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2 Itchy Houndies

Guest Spencers_Greyt

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

Just in the last week, both Spencer and my foster Buzz have been so itchy. They both nit on themselves constantly! Spencer has never been itchy before. There's no bugs and their skin doesn't look particularly dry but it's obvious they're a bit uncomfortable. I bathed Spencer over the weekend because I noticed he and Buzz are shedding like demons but that hasn't helped. I know Benedryl helps but I can't remember the dosage. Any other tips on how to stop the itchiness/


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It's unlikely that TWO dogs in the same house would start to itch at the same time unless it's some sort of external critter. You know? I find it hard to imagine they both just spontaneously got itchy dry skin on the same day.


Have you done your monthly Frontline yet? If not, I would ASAP.


Benadryl should help! You can give (confirm with your dogs' vet) it twice a day--start with one pill. Make sure it is NOT "allergy sinus." You want plain old fashioned Benadryl. Most dogs can handle two pills, but I'd start with one.




Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest Spencers_Greyt
It's unlikely that TWO dogs in the same house would start to itch at the same time unless it's some sort of external critter. You know? I find it hard to imagine they both just spontaneously got itchy dry skin on the same day.


Have you done your monthly Frontline yet? If not, I would ASAP.


Benadryl should help! You can give (confirm with your dogs' vet) it twice a day--start with one pill. Make sure it is NOT "allergy sinus." You want plain old fashioned Benadryl. Most dogs can handle two pills, but I'd start with one.


I agree that is sounds suspect that they both got itchy at the same time but then they're both together in my house and in my yard so I think it might be allergies since everything is starting to bloom. I have checked them over for bugs. I don't Frontline because we never get fleas in the dry Arizona desert and ticks are rare unless going up north in the woods.


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Benadryl should help. I agree with Susan, they can actually have 1mg per lb of body weight, but not all at once.

Because of the warm weather starting so early here, I've had to start the Benadryl already. Wayne needs it through the summer


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



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Guest TBSFlame

One flea can send my hounds into a frenzy. I flea comb my hounds every day even if they are on Advantage or Frontline. It is part of their grooming and they love it. :)

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I was just going to post about my little girl Jenny who is also nitting on herself. This is the first spring I have had her, so I'm assuming it's a little allergy problem. I've put anti-itch med on the spot she's working on and that helped a lot. I put her jammies on so she can't lick it. I've also used Aveeno baby lotion and massage it into her fur. She loves that too. She a very "tickleish" girl.. if we even run our hands down her back, she moves her entire hide over to one side then the next! and if you scratch her, her back legs go like crazy. She never runs away from this so I guess it isn't uncomfortable. This is the first dog I have ever had that is this sensitive. I'll definitely start with a little Benedryl to keep her more comfortable.

We need to act responsibly toward the plants and animals with whom we share the world, who have no voice, but whose presence make our world a blessed place.

"We call them dumb animals, and so they are, for they cannot tell us how they feel, but they do not suffer less because they have no words." Anna Sewell "Black Beauty" 1877

Bobbi, Rick, Reddy, Jenny, and Kat ...Bethel, CT.

Falcon, Romeo, Addie, Shiloh, Frosty, Stormy and Sunshine waiting at the Rainbow Bridge

Greyhound Rescue and Rehabilitation..Cross River, NY

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Spencers_Greyt
I was just going to post about my little girl Jenny who is also nitting on herself. This is the first spring I have had her, so I'm assuming it's a little allergy problem. I've put anti-itch med on the spot she's working on and that helped a lot. I put her jammies on so she can't lick it. I've also used Aveeno baby lotion and massage it into her fur. She loves that too. She a very "tickleish" girl.. if we even run our hands down her back, she moves her entire hide over to one side then the next! and if you scratch her, her back legs go like crazy. She never runs away from this so I guess it isn't uncomfortable. This is the first dog I have ever had that is this sensitive. I'll definitely start with a little Benedryl to keep her more comfortable.


When dogs ripple their skin like that it's usually because they're itchy or at least that's been my experience. Sounds like your girl needs benedryl too!


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest brit1

Can you tell me where you got her jammies from? Are they cotton? I was thinking they might be good for my sometimes itchy non grey to wear at night. thanks


I was just going to post about my little girl Jenny who is also nitting on herself. This is the first spring I have had her, so I'm assuming it's a little allergy problem. I've put anti-itch med on the spot she's working on and that helped a lot. I put her jammies on so she can't lick it. I've also used Aveeno baby lotion and massage it into her fur. She loves that too. She a very "tickleish" girl.. if we even run our hands down her back, she moves her entire hide over to one side then the next! and if you scratch her, her back legs go like crazy. She never runs away from this so I guess it isn't uncomfortable. This is the first dog I have ever had that is this sensitive. I'll definitely start with a little Benedryl to keep her more comfortable.


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Guest BlackandBrindle

I found a tick in Spud's ear on Sunday so I frontlined both.


Did you bathe both of them before or after you noticed they were itchy? Maybe they are reacting to the shampoo?


Also, I know that I have been much itchier this spring. Brooklyn and Guinness were making me itchy sneezy so I think they had some kind of pollen or something on them.


Another thought would be food, although generally it's more than itchy skin if it's a food allergy.


Doesn't hurt to frontline. Granted, in the five years we've lived here I think I've seen 5 ticks on the dogs, but one is enough to give me the heebie jeebies :lol

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