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Sudden Onset Of Extreme Hind End Weekness

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A little back ground info first. Smiley is almost 11 Y/O and was diagnosed around the age of 8 with degnerative arthritis. I know this is a fact of life, that being said however he's not seemed to have any issues with it up until Friday night when he declined to climb up the stairs to our room. I thought that rain we'd had, or the holiday guests that had just left might be bothering him a bit as he seemed unusally restless. I let him sleep down stairs ( he had several beds to choose from). I figured he'd be back to his old self in the moring. Yesterday he seemed pretty laid back, i figured he was tired, it was freezing cold outside (for Phx) and I didn't blame him for wanting to stay bundled up.

Today he's very wobbly on his hind end, the slightest mistep causes his back end to collaspe. He doesn't seem particualry upset by this, but it's a bit of a struggle to get back up. He hasn't yelped, he ate all of his breakfast (which is actually kinda weird for him). He has developed a hard lump near where his right thigh (stifle area), that I don't recall ever seeing.

Once he's up and moving he seems OK at a walk but holds the leg at a trot and when standing kinda lifts it up slightly off the ground.

He doesn't seem to be in acute pain and the e-vet near here wants $75 to walk in the door and isn't much help for anything I have ever used them for, DH will take him to our vet tomorrow.

Any ideas? Does the C-word normally take over this fast, or does he probably just need Rimydel or something? Should I suck it up and hit the e-vet?

I wouldn't normally post this but I'm scared to death.

Tanks in advance


Proud Mommy of retired racing greyhound Bud Delite (Sammy) Percy Weasley and my angel TLP Shootingstar (Smiley)

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Guest RSD_Ranger

Ugh, I don't even want to reply to this because I don't have a good experience with the info you've posted.


Our Ranger presented with similar issues (they called it toe-touching lameness) on his right rear leg. When we took him in for a vet visit, fully expecting it to be a sprained toe or pulled muscle, our vet recommended an x-ray. Unfortunately, the c-word was the diagnosis. Neither us, nor the vet, could feel any lump. And our vet is a greyhound expert (which is why he went x-ray route right away).


I truly, truly hope it is something totally different. But I would absolutely go to the vet tomorrow and insist on an x-ray. If it's not the c-word, then you will have peace of mind and not have to wonder/worry about it any more. :)


If you are interested in reading about our experience, I've started a topic here documenting Ranger's journey and what we've been through in the past 2 weeks. Man, I hope you do not become a member of our club.


If you find that it is the c-word, please feel free to contact me. Big hugs to you and Smiley! :grouphug

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I'd be inclined to go to the e-vet, but I get along OK with ours.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Thanks for the replies Kristen and Batmom!

I've been reading up on Ranger while sitting here :( I'm so sorry this had to happen to him ...right now I'm scared to death, and fully expecting my worst fears to come true.

For now he's sitting on one of his beds and just had a happy snack of biscuits.

I'd go to the e-vet but basically the reply I got from them was "we'd be happy to see him and stabalize him until you can see your normal vet in the morning". Not much use to me as he seems pretty stable at the moment (when he's lying down anyway).



Proud Mommy of retired racing greyhound Bud Delite (Sammy) Percy Weasley and my angel TLP Shootingstar (Smiley)

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Guest Scouts_mom

I don't have any ideas, just hugs and positive thoughts. :grouphug I agree that the E -vet probably can't do much for him, so if he isn't in pain don't put him thru the stress. Getting him into your own vet tomorrow sounds the way to go.

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Guest RSD_Ranger

Hi Valerie, let me first say ... even if it is the c-word, it can still be ok. I thank God every day that we have our buddy living here at home with us. It could be much, much worse. So, please don't be scared to death. As you'll see from our ordeal, life is not terrible. It's different, but not terrible.


Even after all we have been through with the Range-man, one day (going to the e-vet) would not have changed a thing. In my non-medical opinion, I would say right now the best thing for all of you is a good night's sleep. I swear Ranger can pick up on our anxiety and it transfers to him.


Just go and love on your sweet Smiley. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind some super extra hugs and tummy scritches :P Please keep us posted on your vet visit tomorrow! I will be checking in and really hoping for an "it's nothing" post from you :) Sending you all lots of good mojo!!!

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Guest GreytMuse

No advice here, either, but hugs for you both. :grouphug I know the awful feeling of waiting to see a vet, and all of the bad thoughts that go swirling through our heads...try to stay positive and we'll all keep sending our good thoughts and prayers your way. Please update us when you can.

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Guest tennesseegrey

Unfortunately I have lots of experience with this as well. I would definitely take Smiley to the vet to get x-rays and rule out the c-word. I've had 2 greys with Osteosarcoma and it's no picnic, but with proper diagnosis, treatment, possible surgery, life gets back to normal quicker than you think and the hound is happy again. I'll be happy to share my experiences and/or any advice.


In the mean time, prayers are sent your way that nothing serious is found.

