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Possible Canine Removal....

Guest Lovey_Hounds

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Guest Lovey_Hounds

so our boy Vegas has had a broken Canine tooth since we adopted him (top left). we were just keeping an eye on him too see what would happen with it... it maybe ok or it might get sore.

WELL..... it looks rotten! :angry: i brush his teeth and he gets bones very often there is a bad small in his mouth and it looks way worse than it did a few months ago.

I have heard that removing a tooth in that location (upper left) can cause a lot of issues, he is only 5 and i dont want him to be in pain but i dont want to mess up his bite. Any advice??????

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I have no experience with broken teeth, let alone canine's. But I do have experience sending prayers and good thoughts for Vegas! Sounds like he should be seen by the Vet before it becomes a real problem.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Chloe had a fractured upper canine when we adopted her. It abcessed 2 months later - turned black and was removed.


If you didn't examine her mouth, you would never know it was gone. She wasn't even 3 at the time.


Dogs don't need teeth. Polli had 17 removed when we first got her. There are many dogs who have had many more extracted and do just fine.


If he is in pain or there is a chance of infection, your best bet is to do it sooner, rather than later.





ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Guest Lovey_Hounds
Chloe had a fractured upper canine when we adopted her. It abcessed 2 months later - turned black and was removed.


If you didn't examine her mouth, you would never know it was gone. She wasn't even 3 at the time.


Dogs don't need teeth. Polli had 17 removed when we first got her. There are many dogs who have had many more extracted and do just fine.


If he is in pain or there is a chance of infection, your best bet is to do it sooner, rather than later.


I heard that it can cause issues with chewing and the upper jaw alignment..... i am going to get it checked ASAP.


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Nope, no problems here on either of my girls.


Chloe had a fractured upper canine when we adopted her. It abcessed 2 months later - turned black and was removed.


If you didn't examine her mouth, you would never know it was gone. She wasn't even 3 at the time.


Dogs don't need teeth. Polli had 17 removed when we first got her. There are many dogs who have had many more extracted and do just fine.


If he is in pain or there is a chance of infection, your best bet is to do it sooner, rather than later.


I heard that it can cause issues with chewing and the upper jaw alignment..... i am going to get it checked ASAP.


Most dogs don't chew.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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I've known several with missing canine teeth. No issues, except they're a PITA for the vet to remove... there's as much length of tooth below the gumline as what you can see.



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Guest Jennifer4719

Xena just had her right lower canine removed. It was broken when I adopted her and it was looking bad when she went in for her dental. She doesn't miss it at all and you can't tell it is missing when you look at her.

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Guest RocketDog

I have interacted with several greys that have missing upper canines, and none of them seemed to have suffered due to their lack of teeth. Yucky teeth can cause more serious health problems than just bad breath, so if it were my dog I'd get that tooth taken out ASAP.

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Joe has not had either of his upper canines for the past year. If you weren't looking for them, you would never know. it took him about a week to get 100% of his "how do I grip this toy!?" back but other than that, it's been totally smooth sailing for him. As for age, he turned 6 in April.

Forever in my Heart Joe T Greyhound, Charly Bear, Angel Daisy, and Katze & Buzz Kitty.


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Guest FullMetalFrank

I know some veterinary dentists will do a root canal/crown on broken canines (or so I have heard) but I would imagine it would be pretty expensive, so it might be better just to get it pulled before it becomes an issue, or just have the vet keep an eye on it.

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Guest KennelMom

Dogs can live just fine without a canine tooth. Heck, we've had two toothless dogs and they never seemed to skip a beat. Another lost one of his upper canines and absolutely no ill effects. The canines are HUGE. I think the primary concern with them is the possiblility of breaking the jaw when the tooth is removed, but that's moreso with the bottom canines than the top. As mentioned above, you can always ask about a root canal.


I've had cavities and tooth aches and they HURT! Teeth issues need to be examined ASAP.

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My Diamond had most of her teeth broken. She chewed her crate at the track. She lost 23 teeth during her dental a few years back and lost 3 of the 4 canines. She's fine without them. Her lower jaw is sliming down a little with so few teeth left, but the vet said not to worry. The bone is still strong.


She has no problem eating or doing anything else.


However.........Pearl had an abscessed tooth that went undiagnosed for months. (misdiagnosed). That infection lead to kidney disease which lead to uncontrolled hypertension. She's had plenty of problems from that bad tooth.


Get the tooth removed.




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Guest Lovey_Hounds
My Diamond had most of her teeth broken. She chewed her crate at the track. She lost 23 teeth during her dental a few years back and lost 3 of the 4 canines. She's fine without them. Her lower jaw is sliming down a little with so few teeth left, but the vet said not to worry. The bone is still strong.


She has no problem eating or doing anything else.


However.........Pearl had an abscessed tooth that went undiagnosed for months. (misdiagnosed). That infection lead to kidney disease which lead to uncontrolled hypertension. She's had plenty of problems from that bad tooth.


Get the tooth removed.


i was told he used to chew his kennel at the track... he also chews the chain link in the dog run here. at his foster home he chewed up all of their lawn decorations, he has eaten my t.v remote too. he is a bad chewer thats why he gets bones all the time here, i am just looking to remove the tooth and not have to go through the chance it might get infected. he actually chews his food too which is strange so he is going to have to get used to living with out it.....lol

maybe my t.v remote might be safe again!

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Guest crazy4greys

My girl Skylar is toothless. She eats just fine :P


If you are going to have it taken out, I would ask your vet about starting Clavamox 5-7 days in advance. It will help reduce the bleeding that you can get with canines being removed.

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Guest BigPercyInMa

Both of Percy's lower ones are broken. Our vet told us to leave them alone if they're not a problem. Well, it's now 4 years later and he hasn't had problems with them, yet.

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Guest Lovey_Hounds

so we had everything checked up...... the vet told us that they will need to removed one day, but not right now. as icky as it all looks it isnt bothering him.... the tooth is dark yellow and brown! eeewww! and he is a smiler!

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