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Came Home To A Poopy Mess

Guest TaraCoachCougar

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Guest TaraCoachCougar

Because I had to work late, I came home to let Cougar out at lunch. I thought he went outside a couple of times as I was straightening the house, but the plumber did arrive and distracted him during that time so I can't verify he went while he was out. When I returned at about 7pm, he had a poopy mess in his crate. It was on the soft side but wasn't sheer liquid. And of course, he ran out of his crate with it all over his feet and got many rugs and floors messy.


I was hoping it was just because he missed out on going at lunch, but after he ate his supper I watched him go back out and he was dripping little soft bits at a time. I've got some rice on the stove now to give him. The last couple of weeks, he was getting a couple scoops of canned food around 8pm as a bedtime snack, but we are forgoing that. Coach's stomach couldn't handle that, but Cougar was doing fine when we pulled them off of it because of Coach. Wondering if it's the canned food finally catching up with him or the fact that he is down to the old food only at the bottom of the barrel (recently switched and was mixing). Hoping it's not something more major.


I don't have any hamburger to boil, but are there any other suggestions other than some rice?



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Guest TaraCoachCougar

Surprising enough, I have some canned pumpkin! How much should I give?


Unfortunately, I had fed him a big ole scoop of his old food before I realized he had the Big D, so I imagine if that's the problem, we are in for some more.






Adding that this is the first time since his first few days with us in over 8 years that he has had the Big D.

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I keep canned chicken on hand. I think a small bit of tuna instead might be okay. Yogurt (or sour cream or cottage cheese), too, if you have it. (I have to feed yogurt with rice because Sam literally inhales plain rice...then chokes, sneezes, etc. With yogurt in the rice, he seems more willing to eat the rice than just breathe it.)


Both of mine are battling diarrhea. Both went "liquid" on Friday (my day off, fortunately, so I was home to get them outside). Saturday, I fasted them--and picked up Metronidazole from the vet on the way to work. Rice Saturday night, Sunday night, all day Monday, and tonight. I tried kibble this morning--bad idea.


You might want to fast Cougar tomorrow, and just bring home something safe tomorrow night--i.e., not much food tonight, dash out tomorrow without feeding him any breakfast, then rice tomorrow night.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Guest TaraCoachCougar

Thanks for all the suggestions. I agree and don't think he would have gone in his crate if he would have been able to hold on.


I think I might give him just a tad of pumpkin and rice tonight since we'll be able to let him out.

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