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Hookworm Diarrhea Vs Regular Diarrhea

Guest BlackandBrindle

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Not the most pleasant topic I know, but what's the difference?


Sadie has persistent diarrhea since Wed. It's not explosive and it's not terrible, but it's a concern for me. It's mostly just loose stool. Of course the most likely reason is the food I fed her Wed night and her meds but I like to jump to 'dire' things :rolleyes:


If it's not better by Monday I'll take her to the vet. She's otherwise eating and drinking and playing like normal.


Spud had diarrhea and vomitted the other day but he's fine now. Maybe it's just a bug?


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Guest SoulsMom

No difference as far as I can tell, and lately I've been the queen of pudding poo. I always knew it was time to get to the vet when Soul would refuse his food and clearly did not feel well. Maybe you could just take in a sample for testing? But be warned, many times worms don't show up on fecals . . .

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Guest BlackandBrindle

The only reason I ask is because in October they stayed with a friend whose dogs were being treated for hook. They were only there a couple of days.


Most likely I'm overreacting because she's otherwise fine. It'll be bland diet tonight and tomorrow. It's just with the valley fever I don't want anything else there to compromise her immune system. Not to mention the fact that I don't want to deal with worms. ugh.

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Normally I would, but I hate putting her on anything else right now. The vf meds are pretty harsh.


Her meds were given later than they normally are. Roy forgot :rolleyes: so that could have caused it too. If it doesn't clear up shortly I'll take her in and ask the vet what he thinks of just dosing them with panacur.

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When Carolina had hookworm, she started out with diarrhea. I fasted her for a day and then started a bland diet. Even with the bland diet and smaller more frequent meals over several days she still had pudding poo.


Carolina and Jake are on Heartguard Plus year round, and she still managed to pick up hookworms. Take in a stool sample and have it tested.


ETA: Jake was treated too, just to be on the safe side.

Edited by Greylover97


Carolina (R and A Carolina) & Rebel (FA Ready).
At the bridge: Kira (Driven by Energy) 7/19/97 - 6/17/04 & Jake (Jumpstart Dude) 9/12/00 - 1/24/15

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As I understand it, hookworm is likely to be found on a fecal whereas whipworm can be easily missed. Since it is hookworm that you suspect, then a fecal may very helpful.

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