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3 Year Rabies Vaccine And Cancer?

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The belief is that the sarcomas are the result of the adjuvants, and only the Merial feline PureVax rabies vaccine is non-adjuvanted (which is why the clinic at which I used to work uses it exclusively - however, the downside is that it is necessary to vaccinate yearly).

The dogs rabies certificatea say Pfizer vaccine was given. Does Pfizer make a non adjuvant 1 year canine rabies vaccine?

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So far the only non-adjuvented vaccine for Rabies is the feline PureVax by Merial.


The way it was explained to me is that when a manufacturer first gets the approval for a vaccine it is usually the 1yr label. If later they get approval for a longer duration or more species a different label is used to separate the two.


I have never seen an injection site carcinoma in a dog and only a couple of cats in 20yrs.



CAROL & Molleigh (Queen Molly)
My Angel Girl (Slippy's Molly) ~ Thank you for sending me your namesake ~

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Guest EmilyAnne

Haven't read all the replies, but I tried to find out info on this several months ago, and as far as I could discover was the only difference between the 3 year and 1 year vaccine is that one says 'one year' and one says 'three year', and testing was done for the three year vaccine that was not done for the one year vaccine. (But shouldn't it apply to both if they are both the same thing, which leds me to think there is an attempt to confuse and deceive by the people who make the vaccine and are motivated by greed) They do BOTH have the *same* amount of serum in them.


I wrote a short blog post about this long ago~



p.s. I believe vaccine manafacturers are deceiving Veteriarians.

Edited by EmilyAnne
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Guest KipperGrey

Merial makes the IMRAB 1TF rabies vaccine for dogs. It is thimersol free. Doing searches I can not find a non adjuvanted dog rabies vaccine. The purevax is cat and ferret only from what I can find. Maybe it is Thimersol they are worried about with dogs. I know that was one of the ingrediants in human vaccines that they suspected with autism. I will have to ask my vet when we are in next month.

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I havent read all replies,

but as a former vet tech, in the office where I worked, all rabies vaccines are the same vial.

it is just up to the vet weather to put in a record his/her preference.

it also is up to the state on how it wants a vet to distribute the vaccine.


I would say however, that I think...it would depend on the brand.

The vet I worked for would never use Fort-Dodge products as to the many deaths associated with these vaccines.


there is no difference in Rabies vaccine to one or three year.

in fact, you can vaccinate every day and it would not harm the animal.. (this is what has been told to me and what I have learned in the vet med cycle).

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Chip, Wendell, Tessa, Moose, Moody, Noble Storm, Thunder, Gracie, Duke



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Guest Tenderhearts

I've never heard of such a thing. Our rabies protocol here is every two years, and my old vet used the Imrab-3 (3 year) rabies vaccine.

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I wish the Rabies Challenge was complete and that we were already at the 7 year interval! If you haven't yet, please take the time to research this project and consider making a contribution. (I am not connected to the Rabies Challenge in any way!)

Immunity is a c**p shoot regardless of whether you're testing humans or animals; it varies on any given day. As much as we would like to talk about, request, demand or attempt to legislate absolute immunity, the immune system doesn't operate that way. I have had this discussion with my Vet (his words about absolute immunity), and although he would prefer to err on the side of caution and immunize yearly, I vaccinate for rabies every three years as required in FL and titer for the rest where a titer is available with the intention of boostering every 3 years. Additionally, I will be asking for individual injections - no combo shots.

The more I read, the less I like "messing around" with the immune system.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Well, I'm still searching, but I did find this CDC report on rabies: Rabies 2008 that I am in the middle of reading. What I have found so far is that injection site sarcomas are far more common in cats, though it looks like there have been a handful of cases written up in the literature comparing tumors found in dogs to those found in cats and realizing there are similarities. The belief is that the sarcomas are the result of the adjuvants, and only the Merial feline PureVax rabies vaccine is non-adjuvanted (which is why the clinic at which I used to work uses it exclusively - however, the downside is that it is necessary to vaccinate yearly).


One of my cats was in for her annual exam and rabies vaccine two weeks ago. I asked why she gets a yearly vaccine and the dog gets a three-year vaccine and was told its because of the injection site cancer risk in cats, that has not proven to be the case with dogs. I'll keep an eye on this thread in case someone can find a medical report linking the 3-year with cancer in canines.



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Guest SueG201

Yes I was a vet tech also and my vet would not use Fort Dodge either which is what most

of the free rabies clinics used. Also no difference in the vials used for 1 yr or 3 yr

so I choose to do a 3 yr which is the law in my state of NJ. There are studies ongoing now

that said you can actually stretch a rabies immunity to between 5 and 7 yrs, but for now

its every 3 yrs for me

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