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How Often Do You Walk Your Grey?

Guest shelbygirl07

How Often Do You Walk?  

661 members have voted

  1. 1. Frequency

    • Twice (or more) Daily
    • Once Daily
    • Once a Week
    • Twice a week
    • Three times a week
    • Four Times a week
    • Sometimes but not reguarly
    • Never, the only exercise they get is in the back yard
  2. 2. How long are your walks?

    • Just take them out to potty
    • 15 Minutes
    • 20 Minutes
    • 30 Minutes
    • 45 Minutes
    • 1 Hour
    • 2 or more hours
  3. 3. How Do You Walk Them?

    • I leisurely walk them, allowing my grey to stop me constantly and do what ever they want to do
    • I leisurely walk them, allowing my grey to stop me sometimes
    • I walk at a decent pace with them but still let them stop me and do what ever they want
    • I walk at a decent pace with them but they don't get to stop everytime they want, only occassionally
    • I almost power walk with them and they don't get to stop unless i am ready to
    • I jog with them and they don't get to stop until i am ready to
    • I hike with them more than "walk" with them
    • I can't describe how i walk with my grey

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Guest Krissyfissy

Hello. My 2 greys get a mini walk in the morning for business, breakfast, a 45 min leisure walk ( I let them explore all they want ), then 5 min zoomies in my fenced in medium sized backyard. When we get home from work, they get a mini walk, a 45 min leisure walk after dinner, and then a mini walk before bed. We just got them last week so we haven't actually let them in the backyard off leash yet, because we have several wild bunnies and they haven't met yet. Also, we are scared they might jump a four foot fence? Has anyone ever had that happen?

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Krissyfissy, I love the look of your dogs and I know reading your other posts you are at a very exciting time.


As for your yard, no matter how low prey your guys are, those bunnies are food. It would be a very rare Greyhound indeed that would ignore a rabbit. Also be super careful when they go off leash in the yard. Maybe one at a time at first and muzzles when they are out together. I know many owners here have their Greys play outside without muzzles but I wouldn't attempt that until you know them very well and they know each other very well. A good way to start would be to crate one and then take the other out to the yard and throw a stuffy for him to chase. Mayhem should follow.

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Guest Krissyfissy

Great Idea. Thanks Kickreturn :) They are always muzzled for zoomies, and both hubby and I are in the yard with them. We however do not muzzle for walks, but we feel that they do extremely well together. No pulling, and they each take turns on the bushes as we walk by... They can both drink from the same water bowl, but I wouldn't dare try to feed them their food bowls outside the crates. They don't fight for treats. And so far have not fought for toys (they steal and hoard)...of course, it still has only been a week and I am sure things will change eventually. At least we are prepared ;) I like the idea of playing with one first and then the other in the yard. We do eventually want to teach them how to fetch. We will try that this afternoon if the weather holds up. Should be great fun!!!!

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

Most Greys are pretty respectful of barriers, and it's the rare one that would go over a four foot fence without some serious motivation. I don't think I'd let them out alone for a while, though... go with them. They might just go over in pursuit of a bunny... and I agree, they're going to course the rabbits. Doesn't bother me when mine hunt, but if it does bother you, go out and scare away the bunnies before you let them out :) Your boys are gorgeous!!!!

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My boy gets a half hour walk in the morning, a short trip to potty around lunch time, a 15-30 minute walk in the afternoon (depending on the heat), and a short trip out before bed with a couple quick trips sprinkled in throughout the day. We live next to the woods, so we take a different path each trip out. More often than not, though, I have to force him to walk longer than five minutes in the heat. He's an out, potty, in sort of dog.

Mom of bridge babies Regis and Dusty.

Wrote a book about shelter dogs!

I sell things on Etsy!

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Guest Iceman41

I try at least once a day

I have a fenced in yard small but adiquet.

If I can't walk I make her run around in the yard and ya no chase me and do zoomies

Gets her breathing heavy and the blood pumping

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Guest barkdogs

I walk my dogs once a day, occasionally more. If the weather is bad I confess I wimp out, but we go most days. Hot weather means I get up earlier, which is actually really nice. We frequently start at the neighborhood coffee shop because I am a happier mom with caffeine. We go a couple of miles, and sniffing is limited (I walk 5 at once) if I let everyone sniff we never would get to the next block! I LOVE walking them--I think it adds a lot to my relationship with them. When I visit my parent's property (not so much as I have lost both of my parents, so it makes me too sad to go there) it is so secluded that they get to go on walks off leash--they have so much fun--I just LOVE watching them run. They mostly just run in big circles, and they come galloping when I call them.

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Guest maidmarcia

I don't have a backyard thanks to living in an apartment so I am forced to walk Licorice. We go on 3 walks a day, sometimes 4. They vacillate from 20-45 minutes.


Two walks are just that...decent paced walks.

One is usually a jog.


