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I brought Keeva my 6 year old greyhound/whippet mix (I'm sure she has some terrier in her also as she looked just like a Jack Russel when she was a pup and is as feisty as can be, she is a rescue from Ireland) for her annual check up the other day. I suggested we do a blood panel on her as she has been acting a bit "off", lethargic, poor appetite which is not normal for her.


Her coat is great, she is smooth and silky, no skin difficulties or infections. I noticed over the winter she got some scrapes on her leg from the concrete steps which took forever to heal. I have also noticed she has become so much more anxious over the last year or so, she was always very outgoing and confident outside the house, now she is shy and nervous, also not like her. Also noted some weight gain on physical, she looks a little barrel chested to me despite recent poor appetite and no prior diet changes.


Blood work came back normal except for a low T4 which was .6. More testing is being done to rule out hypothyroidism and we should have results next week. In the interim I am wondering if these symptoms are indicative of hypothyroidism or are we barking up the wrong tree. Any input is appreciated. Thank you.

Linda, Valor, Keeva and Bella

Edited by Scooby172
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With both my collie and my grey, they became lethargic, gained weight quickly, and their fur would shed way too much, and the dandruff was awful. There was never any shyness developed, anxiousness, or ever any cuts with regard to problems healing. Hope you find out what's going on.

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My dog had ZERO symptoms except his coat became very coarse. My parents dog had poor hair growth, and nothing else. My mother had her thyroid removed. Lethargic is not a word ever used in the same sentence as Mom's name!





Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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