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

Hi - Spencer had something quite similar and he ended up on Prednisone for a short time and I take him in for acupuncture every 2 weeks which helps enormously. I have resigned myself to the fact that Spencer will always have the hind quarter weakness. His is due to something with the spine - could be any number of things but I don't have 3k to get him an MRI to diagnose for certain.


Here is the name and phone of the vet that does acupuncture. I couldn't find any others but I really like this gal!


Dr. Desiree Garthe - 602-996-3540


Edited to add that Spencer got x-rays that didn't show anything.

Edited by Spencers_Greyt
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Guest loveagrey

This sounds suspiciously like what our Sheppard had. She was diagnosed with Progressive/Degenerative Myeloma. Not a happy disease. Hoping for the best for Smiley.

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Guest greyscot

I really, really hope your Smiley is okay. I was not even sure if I should share my experience with you but I think it is probably better if you have a range of experiences that you can draw on when you talk to your vet. A similar thing happened to my dog Chief - he did not have any lumps though. One New Years Eve he started whining (not badly so we thought he had a muscle spasm) which then progressed RAPIDLY (48 hours) to hind end weakness. Unfortunately in Chiefs case it turned out to be a tumour of the spinal cord so there was nothing we could do. I truly hope this is not the case for Smiley but I would go to the vet as soon as possible and get this investigated. Best wishes for a successful vet visit. :grouphug

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Sending :bighug to you and Smiley first, because the ordeal of waiting to get to the vet is still fresh in my mind, as well.


Mango developed a limp that turned out to be cancer, and while she was recuperating, Takoda went down in his back end. I second what Ranger's mom said about osteo treatment - once Mango was on the mend, it was good, just in a different way.


Takoda's problem couldn't be diagnosed with xrays, and I don't have the $$ for an MRI right now, either. He's being treated with pred, and is getting slowly more steady.


I agree with all that waiting until you can see your regular vet is not going to make much difference, but I would get to the vet as soon as you can.


And, last but not least, don't hesitate to PM me, even if just to talk. I'm not an expert, but I can share what I've learned from my own hounds.


Sending good thoughts Smiley's way, hoping that it's not any of the terrible things!

Edited by mangos_mom

Kate, with Nedra and Holly
Missing Greyhound Angels Mango, Takoda, Ruger, Delta, and Shiloh, kitty Angel Hoot, cat-tester extraordinaire, and Rocky, the stray cat who came to stay for a little while and then moved on.
Greyhounds Unlimited

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Guest bigorangedog

Our boy Tanner (13-y-o) has lumbosacral stenosis, and his episodes have sudden onset like this. Something causes inflammation around his spine, and the nerves get even more pinched. Could be this. (You still want x-rays to rule out something worse).


Tanner had Depo-Medrol injections a week ago, and they have definitely helped. Not perfect, but a lot better. Look for Dr Stack's article on Lumbosacral Stenosis and see if this sounds like it might be your boy.


Also -- one of our adopters had a similar episode with their dog about a month ago. Fine one minute, went to sleep on his bed, a couple hrs later absolutely could not stand on his back legs. It was not lumbosacral stenosis, but it was an inflammation around a disc in his spine. He was on prednisone for a couple weeks, and was good as new. That dog is only 2 yrs old. Who knows what caused it.


Hoping it is something manageable for you, and he is better soon!


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Look the dog over for ticks. Look in every nook and cranny: between toes (top and bottom), armpits, groin, under the tail, ears, under collars, etc, etc. Tick paralysis comes on pretty quickly, but once the offending tick(s) is/are removed, it resolves just as quickly.


A vet visit is certainly warranted, whether or not you find ticks.



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Thanks for all the responses! I got maybe 2 hours of sleep last night and headed to work thinking it may be the last time i saw my best buddy.

DH and I had already talked and if was the C word, amputation of a hing leg on dog pushing 11 y/o with arthritis in both hind legs wasn't a realistic idea.

Happliy the x-rays were clear on both hind legs and spine :) The vet thinks he somehow got knocked over or bumped into something the wrong way so there's inflamation in the spine. Dumbed down for my education It means apparently he can't really feel one of his back legs at the moment. He's been put on Predisone 2x's a day for 5 days and then once a day for another 10.

We were also given the number to a neurologist if he doesn't show improvement in a few days, I am somewhat amazed she didn't push a MRI


Thanks for the number I'm going to give him a few days to see how things go but acupuncture is something that did cross my mind once i found out what the issue appeared to be.


I'm going t look up Dr. Stack's work. while LS was not mentioned by the vet, would that be something that would show on an X-ray or do you need a MRI for that?

Once again thanks everyone!


Proud Mommy of retired racing greyhound Bud Delite (Sammy) Percy Weasley and my angel TLP Shootingstar (Smiley)

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Guest bigorangedog

I'm going t look up Dr. Stack's work. while LS was not mentioned by the vet, would that be something that would show on an X-ray or do you need a MRI for that?

Once again thanks everyone!


