrong....it was frustrating, and now we really don't have the money to say yes to test after test that may well prove inconclusive anyway.

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Guest 4baddogs

I'll just echo the "get to the vet" posts if the big D doesn't clear up in a couple of days.


When our gang gets it, I start with Immodium. We always have homemade frozen pumpkin and yogurt treats on hand that they LOVE. I semi-defrost those and send them outside with a couple in a bowl. If the combination of those two don't clear it up then I call the vet.


Hope Angler's tummy troubles clear up for you on their own!



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