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Update On Isis' Hip And Now Bijou Broke A Toe

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Isis first....


As you may have read first of the year Isis came up lame on a back leg and had trouble standing on the other back leg and was losing weight.. I've been feeding her some canned food and she has put on a few pounds back a little above 50lb now. That seems to have helped with standing on her back good leg. Now her lame leg was starting to get better then all of the sudden it was lame again. No arthritis, no dislocations. At almost 14 years young, there isn't much I can do. We did acupuncture and massages. no help. She does put some weight on it and I am more then happy to lift her unto my bad at night. I did find out that during her career there were months at a time she was on the nmo race roster because of pulled muscles on that leg. Vet checked on her hind muscles and calling it muscular atrophy. So I am doing what I can to make her comfortable. She seems not to be in any pain and will try to use it some when we all go out back to play. She is a tough old bird..:lol


Now Bijou.....


My little 10 year old broke a toe on her one of her front outside toes. I've worked with dislocations on Isis and I know without an xray this is a broken toe. I got her on some Tramadol and attmepted to wrap her foot to keep the toe in place while it heals a bit. She was NOT going to have anything to do with that..I've iced it some when she will let me, the swelling is way down. So just got to keep her from playing full tilt on it for the next few weeks.


That first aid kit I put together is being put to use :lol



Ellie is on thyroxine and the extra weight she picked up with the thyroid issue is starting to come off and she is more active then she has been in months. Even has been jumping up on me to play. What have I created?? :lol


Just another fun weekend at the Magic Foster House.. :lol

Isis, Always in my Heart Bijou, My Sweetest Angel

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Just like potato chips, except I don't recall ever having a first aid kit come with a bag of Classic Lays! :lol


Hope your crew can get better and maintain status quo for a little while anyway! Have you tried any of the Springtime products for Isis? Kiss Bijou's toe for me, poor baby! And as far as Ellie goes, well, you'll have to look in the mirror to answer your own question!


Hugs to your three girlie-girls! :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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