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Vern Seizured

Guest Geesh

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Just catching up with this! Sure hope this was the only grand mal Vern ever has! How scary for everyone! Sending prayers for a complete recovery!

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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I'm so glad Vern is doing better today. I know what you mean by watching their every move. I did that for awhile with Phaelin.


One thing you might want to do if it happens again is to watch how Greta handles him seizing. Luckily, our other dogs run the other direction, but a friend has a greyhound who will go after her other greyhound when she seizes. You might want to keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't try to attack Vern during a seizure. My friend separates her dogs when she leaves the house, just in case.

Paula & her pups--Paneer (WW Outlook Ladd), Kira & Rhett (the whippets)
Forever in my heart...Tinsel (Born's Bounder - 11/9/90-12/18/01), Piper, Chevy, Keno, Zuma, Little One, Phaelin & Winnie
Greyhound Adoption Center ~ So Cal rep for Whippet Rescue And Placement

For beautiful beaded collars, check out my Facebook page: The Swanky Hound

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"I pray he has no more but if he does, hopefully the medication will help."


PRAYERS ARE STILL WORKING !!!! Im sure everyone of us hoped our babies only had the ONE seizure or cluster.... us too. but in reality we know he will probably have more... We are so grateful that he has not had another one since 8am Thursday. He is becoming more sure footed each time i accompany him outside to potty. Today he almost ran back to the house for breakfast. His internal clock still works perfectly. Monday we see the vet again... IF al is well he will remove the cath, Vern wil be hapy to have that removed too...


We have networked locally with another Grey that has clusters.. He never heard of the ice-pack thing, thinks it will do more harm than good... we have forwarded the article to him & hope tries it on his boy.. FOR US ?? If you told us to swing a dead chicken over his head 12 times during a full moon, Id try it... We would do anything for our babiess...


IF only the kids got this attention... :rolleyes:

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Guest EmilyAnne

:rofl at the dead chicken and full moon! :rofl :rofl


There is no risk at all with the ice pack, provided that you do not leave your dog in a dangerous situation to go to the other side of the house to get the ice pack.


For example, if he is caught up in the cord of a 54 inch TV, and the TV is half way falling on him during seizure and you are trying to keep the TV from falling on him, then I'd reccomend you hold the TV up as opposed to run and get the ice pack, lol!


I always make sure Henry is safe where he is, and *then* go get the ice pack. His last seizure, this meant putting a plush non slip rug under his head. Luckily we were already in the kitchen so freezer was very close by.


I always wanted so much to get a video of the technique working, from beginning to end, but it was just too difficult.


(I had to stop before I was done with post as I thought my computer was going to spaz, now cont'ing with post...)


That is wonderful that Vern has not had any more Grand-Mals since the 4 from the cluster! Looks like the cluster is officially over! :confetti If he ever seizures again, hopefully at least it will only be the one, and not a cluster.

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"having the bells on during seizure"

didnt think of that... thanks..


Vern is doing great.. I had to leave the house today for a few hours- eventhough my wife was home with Vern... NO ONE can take care of him like I do... LOL... seriously though... I was a wreck just wondering if he was ok.. ahhhhghhh.... the stress.... maybe I need one of Verns pills too... Vern sticks to me like glue when I take him outside.. he seems to have the need to stay realll close to me. I think he knows that I am takingg care of him & he may see me as "security"... Maybe ts just love... Hes my baby boy !


Greta is fine with Vern.. When he had his episode, Greta stayed in the recliner & watched. when it was over she came over & smelled him al over- then took off running... She stays with eyesight if Vern at all times..


Eventully we will all move up to the bedroom & keep the door closed & locked (as we always do) before then, I will think of something to stop Vern from getting partially under the bed.. Greta is IN BED with us, Vern is always on the floor or in his bed in our room. (beds everywhere :)...


I can not tell everyone how thankful I am Vern is doing fine.. Not nornally a praying kinda guy...but for for my fury babies PROUD TO DO IT !

