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Hello From Ny

Guest CarolN

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Guest CarolN

Hi Guys,


My name is Carol, and I live in kinda upstate NY (Harriman). We are hoping to be adding a grey to our family very soon, so I've been reading here for a while soaking in all the info. We have three cats as well as the human family members. We're really excited to have a dog in our lives again in the near future. We had a really cool dog who died almost 3 years ago now, the vet thought he was a whippet mix and he certainly looked like one. He was a great dog, and lived to the ripe old dog age of 16. We couldn't even think about adding another dog for a long time because we both had crazy jobs and were away from home way too much, but I'm back in school and will be a teacher by September, so we finally have a dog appropriate household, and we're taking advantage as soon as we can.


It's nice to meet you all, and I've enjoyed reading all of your stories and great advice so far!



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Guest Gingergrey

Hi! I think you will be very happy with a greyhound. They are wonderful dogs! Their size really is not an issue because they are so gentle and loving. They love having company, and it takes very little to make them happy. There are so many different colors and patterns, Good luck with choosing your new greyhound. You won't be sorry!

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Guest greymama002
:wave from NH! I am a teacher too, and our greys have fit in GREYT to our lives! They are such gentle and loving dogs; best wishes on gracing your life with a greyhound!
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Wow, welcome! I live in Iowa presently but my parents live in Monroe. I'll be visiting them in July (with my grey Beth, whom I got last August), and I have a grey-owning neighbor/friend who lives there full time. Maybe we can have a playdate then.


When you get your grey, check out the weekly greyhound hikes in Waywayanda State Park (not far from Warwick)! http://home.earthlink.net/~hiking-greyhounds/index.html. Beth and I joined in for two of them around Christmas -- really fun, I can't wait to go again this summer.


You'll love GT!

Edited by PrairieProf

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest CarolN

Thank you for the info about the hiking group. What a great idea. I hope to see you out there when you're visiting your parents :) We have our home visit tomorrow night. Eeeeeeeeek! So exciting.


I am so glad to hear that the greys fit in well with a teachers life style. We live in such a great area to have a dog, it's very exciting to finally have all the rest of the picture fall into place to make it possible.

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Guest UESBrindle

Welcome from NYC! I hope your home visit went greyt and you'll br bringing your new addition home soon!




Try and post some pictures when you can!


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Guest winli02

Hi to CarolN!


I was born in Orange County (Middletown) and lived in New Hampton and went to school in Goshen. Didn't know there were others from the area on here!!!


Tallgreydogmom, I think I used to know some ppl from Washingtonville....of course, cannot remember any names anymore! Getting old stinks!


Hi From Tennessee,


I use to live in Washingtonville, about 20 years ago.


Welcome to GT and greyhounds.

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Guest CarolN

The home visit was very interesting. My cats surprised me by being very curious, and not hissing at all. The older two have never seen a dog that big, and the youngest one hasn't seen one in around 4 years, so I had no idea how they'd react. That was really the biggest concern because we'll need our household to be somewhat harmonious once our new addition settles in and they get used to the expanded pack. It was really cool to see a greyhound in our house, and just see him make himself at home and curl up on the floor. My husband hadn't even seen a houndie up close before, so I think he finally 'gets it' now.


I have some homework to do to get the house ready, mostly just moving my cat food to a higher location so the dog can't narf it, and moving their boxes for the same reason. I am so so so excited. My last day of work is in a week and a day, and we'll be ready to bring our new addition home anytime after that. This weekend I'll be going through the house top to bottom to get everything in perfect order. Have I mentioned that I'm excited?? lol

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Glad things went well! Can't wait for the update!


I have some steep stairs down to my basement that my grey doesn't do, and I just keep the cat's food on the first step down (and the litter in the basement).


Dog shopping is very exciting, isn't it? Nice to have that new Petsmart so close! ;)

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Welcome and congratulations from a former New Yorker (Harrison, Westchester County). We have had our grey for

almost one year now and we also have two cats. I put a baby gate at the bottom of my steps and the cats eat on

the landing. Sherri has never touched the litter boxes. She was a little curious at first, but a stern "UH UH" from the

beginning has kept her out of them. Good luck. You will be sooooo happy with your grey. They are the best.

Mary, mom to kitty Rebel.
Always missing Sherri (SO DELICIOUS) (12/6/2005-8/29/2018) kitties Marley (4/2000-12/3/2015) and Beady (4/1998-2/24/2006) and Dalmatian Daisy (7/25/1984-5/13/1999).

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work

and give to those who would not - Thomas Jefferson

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Guest SakiMom

Welcome from a further up-upstater!! I am so excited for you, having greyhounds has enriched my life. They can be so much fun, laid back when you need them to be, but playful too! Can't wait to hear more and hopefully pictures, we love pictures here!!



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