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Lucas Is Under The Weather

Guest greytkidsmom

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Guest greytkidsmom

Wednesday night Lucas refused his dinner. This isn't unusual - he is a dainty eater. He had a gurgly tummy through the evening but seemed otherwise okay.


Early Thursday morning (about 1230am) we awoke to the sound of a dog throwing up. The culprit this occasion was Lucas. The vomit looked a little darker than I expected so I turned the light on and realized that it was bloody. He did it a second time and then went back to bed. It was about 1/4 of cup total. He wasn't panting or pacing and his gums were pink and moist but we called the EVet just in case. They agreed that we could probably wait until the morning as long as his behavior didn't change and he didn't throw up again. I set my alarm to wake me up every hour to check on him through the night.


When the sun came up, he trotted out to the yard and peed just like any other morning. We offered him a little kibble to see if he had any appetite and if he would keep it down. He ate like he had never had a meal in his life and kept it down fine. We got in to the vet (not our usual vet but I really liked this girl) and after asking the usual questions she felt his abdomen and he yelped. No fever. She took him in the back for bloodwork and x-rays and to try to get a stool sample. The only lab abnormalities were an elevated creatinine (same as one done in August) and low platelets (102 down from 188). She had the lab do a smear to make sure the platelets weren't clumped thus giving a false low. He was not anemic. The x-ray showed some dilation in the area of the cecum - where the small and large bowel meet. There was something in there as well, either a foreign body or food. Given how he looked and that he hadn't vomited again, we adopted the watchful waiting approach. He is on carafate and flagyl and she gave him a shot of cerenia to prevent any vomiting. We debated making him NPO or not and decided that feeding him a small amount was reasonable. He had a very little dinner and kept it down fine.


He didn't move from the couch for hours after we got home. He just stayed curled up in a little ball. He got up to go outside and has peed but still no poop. It would seem that he has ingested some foreign body but what I can't figure out. I cleaned the house top to bottom Monday and Tuesday (I use those "green" cleaners) and we are super-vigilant about leaving anything around that he can get his mouth on. The only place I can think he could have gotten something was the yard. All three are grazing like cows (no chemicals on the grass).


Anyway, now I am at work where I will be awake all night and I am starting to worry. DH is on poop watch and is going to call if he gets any results but I am not hopeful. At the very least, we plan on taking him back tomorrow for a recheck and repeat x-rays to see if there are any changes. Other than toxic gas he really doesn't seem to be uncomfortable. I am just going to have to be patient and see how he is in the morning.


Thanks for letting me ramble. I am trying to be the calm one since I am the "medical person" in the family. DH is definitely freaked out. Any prayers that can be spared are appreciated.

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Guest Vinnie

Oh no, not my first grey stalk houndie! I hope that he is on the mend and that it is nothing serious. Sending lots of prayers and healing white light. Please keep us posted. And give him extra scritches and hugs please, and of course to Tiel and Kebo too - and sending hugs to you and dh too - would send something stronger if I could.

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Guest greytkidsmom

Morning update - we have poop!

It is not much but his gas has been less noxious per DH's report.

He took his pills this morning without much fuss.

We have an appointment this afternoon for a recheck but I am thinking we may be in the clear.

Thanks for thinking about us.


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Guest greytkidsmom

Okay, back from the vet. She agrees that Lucas is on the mend. No more belly pain when she pokes around. Whatever it was seems to have passed. He is going to finish his course of flagyl and carafate and we expect him to be just fine for the big road trip to GIG.


The whole office was grateful that his gas was gone :sick


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I am so glad that Lucas is on the mend! (also, yay for less greyhound gas)




Okay, back from the vet. She agrees that Lucas is on the mend. No more belly pain when she pokes around. Whatever it was seems to have passed. He is going to finish his course of flagyl and carafate and we expect him to be just fine for the big road trip to GIG.


The whole office was grateful that his gas was gone :sick


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As usual..............it all comes out in the end! :lol


So glad Lucas is feeling better! Give him extra scritches from FL!

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest LindsaySF

Ooops I just saw this. I'm so glad he seems better! PHEW!!


Lucas my man, what did you eat? Did you see anything in his stool? Sounds like it passed though. It could also be worms, or even bacteria he injested in the yard. The Flagyl will definitely help with that, but you might want to deworm him too. The pain when they felt him could have even been from gas, his brother Teagan has had that before.


Teagan is a picky eater and has a sensitive digestive system. He'll refuse to eat but then vomit "bile" (at which point he finally decides it's time to eat :rolleyes:), he was having bloody diarrhea on occasion, etc. He's the first dog I've ever owned that doesn't eat food put in front of him unless he "feels like it". I deworm him regularly and he's on a mixture of 3 different kibbles right now and he's the best he's ever been.


Hopefully Lucas doesn't have a repeat performance! Have you ever traveled with him before? If he's anything like his brother he'll be picky about eating in GIG and probably have diarrhea the whole time. ;) Teagan loves traveling, but it wreaks havoc on his digestive system. Hopefully Lucas isn't as bad!







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Guest greytkidsmom
Ooops I just saw this. I'm so glad he seems better! PHEW!!


Lucas my man, what did you eat? Did you see anything in his stool? Sounds like it passed though. It could also be worms, or even bacteria he injested in the yard. The Flagyl will definitely help with that, but you might want to deworm him too. The pain when they felt him could have even been from gas, his brother Teagan has had that before.


Teagan is a picky eater and has a sensitive digestive system. He'll refuse to eat but then vomit "bile" (at which point he finally decides it's time to eat :rolleyes:), he was having bloody diarrhea on occasion, etc. He's the first dog I've ever owned that doesn't eat food put in front of him unless he "feels like it". I deworm him regularly and he's on a mixture of 3 different kibbles right now and he's the best he's ever been.


Hopefully Lucas doesn't have a repeat performance! Have you ever traveled with him before? If he's anything like his brother he'll be picky about eating in GIG and probably have diarrhea the whole time. ;) Teagan loves traveling, but it wreaks havoc on his digestive system. Hopefully Lucas isn't as bad!






I poked through his stool last night and didn't really see anything solid. There was a key-lime sized sticky mass of orangish stuff that actually looked the same size and shape as the mass we saw on x-ray. I did not investigate it further than that. :sick His fecal was negative for worms as was Kebo and Tiel's recently. All three are on Sentinel. Whatever it was, he seems back to his goofy self - racing to be first to the couch and sitting there all proud of himself.


Lucas' appetite sounds like Teagan's. He actually seems to prefer dinner to breakfast so we give him a little less kibble at breakfast and a little more at dinner. At first, he didn't each much on the road until we started traveling with tins of sardines. Mix one of those puppies in his kibble and look out! We will see if the trick still works at GIG.


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Guest LindsaySF

Sardines, I'll have to try that!


Teagan is the same, he prefers dinner. He usually has his hunger strikes in the morning but he seems to make up for it by eating more later in the afternoon and evening. I leave some kibble in his ex-pen and if my schedule is weird that day and I'm not home yet, my mom has reported that he likes to eat at 10 pm. :blink:



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