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Guest EmilyAnne

I can so relate to everything you say. Even when my hubby is home, I hate leaving Henry and I do frequently worry. I have my cell phone on me at all times. I even take Henry in the bathroom with me when I shower. He has a smaller nest bed that fits in there well.


While we shouldn't count on this, seizuring dogs being attacked usually occur when there are at least two other dogs. Because then there is more of that pack mentality among the dogs. If you had 3 or more dogs, then I'd suggest you find some kind of sleeping accomodation where Vern would be safe from attack. But with only one other dog, and you right there, I think it would be OK. My dogs sleep together at night. When Henry seizes, Riley just goes away from Henry and watches with a worried look. But when we are not home, I play it safe and seperate the dogs. Riley gets the run of the house, and Henry stays gated in a seizure safe 9x9 bedroom. I do two gates stacked.


You sleep with the greyhounds in your bedroom WITH THE DOOR LOCKED??? Doesn't it get really stinky in there?????? :rofl

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Guest shanozdog

My Whippet has Epilepsy so I understand what you and Vern are going through. He is almost 9 years old and been on Pheno since he was 2. We use the ice pack method and it works wonders. He used to have Grand Mals every 5-10 days, but after adjusting his diet to low protein (effects the absorption of the pheno), and being very diligent about dosing and monitoring meds, we can say it is under control. He has focals every few months or so, and has not had a Grand Mal in a several years.


We tried potassium bromide, but my little guy did not tolorate it well. We have him on the lowest dose possible since. He was on a higher dose of pheno and had no seizures for almost a year and a half, but he developed some minor liver damage. He is also on milk thistle to help his liver which is fine now. He is a very happy, healthy and active dog.




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:) Another good night... This morning I let the dogs out, walked Vern down the "2" deck steps, and he shot our of my hand like a "Greyhound". Our backyard is fenced & borders a wooded area. Verns usual routene is to run the back fence & chase off all the deer & racoons.. He looked 100% ! He is doing well with the Pheno ( exept about an half hour after he takes it- he goes to sleep ) Tomorrow am, the Dr will remove the cath in his leg.. Not sure how soon he will start checking blood & urine. He said it would take a couple of weeks for his system to get fully use to it. I will ask tomorrow... Also I will ask about the liver/kidney issues & what we can do proactively.


Generally speaking, would it be safe for Vern to run & go for walks or attend the Greyhoud playgroup ? I know the dogs get pretty excited if something goes on.. All the dogs are muzzled, but if Vern had a sezuire, I suppose the 15-25 Greyhounds would pack up against him.. I think I answered my own question... Maybe on a leash.. & least he could visit with his friends...



You sleep with the greyhounds in your bedroom WITH THE DOOR LOCKED??? Doesn't it get really stinky in there?????? :rofl

Depends if he gets canned food as a treat,, THEN watch out !! Who let the skunk in ! LOL ..
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adjusting his diet to low protein (effects the absorption of the pheno),

We receintly switched our dogs to Nutro Max.. I hope this is "GOOD for Vern" hate to switch foods on him again...


:lol There are two Whippets at our Greyhound playgroup.. They may look like slightly smaller Greyhounds, but that does NOT stop their ability to start trouble in the playgroup !! LOL

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Have his liver function checked every 6 months.


I've never changed anything for Ryan after he started having seizures and it hasn't been a problem for us. We never did when we had a border collie when I was at home that had seizures either. We let them continue to be dogs.

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Guest EmilyAnne
"We let them continue to be dogs"


Im just over protective... :(

No no no, it's ok! I dont think that is what she meant, and I am quite sure 99.9% of dog owners tend to feel extra protective right after watching their dog go through something traumatic like a cluster.


I myself didn't post what I thought about the playgroups cause I wasn't sure what I'd do in that situation. I don't do playgroups cause my dogs aren't up to date on shots. I dont want them picking up Parvo or anything. Besides that, we don't have greyhound playgroups around here. I think if there has been a *recent* seizure, then it is definately a bad idea because that would be too much stimulation. It often takes my Henry several days to recover from his Grand-Mals.


About protecting the liver, I posted on a canine epilepsy e-mail list about that, and learned it is best to do one week on, one week off. So that is what I do.

