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Natural Remedies For Seizures?

Guest snakes

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my boys seizures are becoming a bit more frequent. I don't know if we are just in a 'seizure week' or if it is a sign that the frequency is increasing, only time will tell.

However, i am considering any natural remedies for the seizures, anybody tried any?


I have heard of milk thistle....

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Guest EmilyAnne

Milk thistle is to prevent liver disease caused by a seizure med- Phenobarbital.


I would try chiropractic and acupuncture if you are able afford it. (I wanted to try accupuncture, could not afford it) Chiropractic tends to cause epilepsy to get worse before it gets better, so this is something I would only do EARLY on. Not later.


Homecooked is something else you can try. You can see my recipe in sidebar of my blog. (Link is in siggy)


I do homecooked plus Phenobarbital.


What has your boy's seizure history been for the past few months?





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Guest VanillaBean

Right now we are trying DMG and Spascupreel. You will have to Google DMG, my DF knows more about that! Spascupreel is made by Heel and you can google that too. We are using it for an iggie that has about 2 observed seizures a year. Good luck!

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thanks everyone. I will look up information on all the suggested remedies. Luckily my vet and his partner are strong believers in natural remedies and educated and practice in their office.


My boy just started having seizures last august and they have been spotty since. Two to start, then one here and there since, but recently it was one a week ago that may have been two together (obviously worse), then one yesterday and one today.

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