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Kidney Shutting Down


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Maggie peed in the house 3 times in the last week , she has never peed in the house , she is 10 now so we took a sample of urine in and found her kidney shutting down , so we got pills and special food that she has to be on forever , any experience with this problem , how long will she live like this.

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I've noticed several greyhounds with kidney issues. Is this perhaps somehow related to their extended periods of holding when they were at the track?


I hope Maggie can recover. My thoughts are with you and her.

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Misty has had kidney disease for 3 years. She's on the KD and also Enalapril


Thats what our vet put her on.



I've noticed several greyhounds with kidney issues. Is this perhaps somehow related to their extended periods of holding when they were at the track?


I hope Maggie can recover. My thoughts are with you and her.


We have had her 8 years she goes out every 4 hrs , just like at the track.

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I'm wondering about Martin....He's had several accidents this week. :( We are bringing in a urine sample tomorrow AM and we have an appointment with the vet on Saturday. Hoping it's just UTI but what diagnostics are needed for the vet to diagnose kidney disease?



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Alan has kidney disease - protein losing nephropathy or glomerular nephritis - it is called. He is on a few medicines and supplements and KD kibble and some home cooked food. He also has hypertension - hence some of the meds. He was diagnosed June 2006 - it's a progressive disease but he's doing ok with it. Good luck and watch the diet for Maggie.

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Guest greyvettech

Her prognosis depends on what her kidney values were...You can tell this by running blood work or specific gravity of the urine.....K/D diet helps a lot....Ask your vet about Azodyl- a supplement for the kidneys...I have heard/ and seen first hand the benefits of this medication....Be strickt with the diet and give medication/supplements as directed and she could live longer than you think....like I said it all depends what stage she is in.. We usually rec repeating blood work every month..This will give you an idea as to how her kidneys are doing over time.

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I'm sorry to hear about the diagnosis for Maggie. I don't think greyhounds get kidney disease more than other breeds. I think the most common life-threatening problems in dogs are cancer, heart disease, liver disease, and kidney disease. Those are just the problem areas.


Jazz & I battled her kidney disease for 11 months, and her kidneys are not why I had to put her down. I recommend joining the K9KidneyDiet yahoo group. It helped me immensely and I'm convinced it added months to Jazz's life. I might not have needed to be so aggressive (maybe she didn't really need the subQ fluids so soon) but it's just hard to say.


How long Maggie could live with this disease depends on how advanced she is and how well it's managed. A low phosphorus diet helps the kidneys to work better. So does maintaining normal blood pressure and eventually, perhaps giving subcutaneous fluids. Jazz's bloodwork in September 2008 was essentially the same as her bloodwork in November 2007, after feeding her a special diet and giving her subcutaneous fluids for 10 months. I was pretty aggressive with her treatment.


From what I know, urine specific gravity drops once the kidneys lose 60% function and blood levels rise once they lose 75%function. It sounds scary, but if managed, dogs can actually live for years on that last 25%.


If your dog is on any NSAIDs (Rimadyl, Deramaxx, Metacam) you should stop giving those.

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We think this is good news , today a friend of ours came over he is a EMT and his wife is a nurse , so he has all the stuff to test our girl yesterday at the vet her gravity was1.o30 today it is 1.010---yesterday her PH was9.0 and today its 7.5 so he says she tests ok , so we will feed her the special diet and pills and return to the vet in about a month and have him re-test her , so for now we can quit worrying.

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Are you checking a concentrated urine sample, first thing in the morning after no water for several hours? 1.03 is a decent reading for concentrated urine sample, but 1.01 is low.

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You may be able to get some help, more info on feeding here.



Willow( Hi Tech Popandgo ) CGC #31965 Calico Salad x MayPop 8-9-93/9-24-07 Austin( Nodak Austin ) #55202 Chrisse's Twelve x Lotsa Liz 2-25-96/2-15-05 Matt( Kelsos Metaphor ) #90695 Oswald Cobblepot x Kelso's Movita 8-10-00/2-28-14 Buddy (Aljo Class Act) #78137 Action By Design x Miss Classy 12-8-98/8-29-09 Sonny (Onaim Excalibur)#97927 Flying Train x Rough Diamond 9-7-01/1-9-2016Hunter (SS Snow Roll) #35135 Craigie Whistler x Lightning Snow 10-4-2005/9-23-17 Leo (Yolo Empleo)#72060 4-13-18 Fiesta Paraguas x Mega Bien Hecho

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