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Mango Has Joined The Club...

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Guest EmbersDad
We are going through this right now with our Maggie-Mae and I would recommend that if you are going to have the amputation then do the chemo! With us, there was no question that if amputation was done, then chemo would follow. Amputation is a way to control the pain, bone cancer is extremely painful, and chemo is what keeps the cancer from spreading so quickly. If the lung x-rays are clear, that just means that it has not spread yet, even though it is already in their body and it can also mean that the lesions are too small to detect. With amputation and chemo the average survival time is 1 year and I think it's only 6 months or less with amputation only.


Contact Dr. Couto and it may very well be that the chemo drug would be free or at least a discounted price!


Sending you my prayers.


Just wanted to add that if you are afraid to do chemo because of the side effects...it's NOT that same as in humans and Dr. Couto can tell you all about that! The biggest problem is stomach upset and there are ways to deal with that. Maggie-Mae is taking a drug for her tummy and it's really helping. If your hound should have tummy problems then the Carboplatin would probably be recommended for chemo. I encourage you to do the chemo, otherwise, the amputation is almost a wasted effort :( except that you have removed the source of pain.


I hope I helped out a little bit :blush



i agree with suzi. ember is handling chemo pretty well. it does make her a bit lazier than usual for about 6 days, and her appetite is off for that period too. lucky for me, mcdonalds and ensure have been working during that time. she is a real trooper and has managed to gain 2.6 pounds since chemo started. OSU will supply the drugs, your doc just has to ask for them. feel free to PM me if you have any other questions. Robin will also chime in once she reads this thread.

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Guest MorganKonaAlex

I'm sorry to hear about Mango. I've been through osteo with 2 of my greys. I would recommend you speaking with a Vet Oncologist as they tend to have more uptodate information than general practice Vets. The median survival quoted to me was:

- 2 months with no amputation or chemo

- 5 months with amputation alone

- 12-14 months with amputation and chemo

With Morgan, he stated limping on a Friday night and his leg broke Sunday morning when he landed at the base of the stairs. That's how we found out he had osteo. He was amputated and had 4 rounds of carboplatin. That was 1/06 and he's still with us.

Alex was diagnosed in Dec. of the same year after continued limping. We tried amputation and chemo for him too. We found lung mets after the 3rd chemo and had to let him go shortly afterwards.


If Mango is a retired racer, he may qualify for free chemo from OSU.

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I'm so sorry that you and Mango have gotten this horrible diagnosis. This is a club that we all wish would never have any new members! But please know that you are doing the right thing for Mango. You do know her best, and whatever decision you make is made out of love. I do agree that amp and chemo seems to be the treatment that gives the best results. That said, Winnie was one of the minorities, I guess, because she had over 3 years without the chemo. We did a high protein, low carb diet, gave her the artemisinin, and immune system boosters like fish oil and pycnogenol. Her lungs were clear when we did the surgery. We actually lost her to kidney failure, not the osteo. But...cancer is a crapshoot. You do what you can, and hope for the best. Sometimes it's enough, sometimes it brings more time than we ever expected, and sometimes we don't get nearly enough time. I would say to do what your heart tells you.

I hope you can bring Mango home soon. When was the surgery? Have you seen her yet? I was so afraid I'd freak out to see Winnie without her leg, but she was not interested in what I thought. She wanted to come home! They had kept her for several days after the amp because of the stair situation at our home (23 outside steps to get in). But she was up and anxious to go out the next day. It was a month before she managed our steps, though. We set up our tenant's Florida room for her, and she was content there. Slippery floors were her nemesis. The more rugs you have, the better! Try to get some rest before she does come home---you will need it. I think everyone will agreee that it may get worse before it gets better, but expect that there will be ups and downs, and try not to get too upset. Just come here when you need to vent or ask questions (CoG too). Lots of knowledge and support. And prayers!

Please let us know how you both are doing.

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Catsburgandhoundtown

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Thank you, everyone for your advice. I had pretty much decided to go the chemo route by this aftermoon, having read some more today when I had time. I have read everything I can find on OSU's site about greyhounds and cancer, and then some. I've sent an email off to Dr Couto asking his advice, and I've submitted my request for membership to CoG. I also took some comfort from the stories on the Hope for Hounds site, and had Mango's Hope for Hounds collar ready for her to wear home.


Alas, she's not home yet. We've had a setback - I'll post a new topic for it in a minute.

Kate, with Nedra and Holly
Missing Greyhound Angels Mango, Takoda, Ruger, Delta, and Shiloh, kitty Angel Hoot, cat-tester extraordinaire, and Rocky, the stray cat who came to stay for a little while and then moved on.
Greyhounds Unlimited

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Guest ChasesMum

If you can swing the financial and the logistics of chemo, go for it. If not then enjoy every day with your baby!


We couldnt do chemo. Financially we just couldnt do it, and logistically... I had a not yet 2 year old, it was the start of winter in freezing cold northern Canada, and we were going to Mexico (for free!) for a week a couple months later, and we were trying to get pregnant again... we just couldnt.


My MIL was going through breast cancer treatments and chemo at the same time, she had her mastectomy and almost died while we were in Mexico... so we felt that we couldnt just let him go. Amputation alone or immediate euthanasia were our only valid options unfortunatley as he was in so much pain and was maxing out the pain meds.

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Guest greytloves

Oh sh*t. I just went searching to see why Mango had a setback and found this.




I am so sorry. OS sucks. Been there, done that.


My advice is outdated as they have made such tremendous progress with the treatment plans since my Jo had it. I would just say keep her eating and keep her pain free. Chemo, amputations all that I did not get to do, but I would in a heartbeat if I thought it would help and the folks out here have so many experiences with OS and they are so generous to share them, the good the bad and the ugly.


Hope to see a happy Mango at our next GU event.



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