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Sonie - Please Send Prayers

Guest HersheysMom

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Guest HersheysMom

Thanks everyone! We're back with some good news. Well, first of all, even though her limp got progressively worse to a scary point yesterday, it seemed to have miraculously disappeared this morning when we got ready to go to the vets. But, we went anyway. Star, who had Osteo in her shoulder, had a limp that came and went for a while in it's early stages and I just couldn't get that out of my head. So off we went and they did a through manipulation of the front legs (both, as my husband and I were arguning over which side it was :rolleyes: ), and I told the vet I wanted to really concentrate on the shoulder area, which she did, as well as all up & down, between the toes, etc. No response. We know she's not as stoic as my previous two - she will yelp and has yelped for the vet before - so seeing the hard manipulation they did on her shoulder and no response has satisfied me for now. No xrays, we will watch it. She's still getting two weeks of Artemisinin as two of the doctors on the Arte board okayed this. So that part is just me being overly cautious.


One scary thing - the vet did a full exam, which included taking her temp, which was 103.1 :eek I know that's not terrible, but it is high. She was shaking quite a bit, so that probably caused that. We were told to take it again at home, and it came up 101 even. So that crisis is over.


Thanks everyone for their good wishes for Sonie!

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Thank goodness for some good news! Keep us posted on your sweetie!


Cindy with Miss Fancypants, Paris Bueller, Zeke, and Angus 
Dante (Dg's Boyd), Zoe (In a While), Brady (Devilish Effect), Goose (BG Shotgun), Maverick (BG ShoMe), Maggie (All Trades Jax), Sherman (LNB Herman Bad) and Indy (BYB whippet) forever in my heart
The flame that burns the brightest, burns the fastest and leaves the biggest shadow

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Good news! Sending more prayers for good measure! :wub::grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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I think I'll go and do back flips! :pinkele:yay:clap:confetti:bounce1 Please, please PLEASE let this be the end of it for Sonie!

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest Ladyluther



I just saw this thread today..so glad that Sonie has the all clear. What a scare tho.


Please give her extra smooches from us


Martha and Luther

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