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Guest RooCroo
I wouldn't worry about his quality of life yet.

The vast majority of the time, seizures can be controlled with meds.



Amen to that, Trudy.


Hoover has had really nasty cluster seizures since he was 2, and his quality of life is excellent now that we have the meds regulated. He can go up to eight months with no problems, and he is a happy, happy boy. It' is so easy to get discouraged when your baby has this scary disease. We just go one day at a time, and count each good day as a blessing.


We use Hilton Herbs' Milk Thistle Plus to protect the liver. One week on, one week off as someone else suggested.


Knock wood... Hoovie has gone almost nine months with no seizures, his best run yet! :hope


:grouphug Hang in there, Vern's People, and don't hesitate to message me if you need any support.

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Guest RooCroo
I'm so glad Vern is doing better today. I know what you mean by watching their every move. I did that for awhile with Phaelin.


One thing you might want to do if it happens again is to watch how Greta handles him seizing. Luckily, our other dogs run the other direction, but a friend has a greyhound who will go after her other greyhound when she seizes. You might want to keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't try to attack Vern during a seizure. My friend separates her dogs when she leaves the house, just in case.



VERY important. When Hoovie is normal, he and Bloo are best friends. During a seizure, however, Bloo will go after Hoovie. We don't EVER leave them unsupervised together, and Bloo wears a muzzle when they play outside, just in case.


:hope Glad the prayers are working! We'll keep em coming.



Emily Anne, Hoovie will be 6 on St. Paddy's Day! Thanks for the good wishes!

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VERN is doing very well..No episodes since Thursday !!!!!


This am the Dr removed Verns cath.. Told me that the danger peroid "against clusters" is about over. The Pheno should be fully stble inhis system in another week oor two.. He tells us that iif Vern has another sezuire after that, it should be mild... and until then, if he sezuires again its ok to give him an extra pill after he is able to swallow... But this only applies during the next week or two... I dont want to have false hopes, but Ill take it !


Also, if Verns full stabiity does not come back in a couple of weeks, he will run the levels and may cut down his Pheno dosage. Vern is just a little physically unstable MOST of the time... But occasionally he is absolutely perfect !!


I asked about the Milk Thistle and other suppliments to be proactive against liver/kidney damage- it was his opinion that while they may work, he does not know how different suppliments affect the absorbtion of the Phenobarbatol and other meds. Certainly would not introduce anythig new for a while. There are lots of suppliments for humans that affect the absorbtion of different meds & vitimans. He prefers to be proactve by running blood/urine every six months and adjust meds as necessary and introduce "canine suppliments" as needed..


We had been seeing this Vet for over 10 years(except for the past year when we tried another to save a buck) We have returned to this clinic..

Our Vet has saved Verns life twice... We trust him .

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Thank you everyone & hope your hounds are doing well..


Last night Vern was a little weak on the hind legs.. Probably still trying to get use to the Phennobarbotol. He is better this morning.. No sezuires, I am so grateful for his stable condition.. The Prayers are working. Vern & I renew them every night together... :hope


I dont know if this was a good idea or not but I have made an attempt to contact the owner of Verns female sibling.. I wanted to let them now about Vern ( just in case its in the genes)..and to hear if SHE had any health issues that may help our Vet treat Vern..


"Point" is the only sibling I have had contact with in the past (by email). Mayve I should go thru the Greyhound racing database & cotact who I can....


Also... Dr told me that "IF" we could not control the sezuires, & IF we wanted to we could run an MRI on Vern to look for any brain issues... No idea what this costs, nor if this is a good idea or not.. THAT would definately freak out Vern... .

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Guest EmilyAnne

It seems people with epi dogs rarely actually find anything on those MRIS's, and considering they cost a small fortune and you are concerned it will freak out Vern, personally I wouldn't do the MRI. I never did one for Henry.


The leg weakness, that will improve. Give him a month and see how he is doing then. In one month will also be time to check his levels. (unless rear leg weakness is extremely severe, then I would call your vet to see about lower dose)

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