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Guest Pandorazzzbox

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Guest Pandorazzzbox

( I hope I am putting this in the correct place, I am fairly new)



It will be three years this Sunday that my husband and I brought home Otis. Otis, in his racing life was known as Oats Yogi. For years my brother had been telling me that I should get a greyhound, that they are wonderful dogs, but We had always lived in an apartment that was unsuitable for any dog, so we always had cats. We were going through the process of buying our first home and my DH(Aaron) had told me that when we bought a house I could get a dog. Aaron had never owned a dog before so he didnt understand. So I would spend hours at my family business on breaks looking at the WAG website. I soon fell in love with every sweet face on there. We called Agnes Porell and wanted to set up an interview and house visit to make sure we would be suitable parents. We went out and bought all the books that we could find on owning a retired racer. We waited with bated breath, afraid that somehow, despite that fact that I had raised children already and had always worked with kids and had been a dog owner all my life that we would not be found suitable.


I cannot remember the name of the Grey or the woman that came and did our house visit, but her grey gave kisses and was white...I do remember that. I remember her and the Grey doing tricks and sitting, and I was in love, I would have kept that girl then and there if she hadn't already had a Mom. We received the call from Agnes to come on Sunday and meet the dogs, we didnt know this meant that we were bringing home the dog that afternoon. The day was the day the Giants were in the playoffs for the Superbowl and we had people that were coming over. We told our friend Jay just to come into the house and start watching the game and that we would be home as soon as we could. We asked our friend Trisha to come with us and help us pick out a pup since she spends a lot of time at our house and with our pets. We arrived to a home that was rich in love for animals obviously! There were little needle noses EVERYWHERE! I feel in love with Reba and Otis but I knew this decision had to be that of my husband. This would be his first dog ever..I wanted it to be all his choice. He had also choosen between Reba and Otis. He decided that Otis was just a tad more outgoing. We wrote out our check, bought our martingale and leash, took home a stuffie and walked out the door to get Otis in the car. We stopped at the pet store to get him some food and toys and dishes and we were on our way to his new home. Otis didnt quite know what to do, but he had certainly bonded with Trish.


We arrived at the house and we had already had a crate set up in our bedroom with blankets and stuff for him. We showed him our large fenced in back yard where he immediately started doing laps around the pool. He came back into the house smiley and worn and trepidasiously walked towards the couch, wondering if he could get up there. (Otis has his own section of the couch...) Later that night aaron and I went to bed and Otis went into the crate, but that didnt last long, Within two days Otis was in our bed with me cuddling it up. At night our big guy would lay between us and play "peek a brindle" where he would stick his head under the covers or pillow until we pulled it up saying "peek~" About two months later, Otis walked around the house crying, and he peed a couple times in the house, something he hadnt done before. We rushed him to the vet, terrified that something was wrong with him and my vet looked at us and said "he is lonely."


I had been in contact with Agnes and had inquired about Reba, we decided that if when we got the money in two weeks to get another dog, Reba was still there, that we were going to welcome her into our home too. Fate intervined...A 4 month old beagle needed rescueing. We went to meet him, and I knew he was going to be Otis's brother. So, we brought home McDuff. We call him Mackie and he and Otis are inseperable. I had called Agnes to inquire about Reba, and was told she was adopted..so I couldnt have been happier!


The day we brought our big guy home has been known as our "AnniversarOtis." My husband calls Otis the best decision of his life. The bond and the love between two of my favorite men in my life is amazing. Mackie is a mommy's boy and that is ok~


I dont know how to post pics but when I figure it out, I will put some up. Thank you WAG for thinking we would make good parents and thank you for giving us Otis. Our boys are so special and I cannot imagine my day to day life without my needle nosed boy and his mischevious brother!

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Welcome from Alberta Canada!

Deb, and da Croo
In my heart always, my Bridge Angels - Macavity, Tila the wannabe, Dexter, CDN Cold Snap (Candy), PC Herode Boy, WZ Moody, Poco Zinny, EM's Scully, Lonsome Billy, Lucas, Hurry Hannah, Daisy (Apache Blitz), Sadie (Kickapoo Kara), USS Maxi, Sam's Attaboy, Crystal Souza, Gifted Suzy, Zena, and Jetlag who never made it home.


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Guest KansasGrey

Your story brought back the anticipation and anxiety we felt when we adopted our first grey. We also adopted a second dog right away. It's been just over a year now and we couldn't be happier with our pups. Congratulations!



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Guest Drafters

That's a great story! Welcome to the group!


Everyone had to tell me how to post pictures too. If you sign up for Photobucket.com, you can upload your pictures there, then copy the second link under the picture, then come back to this forum, click the postcard, paste, and submit.

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