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Looking For Prayers For Elsa

Guest Greytnorth

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Guest ChasesMum

Hooray! I just HAD to check up on your sweet girl. So happy she is home for the weekend, and yeah I bet she just sails through the healing! YIPPEE!


And a side note to Artyspeople... we knew that particuar piece didnt get thrown up or passed through, nor was it in the bits leftover on the floor. Chase had been throwing up once a day in the early mornings and even though we told our vet the whole story, she suggested first we try feeding her a couple extra cookies at night and if it helped then it was probably not the piece. (I wish at that point I had insisted on an xray! at least we would have known for sure it was still in there...) It was probably 2-3 weeks after that, that CHase obstructed, and me trusting my mommy gut, and knowing the signs of obstruction (most specifically that she couldnt even keep water down) that made us take her to the evet that night. I just KNEW what it was... and we could see it plain as day on the films.



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I know you were scared, but I'm so glad she's home now. Hope she continues to improve.

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
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I am so sorry I am just now reading this, but I am very happy that Elsa is better and home. I know that must have been very scary. :grouphug

Darlene Mom to: Aladdin, Sophie ,Pongo, Jasmine, Relic Forever in our Hearts Champ at the Rainbow Bridge.

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