I agree that backyards aren't enough for dogs. The point of a walk is to expose them to different scents and environments, even allowing them to interact with other dogs. I think it's necessary for dogs. It also tires them out much more.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest jmckeone

Usually once a day at night, around 1 mile or so. Having a fenced in yard really helps as you can just let them burn off some energy anytime.

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Guest jenniferk

I'm a new grey owner, so I didn't know that "I leisurely walk them, allowing my grey to stop me constantly and do what ever they want to do" wasn't the only option! LOL! We've had problems with him statuing and refusing to move (sometimes so far from home that we weren't sure how to get him back home), so we've resorted to letting him do whatever he wants so that he continues walking. I hope we can eventually change that. While our boy just turned 2, he does not like exercise! I think he'd be happy with zero walks, but we try to get him to do a 45-minute walk before sunrise when it's coolest, a 30-minute walk in the evening, a few 10-minute potty walks (we have a small fenced backyard but spend so much time out there we'd prefer he not do his business there), and a trip to the dog park so he can run 2-3 times a week. I think he'd rather sleep!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest RoxyRed21

Roxy is currently getting a minimum of 2 walks that are 1.5 miles each, with 2 or 3 fifteen minute potty breaks in between. She loves them and I do too, it's helped us bond and helped with her listening to me and my instruction. We've only had her about 3 weeks, so the walks have helped a lot, especially with in house eliminating (this forum helped me with that).

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I'm a new grey owner, so I didn't know that "I leisurely walk them, allowing my grey to stop me constantly and do what ever they want to do" wasn't the only option! LOL! We've had problems with him statuing and refusing to move (sometimes so far from home that we weren't sure how to get him back home), so we've resorted to letting him do whatever he wants so that he continues walking. I hope we can eventually change that. While our boy just turned 2, he does not like exercise! I think he'd be happy with zero walks, but we try to get him to do a 45-minute walk before sunrise when it's coolest, a 30-minute walk in the evening, a few 10-minute potty walks (we have a small fenced backyard but spend so much time out there we'd prefer he not do his business there), and a trip to the dog park so he can run 2-3 times a week. I think he'd rather sleep!


In response to your guy planting (statuing) himself, try reading the tips on this post:



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  • 3 months later...
Guest Symphony7

I walk mine daily. Usually twice a day, but the afternoon walk depends on a couple of factors, if I am beat to death from work, if it's raining, if it's super cold, etc. But they always get their morning walk usually 20-30 minutes. In the spring-fall we run in the morning instead of walking. It's just too dark and cold now. And spring-fall they usually always get their two walks a day, and the afternoon is usually our two mile run route, just at a walk. We do inside play time with the ball during the winter, my dogs are just not big on the yard so that is only for potty breaks, they don't run or play out there.


I agree that walking is very important, and our neighborhood is full of dog people so you always see the same people out walking their dogs. I think they can definitely go without walking 2x a day, or even a few days without a walk. When I was a kid, my dogs never got walked because I was young and naive and my parents kind of left it to me. As I got older I really started taking the dogs out and walking them as much as possible, on and off leash and taking them to the barn. I wish I had that kind of time to devote now to really taking my dogs everywhere with me like I used to, but unfortunately full time work has finally caught up to me.


I think my guys are happy with their routine. Desmond is fairly high energy but he is content with whatever he gets that day, which I am grateful for. Achilles, we are still getting to know, so he is learning to go with our routine.

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It's been a year now and we have a set routine:


10 minutes around the block at 7:00 AM (or quick turnout if the weather is very bad)

1.5 to 2 hours between 10 AM and Noon rain or shine

1 hour around 4PM

45 minutes at 9 PM


All of these walks are over very hilly terrain. When Hester first arrived he was exhausted after 30 minutes but now he is very fit and loves every minute of his walks. He is also permitted to choose the route of the longer walks and amazingly avoids doing the same route two days in a row (there are about 4 main options and he generally follows a consistant rotation). Certain days he resists me putting on his leash which I have learned means that he wants to walk in the forest or the park which are his off leash routes.


The only downside to all the exercise is food consumption is significantly higher.

Edited by KickReturn
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I would love to be able to walk mine as often as you and on all different terrain. Mine get 2 turnouts in the back yard and 3 walks varying from 20 min to 45 min a day - my husband works from home, so he does all of the day walks mon-fri and I usually am the evening walker (sometimes we go together). We try to vary things - walking in different neighborhoods and different parks in the area - on the weekends we take longer walks and hikes.

You are right that it takes time to get them in shape when you first adopt - both of mine had to build up their walking time slowly.

I have seen some of the pics you posted of Hester at the beach - ours love the beach too, and we try to go at least every couple of months - wish we lived closer to the coast so we could go more - it is a joy to see them run and play there.

Theresa (Tess)

Mom to Elliott (Sol Flasher) and Lea (PTL Lea)

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