You don't need an x-ray or MRI....There's a palpation test for it (you'll see it in Dr Stack's article, basically the vet pushes on a certain place on the spine, and the dog's back legs give out). A lot of vets won't know about the Depo-Medrol shots either, so you can print out the article and bring along with you. My vet has had greyhounds herself for years, but had never given the shots until she gave them to my guy last Monday!



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That's good news! When I first saw your post, I thought "uh-oh...sounds like Lewis". Give that boy a big hug!


Blair, Stella (DND Heather), Lizzie (M's Deadra), Hitch (Hallo Dominant) and House (Mac's Dr. House)

Missing my handsome men Lewis (Vs Lowrider) - 11/11/01 - 3/11/09, Kevin (Dakota's Hi Five) - 1/1/06 - 4/18/11 and my cat, Sparkle Baby - ??/??/96 - 4/23/11

"The gift which I am sending you is called a dog, and is, in fact, the most precious and valuable possession of mankind." (Theodorus Gaza)

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Good news!


That's pretty much the treatment Takoda is going through right now - a course of pred. He was also given a shot of steroid the day it happened. I've got just two more doses of the pred and then we're through the treatment.


Don't be dismayed if his mobility doesn't fully return right away. Takoda's progress has been slow, but steady. Little baby steps, literally. But tonight, 17 days after it started, he's finally able to jump up on the bed by himself and is trotting through the house when he wants something.


Good thoughts coming your way for a quick and complete recovery for Smiley!

Kate, with Nedra and Holly
Missing Greyhound Angels Mango, Takoda, Ruger, Delta, and Shiloh, kitty Angel Hoot, cat-tester extraordinaire, and Rocky, the stray cat who came to stay for a little while and then moved on.
Greyhounds Unlimited

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glad to hear it wasn't "C"! Sugar developed severe back end weakness, seeming overnight at almost 12. She'd had arthritis for a few years, too. It was a spinal problem, not LS, but the symptoms were similar. She had a course of pred, and we upped, then later changed, her pain meds. She got better, then had a relapse, same treatment. What ultimately helped get her back to normal was acupuncture. I can't recommend it enough! I used at different Dr that Spencer's mom, I can give you her number if you need it (she's at 27th Ave & Glendale) :bighug Smiley

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Guest LokisMom
Thanks for all the responses! I got maybe 2 hours of sleep last night and headed to work thinking it may be the last time i saw my best buddy.

DH and I had already talked and if was the C word, amputation of a hing leg on dog pushing 11 y/o with arthritis in both hind legs wasn't a realistic idea.

Happliy the x-rays were clear on both hind legs and spine :) The vet thinks he somehow got knocked over or bumped into something the wrong way so there's inflamation in the spine. Dumbed down for my education It means apparently he can't really feel one of his back legs at the moment. He's been put on Predisone 2x's a day for 5 days and then once a day for another 10.

We were also given the number to a neurologist if he doesn't show improvement in a few days, I am somewhat amazed she didn't push a MRI


Thanks for the number I'm going to give him a few days to see how things go but acupuncture is something that did cross my mind once i found out what the issue appeared to be.


I'm going t look up Dr. Stack's work. while LS was not mentioned by the vet, would that be something that would show on an X-ray or do you need a MRI for that?

Once again thanks everyone!


May I suggest seeing a homeopathic vet before going for an MRI. Our foster dog Clark went completely paralyzed in his back end one Thursday morning. We went to the e-vet, they gave him a shot for the pain. We went to our regular vet who said there was nothing that could be done (after taking lots of X-rays) but we should see a neurologist and/or get and MRI. Both of these were too expensive for his adoption group and for us. We had a few very bad moments thinking we would not be able to save him...or that his life wouldn't be worth living even if we could save him. It was absolutely awful I am starting to cry a a little just thinking about it.


Either way, we went all weekend like that, took him to a homeopathic vet who does acupuncture and chiropractic medicine on Monday evening and the vet felt his spine, did one quick adjustment and he is literally as good as new. It was like a complete miracle and without all the expensive tests and... I am positive regular vet medicine would have had Clark undergo surgery or worse. It is always good to get a second opinion and it doesn't hurt to try an alternative method. It sure worked for us.


As a side note, Clark is no longer a foster dog. He found his forever home with us.


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I have had 3 greyhounds and all three have gone to chiropractic vets. I highly recommend this if there is one around your area. I used to go to a wonderful one in Wisconsin and he saw many greyhounds. He said so many have issues from their racing years and the adjustments kept our first greyhound going strong under he was 11 yrs old and died from undiagnosed cancer. Currently we have 2 - one nearly 12 years old and one 10 yrs old. The oldest one has issues often and after an adjustment he's just fine. He is a crazy dog and is always slipping, falling, running into things, etc. He has run full speed into a fence and a tree - chasing rabbits in our yard. He is always back to normal after an adjustment and some homeopathic anti-inflammatory. We have since moved to Ohio and I haven't found one nearby, will continue to look to keep my 'boys' going strong as long as possible.

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