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Raspy Breathing

Guest ss556

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Guest ss556

For the past couple of days, Alan has had raspy breathing while taking a short walk. He starts out ok but then it starts and seems to bother himand it gets worse. He will then walk slower. the last two days have been worse and coincidentally it is warmer here. I don't know what this raspiness means, looking for some advice. I will be calling my vet tomorrow to make an appointment. He is otherwise ok at home, other than his rear leg weakness.

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Alan!!!! You need to quit!!

I wonder if the vet will suggest a chest xray? No experience here but that would be my guess.

Let us know


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Souns like laryngeal paralysis. I checked GH Data and Alan is 12 right? Foxy started with LP symptoms at 11. I gave her benedryl at the beginning. The only true diagnosis is done by scoping, but Foxy had all the signs and responded first the the benedryl then later to pred. Raspy breathing worsens with exertion and heat.

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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Could be laryngeal paralysis. Breathing gets raspy with exertion, particularly in warmer weather. It also tends to go hand-in-hand with rear end weakness. Here is a video of Frazzle - about halfway through, he lays down, and if you turn up the volume, you can hear his raspy breathing, when his LP was still fairly mild:

Deanna with galgo Willow, greyhound Finn, and DH Brian
Remembering Marcus (11/16/93 - 11/16/05), Tyler (2/3/01 - 11/6/06), Frazzle (7/2/94 - 7/23/07), Carrie (5/8/96 - 2/24/09), Blitz (3/28/97 - 6/10/11), Symbra (12/30/02 - 7/16/13), Scarlett (10/10/02 - 08/31/13), Wren (5/25/01 - 5/19/14),  Rooster (3/7/07 - 8/28/18), Q (2008 - 8/31/19), and Momma Mia (2002 - 12/9/19).

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Guest ss556

That is very similar to how Alan sounds at times. I guess I will have to research LP. I do remember reading somewhere that it goes along with the rear end weakness, but why? How is it connected? I guess it did get worse the past two days because of the weather here. How sad, something else to worry about with Alan:( I will call the vet tomorrow. So benedryl helps? He has kidney disease so pred. will not be in the picture for him. Alan will be 12 in July. My sweetheart:(

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Guest HersheysMom

Alan! Stop worrying your mama!!


Well LP is something I have no experience with but I currently have a few friends whose greys have LP. The dogs range in age from 12-14. Email me if you want to chat - I'll be in touch tomorrow. I can tell you that one 13-yr-old I know was diagnosed well over a year ago and she's still doing fine without any surgery - it can progress slowly.


Hugs to Alan :grouphug

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So many possibilities. However LP is one that comes to mind. In my experience it comes on with older dogs and is worse with heat and humidity. Call your vet.

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Guest greytbookert
That is very similar to how Alan sounds at times. I guess I will have to research LP. I do remember reading somewhere that it goes along with the rear end weakness, but why? How is it connected? I guess it did get worse the past two days because of the weather here. How sad, something else to worry about with Alan:( I will call the vet tomorrow. So benedryl helps? He has kidney disease so pred. will not be in the picture for him. Alan will be 12 in July. My sweetheart:(



Our Booker had both LP and LS, which started to present at about 12 years old. I'm sure others more knowlegdable than I, will also post. From my research years ago, they are not 100% sure why the two are connected but it is thought to be neurological in nature.


Thoughts and prayers for Alan! and hugs to you!

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My Onyx has the LP. Her breathing got raspy and her bark changed....not as sharp. But I can't say she had rear end weakness. She is getting weak now, but gee, she's 13.5.


She had a tieback surgery at age 11 and has been doing terrific since. The only thing we are not allowed to do is have hard crunchy foods that she may aspirate.


However........if I recall Alan has hypertension. He may not be able to handle the surgery (if he needs it). But if it turns out that's what he has, whether he has surgery or not, he really shouldn't have anything dry and crunchy which he could inhale.

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Guest dwolfe711

Don't mean to hijack your thread - but our Allie who will be 15 on April 6 has been doing a lot of raspy breathing at night lately and we've noticed in the past few weeks that she is finally beginning to sag a bit in the rearend if she stands for toolong. She is scheduled to go for her first accupuncture appt this Saturday morning. Maybe I should do a little research into LP too - otherwise she's very happy and healthy for almost-15!!


We hope Alan is feeling better soon!! Hugs to you both.



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Guest beepl
For the past couple of days, Alan has had raspy breathing while taking a short walk. He starts out ok but then it starts and seems to bother himand it gets worse. He will then walk slower. the last two days have been worse and coincidentally it is warmer here. I don't know what this raspiness means, looking for some advice. I will be calling my vet tomorrow to make an appointment. He is otherwise ok at home, other than his rear leg weakness.



Hi there!


One of my greys, Boone, had raspy breathing as well. Actually it was more like what you hear from older hunting dogs like labs. Turns out he had Laryngeal Paralysis. I ended up having what's known as an unilateral tie-back done that greatly helped his breathing. For more information, there's a great group on Yahoo groups under Laryngeal Paralysis that consists of some incredibly knowledgeable and empathic folks. Go to: pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/LP/.


I'd be interested in knowing what you find out. Good luck!



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Guest sheila

It might be worth suggesting that it could be an issue with his heart. If the blood isn't pumping efficiently that could explain some of the hind end weakness.

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Guest jeannejj

Sounds like LP. Mandy had the tie-back operation, and is doing very well. she just turned 13, and is starting to experience back end weakness. I don't know if they are related, could just be age related. Have it checked, as it can become acute, and they may experience inability to breathe. It gets worse with warm weather. Mandy only has a hoarse cough like bark, but she can breathe. General vets cannot do the operation as it is fairly technical and in a very sensitive area. I went to a specialist surgeon, who was wonderful, and had done lots of LP operations. It costs about $3000-3500, but it gives then a better quality of life. Good luck!

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Guest Ladyluther



I PM'd you this morning about my (or shoould I say Luther's!) experience with LP..Please don't hesitate to join that Yahoo group or to email me. Luther was a good candidate for the tie back surgery which he had in August of 2006. He is now 15-1/2 and tho he faces some other health issues now, LP is not one of them.


Keep us posted - smooches to Alan


Martha and Luther in MA

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Guest ss556

Alan is doing better, breathing-wise, than this past weekend. I am taking him to the vet tomorrow afternoon. He is having acupuncture tonight. Thanks all for the good wishes. I'll see what the vet says tomorrow :hope My sweet senior boy :inlove

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Guest MyCody

Hi, I contacted you once before Alan is related to my Leah, forget how. Our Cody age 13, was diagnosed with LP through scoping last spring and also has protruding discs in his lower back.He is not a good candidate for surgery so we are keeping him comfortable and in the air conditioned house in warm weather. I also found this winter, the cold made him raspy and his panting became worse.


He is on Rimadyl and tramadol for his back and I find the tramadol calms him down and helps with the raspiness and panting.


Our vet just gave us a vial of torbugesic as he had a very bad episode last week and could not breath to the point of his tongue and gums becoming purple. As we were rushing him to the vet he came out of it, but it was very bad, so we have this shot to give him just in case of another episode it may bring down any swelling in his throat. Not a cure, but we have something to try and help him. This was suggested by Dr. Stack and my vet was willing to try it.


Good luck with Alan at the vet, I will be following his progress and send him gentle hugs.



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