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Iggys And Whippets

Guest Okie

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Hi, I'm new here.

We recently lost our beloved grey, Okie. He was the most gentle, kind grey I have ever met. In fact, I had said to my husband that if anything ever happened to him that I didn't think I'd want another b/c we'd compare the other...

Anyway, we also have an Iggy and a whippet. They are wonderful too. Our whippet, Jellybean (we didn't name her), is beside herself. She's definitely depressed. Thankfully we have our Iggy and we didn't have her as long for her to really know him and cling to him. However she is clinging to Jelly a lot.


Anyway, I wanted to keep in touch with the greyhound family and knew we'd find comfort in being able to find friends online with IG and whippets.




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Guest Mtidaddy

Sorry to hear about your Grey!!! but on the bright side I think you came to the right place. I am pretty new here myself and love it. I am fostering a Grey and have two Iggys myself (a male and female). SO WELCOME!!!! from OK

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Guest Patti604

So sorry you have lost your Okie. Grehounds are such sweet souls. Hello from Manitoba Canada . I have a Greyhound and a Whippet.Whippets are such lovebugs!!!

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Welcome from Maryland! We live in the Mont. Co. boonies. We currently have 2 greys and a whippet. Great combination!


Cindy with Miss Fancypants, Paris Bueller, Zeke, and Angus 
Dante (Dg's Boyd), Zoe (In a While), Brady (Devilish Effect), Goose (BG Shotgun), Maverick (BG ShoMe), Maggie (All Trades Jax), Sherman (LNB Herman Bad) and Indy (BYB whippet) forever in my heart
The flame that burns the brightest, burns the fastest and leaves the biggest shadow

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I am sorry for the loss of your grey. My first dog I ever got once I got my own place was an IG. When she died, we bought a whippet, who we absolutely adored and who passed away in July at age 11. Last yr, we got our first GH, and we have truly loved our greyhound. We hope to adopt a 2nd GH soon.


Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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I'm so sorry for your loss of Okie.


We have a greyhound and 2 whippets here. After we lost our first greyhound, it did take us awhile, but we adopted another and because they were so different in personality, I didn't find myself comparing the two. The same thing happened when we lost our first whippet. The two whippet girls we have now are totally different than Piper was, but I enjoy their personalities as much as I enjoyed his. :)

Paula & her pups--Paneer (WW Outlook Ladd), Kira & Rhett (the whippets)
Forever in my heart...Tinsel (Born's Bounder - 11/9/90-12/18/01), Piper, Chevy, Keno, Zuma, Little One, Phaelin & Winnie
Greyhound Adoption Center ~ So Cal rep for Whippet Rescue And Placement

For beautiful beaded collars, check out my Facebook page: The Swanky Hound

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