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Bite Wound Care

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Awww Missile, I would probably the keep clean / emt gel let heal on its own path. But, if any hanging skin check with the vet.


Missile needs more cookies before, during and after the vet visit.

And Battle recommends the below prescription.


Give 3 cookies every hour that your awake, then set the alarm for the over night for every 4 hours to get 6 cookies. Soft ones would be nice, and not too big, ones that don't crumble into a million pieces. You know the good ones over their.

Edited by DofSweetPotatos
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Guest laceyj

I don't mess with bite wounds. Scott got bit in the face at a M&G one time, took a couple of staples. He freaked out and would not let them shave the area but he stood there like a man and let them staple his head, the goof ball. I was concerned about infection, bite wounds can easily become infected. My vet automatically starts antibiotics for a bite.

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I don't mess with bite wounds. Scott got bit in the face at a M&G one time, took a couple of staples. He freaked out and would not let them shave the area but he stood there like a man and let them staple his head, the goof ball. I was concerned about infection, bite wounds can easily become infected. My vet automatically starts antibiotics for a bite.

We've got a vet appointment for tomorrow. They couldn't take me today and I expect to get the antibiotics tomorrow. Wound actually looks a little bigger now that the puffiness has gone down a bit. He has not pawed at it at all and interstingly has only been sleeping on his right side. Smart puppers these guys are. His attitude picked up a bunch today. Cookies, cookies, cookies, we got em all. Will do. Thanks again everyone for your emails and PM's and advice. I think we are on track to a good healing situation!! But this was pretty hard to take because Missile is such a gentle and friendly soul. I really want to get back into a group dog walk next week to see how he handles the "re-entry". Hoping there are no issues as a result of the bite.

Edited by Missilesmom



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I had a similar issue in December - our foster (now a permanent part of the family) got a bite laceration to her head (I can PM pics to you if it helps). The laceration was about 3/4" and there was a separate small puncture wound. We were in constant contact with our adoption group and while we debated getting it stitched, we ended up being able to utilize a combination of superglue to close the wound itself and then EMT Gel and Granulex over the course of the wound's healing. I also bought a light e-collar and cut it down to a smaller size and she wore that to keep the wound out of her range when it started to itch. The wound has now healed and she's as good as new! I am a big fan of both Granulex and EMT Gel.

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Guest snakes

Having ahd each one of my dogs had a laceration from other dogs teeth in the past year, i wouldn't be too worried. We did end up with staples in both siutations, but those wounds were on the front leg and rear side. Both healed upw ith little difficulty. They were both bigger too. It may seem bigger the day after jsut ebcause the skin spreads a bit. These greyhound with taut skin, the teeth just catch the skin, not necessarily a puncture, and it just slices open. Both wounds here didn't even bleed and healed up, one barely noticible now.

Luckiyl where it is on Missle he is less likely to scratch at it and can't pull or lick at it! Those were our two biggest obstacles!


Good luck, i am sure he'll be fine and be acting normal in no time :) Chances are he won't even remember or connect the incident with the group walk :)

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Just thougt I'd post my vet update and close out the conversation. I really appreciated eveyone's feedback. So there was a puncture that could not be seen from the swelling and the hanging hair covering a potion of the wound. RX: is warm compresses a couple times a day, antibiotics for 10 days and neosporin. Missile is sporting a freshly shaved below the ear cut and vet had to clip off dead skin with hair in a few spots around the edges to keep it out of the open wound. It is actually starting to heal though in just 48 hours. I think we are going to be A-OK. Missile has been bouncing back quite nicely and thoroughly enjoys the cream cheese surrounded antiB pills!



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Just thougt I'd post my vet update and close out the conversation. I really appreciated eveyone's feedback. So there was a puncture that could not be seen from the swelling and the hanging hair covering a potion of the wound. RX: is warm compresses a couple times a day, antibiotics for 10 days and neosporin. Missile is sporting a freshly shaved below the ear cut and vet had to clip off dead skin with hair in a few spots around the edges to keep it out of the open wound. It is actually starting to heal though in just 48 hours. I think we are going to be A-OK. Missile has been bouncing back quite nicely and thoroughly enjoys the cream cheese surrounded antiB pills!



Thanks for the update! So glad to hear Missle is fine.



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